Chapter 277 277. Trouble
"Asuka, it's you!"

Yusuke waved his hand with a smile, and Asuka walked over with a smile.

Although the two have different ideas, they will not turn against each other, and they will say hello when they meet on the road.

"Why are you here?" Asuka asked curiously, this is Kyoto University, did he come to visit Kyoto University?
"I came here with my friends for a visit. They went shopping, and I waited here."

Yusuke gestured to his side. With so many pets, there are many places that are inconvenient to enter.

Asuka was a little surprised, there must be too many of these cats, and Asuka found that these cats are very obedient to Yusuke, which is different from ordinary cats.

This Yusuke Misawa has so many secrets!
"Are you going to participate in club activities?"

Yusuke looked at the few people standing behind Asuka, they should be friends from her club, and they were standing not far away chatting, not caring about the situation here.

Asuka nodded, "They are all members of the club, we are going to debug the locomotive now"


After all, they were not very familiar with each other, the two exchanged a few pleasantries, and soon separated.

Asuka returned to the crowd when a baby-faced girl with glasses approached.

"He's the one you said, the neighbor's brother who cares about you? He's pretty handsome! You can do it."

Asuka glanced at her, "It's not him, he's just a neighbor's relative"

"Relative!" The girl was a little surprised, "But he looks pretty handsome."

Seeing her agitated look, Asuka said helplessly: "That guy is still a high school student, don't mess around!"

"No, it's younger than me!" The girl sighed, "It's a pity, I don't like children"

"I think you think too much!"

A man behind him said with a smile at this moment: "The other party may not necessarily like you!"

"What did you say!"

The girl raised her eyebrows and raised her eyebrows in an instant, and the group of people left very quickly after making a fuss.

After a while, the three of youyi came out of the supermarket.

"Yusuke, I've been waiting for a long time." Rie said, "Let's go back now."

The three arrived at Tachibana's apartment, and by the time they had finished their dinner, it was past ten o'clock.

"Then I'll go back first!"

Yusuke stood up and said, Xiaohei and the others also jumped over and stood on his shoulder.

"Xiao Huang, I have troubled you these few days!" Yusuke said to Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang nodded, "Meow (wrap it on me!)"

After saying goodbye to Yui and the others, Yusuke headed back towards the house.

The way home was very quiet, this area is a residential area, occasionally only one or two pedestrians pass by, very quiet.

At this time, a figure from a distance came running over, Yusuke stopped, his eyes were good, and he could see the appearance of the person at a glance.

It was Ryusuke, he was flustered, when he saw Yusuke, his expression froze, and then he was surprised.

"Yusuke, you're here! That's great!"

"what's going on"

In an instant, Yusuke noticed that something was wrong, Ryusuke's exaggerated appearance must have happened.

"Accident happened to Asuka!" Ryusuke said anxiously.

Yusuke nodded and said, "Take a deep breath, calm down, and tell the whole story."

Yusuke's calm tone made Ryusuke calm down a lot, and soon he came to his senses, and told what happened tonight.

Yusuke's warning last night put some pressure on Asuka, so today, Asuka and the others did not go out to debug the locomotive in the middle of the night, but changed the time slot.

Asuka was in the club all day today, and didn't even go home for dinner, so she was busy until ten o'clock in the evening.

Ryusuke was on the phone with Asuka at the time, and then heard Asuka's urgent cry. Ryusuke couldn't hear it very clearly, but he only heard a few key words'contempt','don't let it go', and 'must win', and then The phone was hung up.

Ryusuke realized something was wrong in an instant, and kept calling. Fortunately, the call was finally connected, and it was Asuka who answered the call.

Pressed by Ryusuke, Asuka told everything.

Asuka and the others were entangled by the group of motorcycle racers tonight, and they must have another competition, but Asuka clearly refused.

But the attitude of this group of people is very tough, and there must be another match, otherwise Asuka and the others will not be able to leave safely tonight.

Asuka finally knew what Yusuke was talking about about the trouble.

However, the other party had a large number of people, and when they were surrounded, Asuka and the others had no choice but to agree. When the last call was made, Asuka was ready to play, and the call ended here.

Ryusuke was very worried, so he ran out of the house, ready to find Asuka and the others.

"Then did you call the police?"

Ryusuke shook his head, "Asuka said she couldn't call the police, she said a friend was caught by the other party"

This situation is the most troublesome, and it is too late to call the police, maybe there will be an accident, even if you want to call the police, you have to wait until they are fully recovered.

"Then do you know where Asuka is?"

Ryusuke nodded, "Asuka said it before."

"Okay, then I'll go with you"

Yusuke said calmly, and Ryusuke nodded gratefully.

After all, he is his younger brother, so Yusuke is not worried about letting him go alone.

Moreover, Yusuke can't guarantee what will happen next when things have developed to the present, he has already made the worst plan.

"Xiao Hei, please go home first."

Yusuke said to Xiao Hei on his shoulder, this place is not very far from home, and there is no problem returning home with their abilities.

Xiao Hei and the others nodded and left quickly.

Yusuke and Ryusuke set off, and when they arrived at the scene, there was no one there.

"Where are people? Why is there no one!"

Long Jie shouted anxiously, very flustered.

"Calm down." Yusuke patted Ryusuke on the shoulder to calm him down.

"Call Asuka again"

Ryusuke nodded, and called Asuka again, and while the two were anxiously waiting, the call was connected.

There was a woman's voice on the phone, it was the girl who answered the phone last time.

"Is it the neighbor's younger brother? There is something wrong now, it's inconvenient to tell you, that's all"

Before Long Jie could speak, the other party was about to hang up.

"Wait a minute, I'm here to find Asuka, where are you?"

"Things are very troublesome now, don't come here"

"We've come here, we can't find you now, tell me where you are! Is Asuka in any danger?"

Ryusuke roared loudly, the girl on the opposite side hesitated, at this time Yusuke took the phone directly.

"You are Asuka's partners, tell me where you are, if you don't tell me, we can't help you even if there is any danger"

The girl hesitated for a moment, and then said a place.

Yusuke looked at Ryusuke, and Ryusuke nodded.

"That place is a bit far away, but I know where it is"


(End of this chapter)

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