Chapter 272. 272. Soul Question
"Ryusuke, how are you and Asuka doing?"

Nami asked directly at this time, Ryusuke was taken aback for a moment, and then his face flushed red.

"What, what's wrong? Mom, did you misunderstand something?"

Ryusuke said hesitantly, that was too obvious.

You guys can't even tell a lie!
Yusuke and his father glanced at each other and walked up quickly, this place is not suitable to stay for a long time.

When Long Jie returned home, he was already sweating profusely, his hands and feet were shaking, and his face was flustered.

What kind of soul questioning is this accepting!

"Are you okay?" Yusuke asked worriedly, making him feel a little pitiful.

Only then did Long Jie come to his senses, shook his head, and asked after a while: "How does Mom know about me?"

"whats the matter?"

"I like things about Asuka" Ryusuke said softly.

When his mother said this directly, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to sneak in. This is really embarrassing!

Ryusuke thought he kept it a good secret, but he didn't expect that everyone in his family knew about it, but they didn't reveal it.

The Tao is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high!

Thinking that everyone was watching his performance quietly, Ryusuke couldn't bear the embarrassment immediately.

Yusuke was speechless, your reaction is so obvious, a fool can see that you are interested in the other party, where did you get the confidence!
"Fallen Angel, what do you think we should do?" Ryusuke looked at Yusuke expectantly.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Yusuke's answer made Ryusuke a little confused.

"Do you like Asuka?"


"Then your mother didn't object, isn't that a good thing?"

In fact, Nami did not stop Ryusuke's puppy love, which was beyond Yusuke's expectation, and there may be several reasons.

One reason is the trust in his own son, and the other reason is the trust in Asuka, who is Ryusuke's childhood sweetheart, who has grown up since childhood, and has a very trustworthy character.

However, Yusuke thinks the biggest reason is: Ryusuke is a boy, it's no problem for a boy to beat him several times, but if it's a girl, hehe, I can't see the shit coming out!What don't you learn well, learn from other people's puppy love!

After listening to Yusuke's words, Ryusuke realized it.

Yes, my mother has no objection, which is a good thing!
Age is the biggest obstacle between him and Asuka, but his mother has not objected. For him, this is the biggest gain. The biggest difficulty has been overcome, and he is getting closer to success. Ryusuke regained his confidence all of a sudden. .

Looking at the confident Ryusuke, Yusuke couldn't bear to break his fantasy.

My family has solved this level, but you haven’t solved Asuka’s level yet. Asuka just treats you like an ordinary child!
Looking at the hopeful Ryusuke, Yusuke could only silently offer his blessings.

After dismissing Ryusuke who was dreaming, Yusuke fed Xiaohe and them with food, and at the same time sent a message to ask Yui and the others about their situation.

Yui and the others also went out to play today.

Yusuke: Where are you going to play today?

Yui: Kiyomizu Temple, and Kinkakuji Temple
Yusuke: We were there today too
Yui: Such a coincidence, why didn't we meet you?

Rie: There are a lot of people there, so it shouldn't be easy to meet them.

Yui: That's right

Yusuke: That's right, I'm done with my work here, I can go out tomorrow

Yui: That's great!

Rie: Then where will we meet tomorrow?Or at Kyoto University?
Yusuke: yes

Rie: Then, do we need to buy some props first?

They only brought pets with them on this trip, and did not bring many props.

Yusuke: No, let’s keep it simple this time. Now that we’re in Kyoto, let’s take some pictures of Kyoto’s scenery.

Rie: It seems to be good
The three discussed some more things, and they didn't stop chatting until dinner time.

After dinner, Yusuke went back to his room to rest.

After a while, someone knocked on the door, Yusuke opened it, and standing outside was Ryusuke.

"Fallen Angel, the annual Demon Race Conference is coming!" Ryusuke said excitedly.

Yusuke rubbed his head, you guys were not worrying about Asuka just now, why did you get back to the state of the second disease?

Don't look for your Asuka, is it interesting to play these games with me?

Isn't it good to be a cash charger? What kind of secondary disease is playing!
"You didn't go to Asuka?" Yusuke asked, trying to distract him.

"My name is the Dark Dragon Flame Envoy. I walk alone in the dark, no one can accompany me, no one can follow my footsteps!"

Ryusuke said seriously, Yusuke was a little surprised.

"You got dumped?"

"Nonsense!" Ryusuke shouted angrily in an instant, "Asuka hasn't come home yet."

So come to me?
Yusuke was speechless, he didn't expect me to be a spare tire!
"A mere human woman, I don't pay attention to the dark dragon flame envoy, I give an order, one hundred thousand soldiers..."

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Ryusuke's phone ringing.

Long Jie picked up the phone with a look of surprise on his face.

In an instant, that arrogance and boundless temperament disappeared, and instantly turned into a soft-spoken little milk dog.


That soft voice made Yusuke feel chills.

This younger brother is probably useless!
"Are you sick? Why is your voice so weird?"

Asuka's voice came from the phone, and Yusuke who was standing next to him heard it.

This Asuka is still very normal!
Hearing Asuka's deadly rant, Ryusuke stopped his strange voice.

"Asuka, what's the matter?"

"Open the window, I'm going over"


Ryusuke walked over and opened the window, and the opposite was Asuka's room. She was standing by the window at this time, and when she saw Ryusuke opened the window, she climbed out of the room and came here soon.

"Asuka, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm going out again tonight, and I'm going to trouble you again"

"Didn't your motorcycle succeed?" Ryusuke asked strangely, "You still rode it out today?"

"Last night was the first test, today is fine-tuning, and we will test again tonight"

Ryusuke said worriedly: "It's very dangerous for a girl to be outside in the middle of the night."

"Do you think I'm the only one? We are the people of the whole community who are dispatched"

"How many people in your club?" Ryusuke asked at this time, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis, they must have a good relationship if they can go out together at night, and clubs are the places where romances are most likely to occur, Asuka looks so good She's pretty, and she's not by her side, so what if someone makes a move?
At this time, Ryusuke hated himself for being too young. If he was about the same age as Asuka, this situation would not have happened.

Asuka looked at him curiously, and based on her understanding of Ryusuke, she guessed what he was thinking in a few clicks, and smiled at this moment.

"The people in our club are all like-minded friends, and there are not so many messy relationships, so you can rest assured now!"

(End of this chapter)

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