Chapter 280 280. Double Match

Asuka turned her head, it was Yusuke who grabbed her fist.

Asuka was a little surprised, but also a little angry.

"Let me go, let me beat him!"

"You are tired, let me come"

Yusuke directly pulled Asuka back behind him, a huge force came, and before the weak Asuka could react, Yusuke had already blocked her.

This sudden change surprised everyone present.

At this moment, Yusuke stood in front of him, looking at the man face to face, with his calm eyes and calm aura, everyone couldn't help but look over.

"who are you?"

The burly man looked at Yusuke unhappily, if the 'black cat' did something just now, then he would have an excuse to make trouble, but he was messed up by this guy.

"Asuka is tired, let me talk to you now"

Yusuke's calm tone came, and the man laughed.

"It's so ridiculous for you guys to rely on a child to help you get ahead!"

The man sneered, and his companions also laughed, and the sound made Asuka and the others very angry.

At this time, an astonishing momentum erupted from Yusuke's body, his eyes were like knives, and his eyes swept across, everyone seemed to be stared at by something, their bodies were a little stiff, and their voice stopped instantly.

For a moment, the scene fell silent.

The burly man turned his neck stiffly, Yusuke's sharp eyes made him seem to be stared at by some kind of beast, and his body trembled instinctively.

In the eyes of everyone, Yusuke's figure is extremely tall at this time, and his momentum is very powerful.

Only then did the burly man really look at the boy in front of him.

The boy was handsome, with a unique temperament and a well-proportioned figure.

However, facing this young man, he felt a vague sense of horror, as if he would be cut off by the other party.

"Where is our companion? Let's make sure he's safe"

Yusuke's calm tone came, and his voice could not be refuted.

The man thought for a moment and waved his hand.

Soon, his companions dragged a man over.

It was a petite girl with an oval face and big eyes. She was very naughty and cute. She was flustered at this moment. When she saw Asuka, she was immediately overjoyed.

"Asuka! Yuanxiang!" The girl wanted to run over, but the man behind her grabbed the clothes and pulled them back.

The girl exclaimed, Asuka was a little anxious and wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Yusuke.

Everyone looked at Yusuke, and unconsciously, they also recognized Yusuke's status.

Yusuke's eyes swept over the girl, and the sharp eyes seemed to see through the girl, which made the girl a little nervous.

After confirming that the girl was not harmed, Yusuke turned his head and said calmly, "Tell me how to compare. Asuka is tired, let me do the competition."

Ryusuke next to him was a little anxious, but in this scene, there was no room for him to speak.

"You appear..."

The man looked at Yusuke, the boy looked like an ordinary person, but the faint sense of horror made him a little nervous.

Intuition told him that this boy was not an ordinary person.

However, he didn't think he would lose to the opponent.

If it was 'Black Cat', he would still have a chance to compete with him, but this boy is absolutely impossible, this is his pride as a driver.

"Yes!" The man continued, "What about the bet? If you win, you can take your companions away, but if I win, what good will I have?"

Yusuke took out a bank card from his body.

"There are 500 million here, if you win, it's yours"

500 million!
Everyone present was startled and looked at this small card.

Money is infinitely attractive!

But soon the man reacted.

"You said 500 million is 500 million, how can I believe you?"

Yusuke took out his mobile phone and clicked on a text message, which was a deduction notice from the bank, showing that his balance was still more than 500 million.

The man's face suddenly changed, and the look in Yusuke's eyes became unkind.

This kind of person who can take out 500 million at will is no ordinary rich person, this is a big fish!
But soon the man put away his thoughts, now is not the time to do it.

He looked at Yusuke deeply, wanting to keep his appearance in his heart.

Yusuke immediately understood when he saw the look in his eyes, but he didn't care.

I don't know who will kill the deer!
"Okay, I agree with this bet, then I will talk about the rules of the game now"

The burly man showed a proud smile at this moment.

"Now it's a two-person race. Two people ride a locomotive together and drive from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. Whoever gets there first wins."

It is a completely different experience to start a locomotive with a single person and to start a locomotive with a man. The single-person locomotive tests the driver's driving skills, but driving with a man requires that the driver be exactly the same as the person being carried in all aspects, whether it is speed or direction change. The cooperation must be very tacit.

This is the man's careful thinking. The opponent's driver is only 'Black Cat'. Even if the boy in front of him is also a skilled driver, there will definitely be problems with the cooperation between the two.

But his own side is different, his own driving skills are very good, and as partners who often play together, they also know each other very well. Their tacit understanding is not comparable to that of ordinary people, which is a very strong advantage.

Asuka also saw this, and came over anxiously, wanting to object, but Yusuke had already noticed her action, and a calm voice came.

"Don't worry, I have a measure"

Asuka looked at the confident Yusuke, opened her mouth, and finally retreated.

"Okay, then it's decided," the man smiled triumphantly.

"I hope you won't regret it this time," Yusuke said calmly.

The man smiled disdainfully and greeted him, and soon someone came over to partner with him, and that was the blond man from before.

Yusuke looked at the crowd and asked, "Which one of you is with me?"

"Let me do it." Asuka stood up at this moment, "I caused the incident, so let me calm it down."

The members of the club hesitated for a while, but there were no more choices in front of them. The boys were all injured, and Asuka was the only driver left, so they had to decide like this.

All the people went to wait at the foot of the mountain first, and Ryusuke and the others followed. There were only Yusuke, Asuka, a burly man and a blond man at the scene, and the four were preparing on the top of the mountain.

"Yusuke, how long have you been driving?" Asuka asked.

“It's my first time to open”

Asuka was stunned by Yusuke's answer, looking at the calm Yusuke, she really wanted to grab his neck and question loudly: Who gave you the courage!
Asuka was in a daze, Yusuke had already got on the locomotive, fiddled with it, and quickly understood all the functions. After all, this is not flying a plane, it is very simple.

"Come on, get in the car"

"How about I come?"

"You don't have to worry like this," Yusuke said seriously, "Trust me!"

Where did your courage come from!
But the other party was ready, and Yusuke's attitude was very firm, so Asuka had to sit in the back seat.

"Hold me tight!"

Yusuke's calm voice came, Asuka thought for a while, and wrapped her arms around Yusuke's waist.

The burly man smiled disdainfully when he saw what the two of them did.

It is useless to use this method to opportunistically!
Both sides are ready.

The man took out a coin and threw it into the sky. With the sound of the coin falling, the two cars started simultaneously.

Yusuke's eyes brightened at this moment, and his eyes seemed to be shining with light.

Riding skills!
Human and vehicle in one!

(End of this chapter)

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