Chapter 278
Yusuke and the others directly hailed a taxi, but when they got into the car and told the destination, the driver's face suddenly changed.

"Guests, are you really going there? It's not a good place!"

"How should I say it?" Yusuke asked politely. Seeing Yusuke's attitude, the driver's expression improved a little. After hesitating for a while, he said, "It's a paradise for a group of lunatics, and drag racing gangs often gather there for competitions. Accidents often happen there.”

No wonder the driver didn't want to go there, this kind of place is too dangerous!

In the end, Yusuke persuaded him with kind words, and then offered some remuneration, and the driver agreed.

When Yusuke and the others arrived here, they realized that this place was unusually remote, without even a street light.

At the foot of the mountain, the taxi parked there and refused to go up. It was full of motorcyclists, and it would be unlucky to meet them. The drivers were just ordinary people and didn't want to cause so much trouble.

Yusuke also understood this, and happily paid the fare, and also added a small red envelope.

Seeing the red envelope, the driver persuaded them a few more words, but seeing that the two did not respond, he sighed, stepped on the accelerator and left.

"Come on, let's go up"

Yusuke said seriously, Ryusuke took a look at the dark mountain, this mountain was like a sleeping monster, trying to devour everything.

Asuka is here!

Ryusuke took a deep breath, suppressed the wild thoughts in his heart, and followed Yusuke quickly, without any fear in his heart.

The mountain road here is winding, and there are many turning intersections. The two of them walked all the way. Yusuke's physical fitness is excellent, and his speed is extremely fast. This mountain road is like running on flat ground, and it has no effect at all.

Although Long Jie was sweating profusely, he did not give up lightly.

Finally, the two rushed to the top of the mountain.

A large group of people has gathered here, more than [-] locomotives are gathered together, and there are two people sitting on each locomotive. Everyone is wearing strange clothes, and they look completely non-mainstream.

And in the middle of this group of motorcycles, there were a few people surrounded, they met once in the afternoon, Asuka's club partners.

Yusuke's eyes scanned around, but did not find the existence of Asuka, where did Asuka go?
There are no street lights on this mountain road, and it is pitch black. The two of them came up with their mobile phones to illuminate it.

As soon as the light of the mobile phone appeared, the people over there immediately noticed that two motorcycles from the other side drove over and stopped in front of Yusuke.

A blond man looked at the two of them, curled his lips in disdain.

"It turned out to be two brats, go back! This is not a place for you to come!"

That arrogant tone made Ryusuke a little nervous, and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva, but no matter how scared he was, he stood face to face without taking a step back.

Yusuke nodded, this courage is commendable!

"We are here to find someone, you surrounded my companions"

Yusuke said to the man, the blond man froze for a moment, and said with a smile: "You are here to find your mother!"

Several companions around laughed at this moment, the laughter was very arrogant.

Yusuke turned a blind eye to this and looked at them calmly.

Smile and laugh, and the laughter dies away.

Yusuke's eyes made them feel a little stinging, the eyes seemed to be looking down from above, which made the blond man a little angry.

"What kind of eyes do you guys have? Didn't anyone teach you to respect your elders?"

The man's roar was very loud in the middle of the night, and the crowd behind looked curiously at this moment.

There was some commotion in the crowd, and after a while, a locomotive drove over.

"What's the matter, Jinki?"

It was a burly man, looked at the blond man, then at Yusuke, and asked in a low voice.

As soon as this burly man appeared, the faces of the others became more respectful. The blond man restrained himself and said, "They said they were here to find someone."

"Our people are surrounded by you, now come to pick them up," Yusuke said calmly.

The burly man glanced at Yusuke, then got out of the car.

As soon as he approached, Ryusuke realized that he was very tall, strong and full of muscles, which made Ryusuke a little nervous.

But what surprised Ryusuke was that Yusuke was not afraid of this, and confronted him face to face.

Yusuke's height is not shorter than the opponent's. Although his figure is a bit thinner than the opponent's, his momentum is not weaker than the opponent's at all.

The two faced each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little tense, and even the crowd behind looked over.

"Who is your family?"

After a while, the burly man asked.

"A Woman in a Black Leather Dress"

"Oh, it turned out to be the family of 'Black Cat', no wonder they are so kind!"

The burly man smiled and gestured, "Let them pass."

The younger brothers quickly dispersed and made way for a passage.

Yusuke walked over directly, followed by Ryusuke, and soon came to the middle of the crowd.

Asuka's club friends looked at the two strangely at this moment.

"You are a relative of my younger brother!"

A girl said in surprise, that was the girl who was joking with Asuka at noon, Yusuke glanced at her, and her sharp eyes instantly made her shut up.

His eyes swept over everyone, and for a moment, the few people present seemed to be stared at by ferocious beasts, and their eyes couldn't help but look away.

Isn't this guy younger than them?Why are the eyes so scary!

But soon, the sharp eyes disappeared.

It's useless to be angry with them now, let's solve the problem first.

"Where is Asuka?" Yusuke asked directly.

"In the game" Yusuke recognized this voice, that voice was a girl called Yuanxiang, she had dyed long blonde hair, she was frightened by Yusuke's eyes just now, and she was answering cautiously at this moment.

"Explain the situation"

Yusuke's calm voice came, I don't know why, hearing Yusuke's calm voice, several people present couldn't bear to refute.

Soon, the girl named Yuanxiang explained.

Today they chose to test the locomotive during the day, and when they were about to go back at night, they were spotted by the drag racers on the road last night, and they expressed that they would have another race.

Asuka and the others refused, but these people are shit, they kept pestering them, and in the end they let go of their cruel words, either give them the motorcycle, or compete with each other.

The locomotive was Asuka's painstaking effort. How could it be so simple to give it to them? There was a conflict between the two sides, but there were too many people on the other side. In the end, they could only agree to the competition.

But today's game is different, the other party made a request, the venue of the game should be chosen by them, and then they came here.

Now Asuka is competing with their racers. There is no street light on the mountain road here, and there are many turns. Racing here is very dangerous.

And this group of racing cars is only for the pursuit of excitement, and they can do anything.

This is a bunch of lunatics!
As the girl spoke, she looked at Yusuke's expression. This boy was completely different from what he saw during the day. He was very sunny during the day, but now he is very mature. His steady aura is like some kind of big man. Let her be a little restrained.

(End of this chapter)

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