The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 279 279. Not everything is reasonable

Chapter 279 279. Not everything is reasonable

After listening to Madoka's explanation, Yusuke pondered for a while.

Everyone is looking at Yusuke at this time, probably because Yusuke's aura is too strong, everyone regards him as the backbone.

"How long has the game been going on?"

"5 minutes, they should be up soon"

A young man said beside him.

"Asuka has a chance of winning?"

Several people looked at each other.

"It's hard to say." It was the man who spoke.

"If it is on an ordinary racing track, we must win, our locomotive performance is too strong, but on this kind of mountain road, the performance of the locomotive is not very important, the most important thing is the ability of the racer.

And we are not familiar with this place at all, the mountain road is too complicated, and there are no street lights, the locomotive can't pick up the speed at all in this situation, but Asuka is very powerful, but, it should be, um, I can't judge."

When it came to the last man hem and haw, but Yusuke saw three words 'lose' from his eyes

"Do you have a bet?" Yusuke asked, if it was just an ordinary competition, you would lose if you lost, at most it would be a shame, but if you had a bet, it would be different.

Several people looked at each other without speaking.

Yusuke's expression turned cold, this reaction was too obvious!
"What kind of bet are you betting on?" Long Jie looked over with anger on his face.

"If we lose, we have to give them this locomotive," Yuan Xiang said at this moment.

Yusuke nodded, although it was too much, but he could accept it as a waste of money and disaster relief.

"and also……"

Yuan Xiang continued, her expression was a bit uncomfortable, and the boy didn't dare to look over her eyes.

"If you lose, Asuka will be his girlfriend"

"How can you agree to such a request!"

Ryusuke froze for a moment, and shouted angrily, and Yusuke looked at them with eyes full of contempt.

"Asuka agreed to this!" Yuanxiang explained anxiously.

"Then you have no objection!"

Yusuke's eyes were very cold.

The boys didn't answer, and silently took off their shirts at this moment.

Immediately, Long Jie's eyes froze.

Under the clothes, it was covered in bruises.

"Ah Chi's hand was cut off just now," Yuan Xiang said in a low voice at this moment.

Several people moved away at this time, only then did Yusuke realize that there was a man sitting on the ground behind him, and a girl was taking care of him beside him.

The man's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His face was as swollen as a pig's head. There were many wounds on his body, especially his arms, which were in irregular shapes. It was obvious that he was fractured. The tragic appearance made Ryusuke gasp. Yusuke frowned.

"All of us disagreed, and then there was a conflict, but the other party had a lot of people, we were not opponents, and Achi was interrupted, and one of our companions was also taken away. There was no way, Asuka had to compromise "Yuan Xiang explained in a low voice, with a frustrated expression.

This is the first time they have encountered this situation.

These people are all students of Kyoto University. In other words, these people are good students, and it's the first time they encounter this situation, and they are a little confused.

They thought the world was reasonable.

However, the biggest mistake of scholars is to think that everything can be reasonable.

This made them very aggrieved, and they were not in a good state at this time.

However, they still have a bit of backbone at last, and Yusuke's eyes looking at them are not so cold anymore.

At this moment, the sound of a locomotive came, and everyone's attention was attracted.

Because of the mountain road, I only heard the sound of the engine, but I haven't seen the locomotive yet.

Everyone waited anxiously, while the bastards on the opposite side smiled. In this kind of place, they would definitely win.

A light appeared in the darkness, and soon, a locomotive sped up from the shadows, and not far behind, a locomotive followed.

The locomotive in front was extremely fast, and quickly crossed the finish line and stopped in front of everyone.

It was a black locomotive, and the driver was a tall woman. At this moment, she took off her helmet, her long black hair spilled down, and she shook her head. The long black hair shone under the headlights.

That's Asuka.


Everyone was overjoyed and ran over to surround Asuka. Asuka was sweating profusely and her face was a little pale, but the victory had already been won. At this time, she also smiled and gave high-fives to her companions.

At this time, Asuka also found Ryusuke and the two in the crowd, and was a little surprised.

"Why did you come here?"

"I'm worried about you, so I came here to look for you. Are you okay?" Ryusuke walked over, scanning Asuka with his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Let me see if there are any wounds?"

"Don't worry, who do you think I am, I, Asuka Nishinodera, is the number one racing driver at Kyoto University!"

Asuka said confidently, but her face was pale and she didn't seem convincing.

She consumed a lot of mental energy in this game, and her mental state was not very good at this time. The partners also found out about her situation, and they supported her to rest beside her.

The racer who followed was a man, and his face was very ugly at this time. He lost twice, and he lost to the same woman. It is really embarrassing!
The faces of his partners were not very good-looking, especially the burly man, whose face was even more livid.

He lost!It is understandable to lose the first time, but it is unforgivable to lose the second time!Moreover, he still lost in a place he was familiar with, so incompetent!

Everyone looked at the burly man, waiting for him to make up his mind.

At this moment, the man strode over. Asuka saw it and stood up without showing any weakness. The members of the club stood behind her, confronting the man.

"I won!"

Asuka said confidently, the burly man nodded.

"You won the first game"

Asuka instantly noticed the change in his tone.

"What do you mean by that? Didn't you say that if you win, let us go!"

"Yes, I let you go, but your companion is still in my hands. If you want her to go back, you have to compete with me again."

"You are too mean!"

Asuka yelled angrily, and the companions beside her also looked angry.

"What I promised just now: As long as we win, we will let you go. I didn't say that we would return your companions to you."





Everyone in the community shouted angrily, but the man turned a blind eye to this, and stretched out his little finger, digging his ears, with a look of disdain.

"If you want your companions, you can compete again, or you go first, but I can't guarantee what will happen tonight?"

The man's smug smile made Asuka and the others even more angry.

But the hostages are in the hands of the other party, no matter how angry they are, they are powerless. The burly man is thick-skinned and doesn't care about it, and his companions are also smiling.

For them, there is no shame.

Asuka couldn't help it, she raised her fist and wanted to hit him, this was the first time she had the urge to hit someone.

Faced with Asuka's resistance, the burly man didn't care, but was a little excited. If she dared to do something, then she wouldn't even think about leaving tonight.

However, the fist was caught by a hand.

(End of this chapter)

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