Chapter 273 273. Dangerous

Long Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained in a panic: "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just..."

"Okay, I see." Asuka patted his shoulder.

"I have given you the opportunity, you can grasp it yourself, but you have to work hard. If there is a better man by then, I can't guarantee it."

Asuka smiled and said that her feelings for Ryusuke were a little strange, like a younger brother, but a little different, she said she liked him, but she couldn't reach this level.

Long Jie suddenly turned pale with shock, "Didn't we say that we would never change until death?"

Asuka couldn't help knocking him on the head and shouted angrily.

"When did I say that! Don't overdo it!"

The two fight and fight, and have no scruples in front of Yusuke.

This feeling is really good!
"Well, is your cat for sale?"

Asuka looked at Yusuke at this moment and asked expectantly.

Yusuke shook his head, "Not for sale!"

What is the matter with these people!Everyone wants my pets, Jiang Hui wants two squirrels, Asuka wants to buy Xiao Hei, these people are too self-righteous.

Asuka felt a little regretful, it was the first time she saw such a spiritual pet as Xiao Hei.

If you cooperate with her, it will be an invincible combination.

Black locomotive, black girl, black cat, this combination is invincible!

Forget it, go to the pet store and buy one, there should be cats like this.

Asuka and Ryusuke explained a few words, then climbed out the window, Ryusuke looked worried.

I just watched Asuka crawl out of the window flexibly, like a kitten, crawled to the ground in three or two strokes, and then quickly disappeared into the street.

"If you worry about her, you have to grow up and become a man quickly"

Yusuke said beside him, and Ryusuke nodded seriously.

"I will definitely be a man!"

"A man can't keep playing that game"

Ryusuke felt struck by lightning for a moment, and said hesitantly for a while.

"This, will it be too strict?"

"If you're a man, you have to be tough on yourself!" Yusuke said sternly, "As a man, you don't even have the determination, how can you say goodbye to your former self?"

Long Jie thought for a while, and finally nodded with a sad face.

Farewell, my battle!

I didn't expect that the day when I became famous as the Dark Dragon Flame Envoy would be the same day as when I retired. Life is not as I wish, nine out of ten.

Long Jie's face was filled with embarrassment.

Farewell, my youth...

Yusuke was very relieved that he finally saved a middle school boy!

Ryusuke went back to lament his life, while Yusuke continued to do his own thing.

At around eleven o'clock in the evening, Ryusuke ran over and knocked on the door again.

What's the matter!

Yusuke put down the materials in his hand, with a helpless expression on his face, he was working on related materials, when this guy came over, he interrupted his train of thought.

"Asuka didn't come back, so something must have happened to her?" Ryusuke said worriedly.

Yusuke looked at the time, "It's only after eleven o'clock at night."

"It's too late at eleven o'clock, it's dangerous for her to be outside as a girl"

"Last night, she came back after one o'clock in the middle of the night. The other party is a college student and will take care of herself. Don't worry about it."

"Oh, Asuka is practicing karate, so it should be fine, right?"

Long Jie said comfortingly, after a while, he hesitated again.

"What if she meets a master?"

"How can there be so many masters, and aren't they all together from the whole club?"


Ryusuke nodded, heaving a sigh of relief, but he became anxious again after a while.

"What if they encounter a group committing crimes?"

Yusuke sighed, too lazy to comfort him.

"Then what do you say?"

"Call the police!" Long Jie said seriously.

"Are you stupid?"

Yusuke looked at Ryusuke strangely, wondering if the younger brother was out of his mind.

You call the police, and your neighbor hasn’t come home after eleven o’clock in the evening, and then ask the police uncle to help you find someone. By the way, this person is still a college student.

I think you are sick!
"Then what do you think is a good way?"

"You just call her and ask her"

"By the way, there is another way" Long Jie suddenly realized.

Ryusuke quickly dialed Asuka's number, and after a while, the call was connected.

But it was a man who answered the phone.

In an instant, Ryusuke's eyes changed.

There was a man's voice on the other side of the phone, and there were many engine sounds around, and it sounded like they were on the road.

"Who are you? Where is Asuka?" Long Jie asked in a serious voice.

"Asuka? Are you..."

The man's voice was a little suspicious, when a woman's voice came from the phone.

"Achi, what are you doing with Asuka's phone?"

"Asuka's phone is ringing, I'll take it out and check it out"

"You bastard, this is Asuka's personal property!"

The woman yelled angrily, and then a strange voice came, and after a while, the woman's voice came from the phone.

"Sorry, just now Achi made his own decision"

The woman's voice came from the phone, full of vitality.

Long Jie's face was ugly, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who is Ah Chi?"

Someone came to poach his corner!

Even Yusuke looked over, the development of this matter is a bit bloody!
"Are you Asuka's younger brother?"

younger brother?

Ryusuke was a little puzzled, and the woman on the phone continued:
"Asuka's phone said: The younger brother of the neighbor's family should be you."

Long Jie sighed, so he was just a younger brother, but now is not the time to care about this issue.

"Where is Asuka? Why are you answering the phone, where is Asuka? Nothing will happen to Asuka, right?"

"Do not worry"

The woman's voice came with a smile, "Asuka is fine, she is just debugging the machine, the things are put here first, and I will be back in a while, I heard Asuka said that there is a brother who cares about her very much, it should be you."

Long Jie frowned, why everyone called him younger brother, is age really his biggest disadvantage?

"I'm Asuka's future boyfriend!" Ryusuke said seriously.

But this serious tone made the woman on the phone laugh out loud, and even Yusuke shook his head secretly, your words are too childish!
Ryusuke hummed angrily, and the woman stopped laughing.

"Okay, future boyfriend, what do you want with Asuka?"

"Why is Asuka so late and hasn't come back yet? What are you guys doing?"

"We are doing club activities"

"What club activities?"

"We are debugging the locomotive"

Long Jie was a little speechless, this guy seemed to be joking about him.

After a while, a voice came from the phone, it was Asuka's voice.

"Yuanxiang, who are you chatting with?"

"With your future boyfriend," Yuan Xiang said with a smile, and soon there was a rush of voices.

"Why are you flipping through my phone casually?"

"It's not me, it's Chi"

"Don't blame me!" A man's voice came, "Your mobile phone rang suddenly, I picked it up curiously, and then accidentally connected it"

"You think I'll believe that?"

"I'm so sad, don't tell me you can't trust my character so much"

"I remember, Achi, Asuka is your favorite." Another girl's voice came, and Ryusuke was shocked.

Asuka is in danger!

(End of this chapter)

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