Chapter 275 275. Confluence
Asuka looked very excited. This victory is the greatest recognition for them, which shows that their motorcycle is very successful.

Ryusuke was very nervous when he heard the bikers appeared, and clenched his fists when the two sides clashed. He was relieved when he heard that Asuka and the others won in the end, and he was also a little excited at this time.

Only Yusuke who was next to him shook his head, there will be endless troubles!
Looking at the excited two people, he couldn't help saying: "You guys can't do it like this!"

The laughter of the two stopped, turned their heads, and looked at Yusuke with a puzzled expression. Yusuke explained: "Although you won, have you ever thought about what will happen if they continue to trouble you?"

"Then try again!"

Asuka said excitedly, "We've won!"

"And then?" Yusuke's tone was very calm, "Either you participated in the competition and were assimilated by them, or you rejected the other party, and the other party became angry and retaliated afterwards. These two results, but for you, this is not the same. not a good thing”

Asuka was stunned for a moment, and it took a while to react, and said, "Then let's make things clear!"

"I can't tell!" Yusuke sighed, and continued: "For them, losing face is very embarrassing, and embarrassing is a big deal. They must get the place back, even if you refuse, it's useless. You are escaping, you are looking down on them, they will retaliate afterwards, they will keep pestering you until you agree, until they win"

"However, the matter has not been completely resolved after they won. They already know you, they already know who you are, and what your locomotive looks like. The locomotive you are researching must be on the road. Then he will Say hello to you, will you respond?"

"If you don't respond, do you look down on me? Then you will cause trouble again"

"Responded, it shows that you agree with their thoughts, they regard you as one of their own, do you want to mix with them?"

"It's a vicious circle, these people are like shit, it's disgusting to stick to"

The two were startled by Yusuke's analysis, and after a moment of stunned, Ryusuke said worriedly: "It shouldn't be like this." Asuka also hesitated and doubted.

"I'm talking about the worst case scenario," Yusuke said calmly, "It might happen, or it might not happen, but we can't bet our future on all of this."

Asuka was thoughtful, while Ryusuke turned pale with fright, Yusuke continued: "Then what will you do then?"

"Call the police! Let's call the police!" Long Jie said in a panic.

Asuka patted his head, "Calm down, this is just a guess, it hasn't happened yet, how can you make such a big deal!"

Hearing Asuka's words, Ryusuke calmed down. Asuka was right, things might not happen, and he acted too hastily.

"What you said makes sense, but it's extreme." Asuka looked at Yusuke and said seriously, "And I think this kind of thinking is too pessimistic."

Yusuke nodded and said: "I admit that what I said was a little extreme, but there is no guarantee that this kind of thing will not happen. We must consider the consequences before doing anything, and think twice before doing anything."

"Then according to what you said, if you were the person involved, what would you do?"

Hearing Asuka's words, Ryusuke also looked over curiously.

"If it were me, the first point is to ensure the safety of the club members first. If nothing happens, I will choose to run away. If it is unavoidable, I will also choose to compete, but I lost to him."

"Why?" Long Jie asked.

"Because it's meaningless, is winning to prove that you are better than him? Or is it to arouse his temper? Losing may just be ridiculed by the other party for a while, but you also ensure your own safety. Most importantly, don't forget , we are also breaking the law, the other party is a piece of mud, we are much better than them, do you have a sense of superiority when you compare with shit?"

Yusuke's answer sounded very realistic and practical, but the two of them always felt uncomfortable and aggrieved.

Asuka curled her lips, "You acted like a coward!"

Yusuke shrugged and didn't answer anything, the two had different ideas.

Seeing that something was wrong with Asuka's face, Ryusuke stood up to smooth things over.

"Asuka, you should go back too, it's so late, it's time to go back and rest"

Asuka nodded, glanced at Yusuke, and went back to her room.

Seeing Asuka return to his room, Ryusuke heaved a sigh of relief.

"Well, I'm sorry, Yusuke"

Ryusuke said apologetically, Yusuke shook his head.

"I'm not sorry, it's just that our ideas are different, but Ryusuke, you have to grow up quickly!"

Yusuke patted Ryusuke on the shoulder.

Since you like others, you must take responsibility for others!

Ryusuke nodded, and went back to the room full of worries, and Yusuke could finally rest.

The next day, Yusuke said hello to his family, took Xiao Hei and they went out.

Today is the day when I met Yui and the others, and the place where the three of them met was at Fushimi Inari Shrine.

This is a popular scenic spot in Kyoto. When Yusuke came here, there were many tourists and a large number of people on site.

But it is also very easy to find Yui and the others, because it is too obvious that they have 5 kittens.

From a distance, Yusuke saw the two standing there, Yuyi was holding a small red flag in his hand, and 5 kittens were walking leisurely around them. From time to time, tourists wanted to come and pet them, but they were all rejected. They dodge.

The 5 kittens were the first to discover Yusuke's existence and ran towards him. Yui and Rie discovered Yusuke, smiled and waved their hands. Under the sun, their smiling faces were incomparably brilliant.

Five cats circled around Yusuke, and Xiao Hei stood on Yusuke's shoulders. All of a sudden, Yusuke was surrounded by animals. The strange sight surprised passers-by, and many children were curious. Watching this scene.

Yusuke walked over with a smile, followed by the animals, like soldiers, all of a sudden out of a strange aura.

"Yui, Rie!"

Yusuke smiled and waved to the two, and the two also looked happy. The three chatted for a while about the past two days, when a little girl's voice came.

"Brother, can I pet these cats?"

The three turned their heads and saw a group of kindergarten students in uniforms in front of them.

They were wearing light blue T-shirts, bloomers, round caps on their heads, and small leather shoes on their feet. They were a group of children from a kindergarten summer camp.

(End of this chapter)

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