Chapter 276
Looking at this group of cute kindergarten students, all three of Yusuke smiled.

"Okay, but you have to talk to the cat first, and the cat agrees."

"Oh, let me ask the cat."

A little girl standing in front squatted down, and said to Xiao Hei on the ground, "Cat, cat, can I give you a hug?"

Xiao Hei left on his own, ignoring the little girl, who felt aggrieved at this moment.

"Brother, it ignores me"

"Then let brother communicate with it."

Yusuke beckoned, and the kittens surrounded him.

"Everyone, please, play with these little girls, I will buy delicious food"

The kittens looked at each other and nodded.

At this moment, Yusuke turned his head and said to the little girl: "Okay, my brother has already communicated with them, you can ask them now, try again."

The little girl nodded, and said to Xiao Hei again: "Cat, cat, can I hug you?"

Xiao Hei nodded at this time, and the little girl showed a surprised expression.

"Brother, did you see it? It agreed!"

"Yeah, it agrees, then you can hold it"


The little girl stretched out her arms, and carefully picked up Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei was hugged in her arms without much resistance after being instructed by Yusuke.

With the first little girl, the other children were also a little excited. They ran over one by one and begged the cat, and then all the kittens were held in their arms. There were a lot of children, basically a few children holding a cat and petting.

The kittens also showed expressions of enjoyment. The petting of these children is not bad!
And not far away, the head teacher of the kindergarten saw such a scene, came over to express his thanks to Yusuke, and exchanged pleasantries.

The children were playing with the cats, while the three of Yusuke were sitting not far away watching. Anyway, it was still early and there was no rush, so it would be nice to let them play.

During the period, some children fell in love with the four seasons and them, but Yusuke rejected them. After these two little squirrels were played with by Jianghui and the others last time, they cast a shadow on the children, and now they are very nervous when they see the children.

Yusuke is treating them for a while, so they can't have too much contact with other children for the time being.

The children felt a little regretful, but with the lead teacher beside them to enlighten them, they soon forgot about it.

The joy of sucking cats is unimaginable, and soon, the children fell into the joy of sucking cats.

"Thank you brother! Thank you sister!"

The children thanked Yusuke and the three of them. They returned all the cats and were ready to go to the next attraction.

The three of Yusuke waved their hands and said goodbye to the children.

"Children are so cute!" Rie sighed.

"It's because they are more well-behaved. You have never met a real brat, and that is the real horror," Yuyi said beside him.

"Xiaoye shouldn't be considered a brat," Yusuke said with a smile.

"Xiaoye doesn't count, but she often does stupid things, which makes me very powerless!"

"Being able to tolerate all kinds of shortcomings is considered a family"

Yusuke's words were agreed by Yui and Rie. Yui has an unreliable sister, and Rie has an unreliable older sister. This is about them!

"Okay, let's go shopping first, and then go to work."

"Good!" X2
The three of them played here for a while, and many accidents happened during the period. Many tourists wanted to come and take pictures when they saw the cats. Trouble, finally got rid of the crowd with difficulty.

The three found a relatively remote place.

“It's right here, and the scenery is not bad”

Yusuke raised his head, and in front of him was the torii gate of the shrine. When shooting here, he could capture all the scenery.

Everyone nodded, everything was ready, and they started working immediately.

The kittens have already been very proficient, obeying Yusuke's instructions and making various actions.

Walking, jumping, running fast, swinging on the tree, stacking arhats, shaking the head, dancing, these movements are very familiar, plus their appearance is relatively high, the scenery is also good, the effect of shooting is very good.

After continuous shooting for an afternoon, the time finally came to the evening, and everyone packed up their things and prepared to go back.

"I'll take you home." Yusuke said with a smile, Yui and Rie nodded.

"But we have to go to Kyoto University first," Rie said at this time.

"Go for what?"

"Go and drag my sister out of the lab"

Sure enough, as soon as Rie didn't pay attention, Tachibana let himself go again. When Rie came over, Tachibana was still addicted to the experiment and didn't even eat lunch.

Rie finally dragged her out of the laboratory.

"Really, it's so early, let me study it again!" Tachibana said with some dissatisfaction.

“Time to go home for dinner”

"Just leave me the food"

"Stop rambling, I have the final say!"

"All right"

Tachibana just gave up, and found that there was a handsome man with Rie and the others, and asked curiously: "Are you the Yusuke that Rie and the others mentioned?"

"Hello, I'm Yusuke Misawa." Yusuke smiled at Tachibana, and Tachibana's affection for him rose sharply in an instant.

"Hello, I'm Tachibana Komiya, Rie's older sister"

The two sides greeted each other and exchanged a few pleasantries.

"Then Yusuke-kun is having dinner with us tonight?"

Yusuke shook his head, "I'll go home later"

"They're all here, let's have dinner together, and it's very late now, you probably have to eat cold food when you rush back."

It's already past seven o'clock. If I rush back, it will probably be past eight o'clock, and I have dinner at 07:30 at home. Now I can only eat some leftovers when I go back.

"Why don't you stay and have dinner together?" Rie also persuaded at this time, and Yui also looked over.

"Will it bother you too much?"

"It's okay, it's just one more person, and everyone is so familiar"

Yusuke nodded and said, "Then I'll tell my family first."

Yongsuke called and talked to his mother, but his mother didn't say much, but told him to be careful when going out.

"Okay, let's go then." Rie said at this time: "Let's go shopping first!"

A group of people came to a nearby supermarket, because they had pets, Yusuke had to wait outside with Xiao Hei, and the grocery shopping was handed over to the three of them.

"Yusuke, why are you here?"

A voice came, and Yusuke turned his head. There was Asuka in front of her eyes, and there were some classmates beside her. At this time, she was looking at Yusuke in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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