Chapter 281. 281. Leap to the Peak
In an instant, a strange feeling spread over Yusuke's body. He felt that his vision and movements were completely different. The motorcycle under him seemed to become a part of his body, and Asuka behind him also merged into one, completely fused into one overall.

Asuka also had a strange feeling, this feeling was very subtle, as if fused with something, it was very strange, for a moment, she seemed to be able to communicate with Yusuke, and before she had time to experience this feeling, the locomotive had already started.

At this moment, Asuka hugged Yusuke's body tightly, all she could do was to lower her body as low as possible to reduce the resistance of the air.

The burly man started faster and had already run out, leaving Yusuke behind.

The man was very proud. The opponent turned out to be just a smug, with no strength at all. He was sure to win!
At this time, a black shadow flashed by, and the howling wind made the locomotive shake a little, but the man's driving skills were excellent, and he soon stabilized.

What was it that ran over just now?
At this time, I only saw the taillights of a car disappearing in front, could it be them?

"They've already driven past!"

The blond man behind shouted, he also saw the taillights in front of him, and he had some guesses in his heart, so he glanced back, and the locomotive that was still hanging behind them just now had disappeared, obviously, the one that flashed by just now The figure is them.

That speed is definitely at the maximum throttle, are they dying!

The two were extremely surprised.

The burly man quickly calmed down and continued to move forward in his own way. He reached this speed on this kind of mountain road. They were looking for death, and they were sure to win!

Asuka lowered her head, the rapid wind whizzed past her ears, her whole body seemed to be involved in a whirlwind, and the locomotive kept swaying like in a violent storm.

This speed up is too fast!
Asuka was terrified, driving at such a speed on such a mountain road was looking for death!
At this time, the first turn has arrived, but the speed of the locomotive has not slowed down at all.

Asuka's heart was trembling violently, and she didn't dare to speak loudly at this time, for fear that if she accidentally affected the driver, the plane would crash and everyone would die!

Under Asuka's horrified eyes, the locomotive passed by close to the ground, the fuselage seemed to be parallel to the ground, and sparks were sparked on the ground, which was very dazzling in the dark.

However, even when driving at such an angle, the locomotive still did not fall down. After almost a second or two, the locomotive resumed normal driving again, but Asuka hadn't reacted yet.

Is this a corner?
This is too fast!

At that speed and angle just now, the car will definitely overturn!But Yusuke drove over abruptly. How did he do it?There is no way for a professional driver to do this!

Asuka looked at Yusuke with a different look in his eyes, at this time his figure became extremely tall.

Soon, the second corner arrived, and Yusuke also passed at a very fast speed, with ease.

There are so many curves on this mountain road, and the angle is extremely large, there is a curve within tens of meters. On such a road, it is impossible to increase the speed at all, relying on the driver's skills.

However, under such circumstances, Yusuke turned his horsepower to the maximum and raced without hesitation!
Every time she passed a bend, Asuka was frightened, afraid that she would fall to the ground in the next second. If she fell on this kind of mountain road, she would be disabled even if she was not dead.

At this moment, all she could do was hold Yusuke tightly, not daring to move at all, as if she wanted to fix herself to the motorcycle.

Every turn is extremely thrilling, but all of this is under Yusuke's control, and his "riding skills" are inspired. His senses are completely different. The car under him seems to be his body, and the two wheels are like two wheels As if the legs are running.


Absolutely impossible!
In this state, Yusuke can play tricks no matter how special the environment is.

This powerful sense of speed and excitement greatly stimulated Yusuke's senses, and it was the first time he felt such an incisive pleasure. No wonder every man likes to drive fast, because this feeling is really cool!
Less than a minute after the game, Yusuke had already left the burly man far behind, they couldn't even see Yusuke's taillights.

After going through several corners in a row, Asuka also regained her strength. She finally confirmed that Yusuke is a very good driver. This kind of driving skills is simply unheard of!

On the locomotive, it was the first time for Asuka to experience the feeling of the wind like an arrow, the feeling of dripping and exhilaration, it was really refreshing!
For a moment, she wanted to go on like this, and this feeling was so good!

That's leaping to the top!
At the foot of the mountain, Yuan Xiang and his group were waiting anxiously, Long Jie anxiously looked ahead, his fists clenched tightly, at this moment he felt his own powerlessness, he was still too weak!

On the other hand, a group of people on the other side were all laughing and joking. Their thinking was the same as that of the burly man. They all had the upper hand, and they must have won!
At this time, there was a violent sound of the engine, and the booming sound was like a thunderstorm, which lifted the spirits of everyone present.

So fast?
Everyone's eyes are a little incredible, they have only waited here for 5 minutes, which is too fast!
You must know that it took them half an hour to get down this way, and when Asuka and the others competed just now, it took 10 minutes at the fastest, and it only took 5 minutes. How could it be so fast?

Everyone cheered up and looked at the road ahead.

A light shot down from the road above, and everyone squinted their eyes. Before they could see clearly, the light had already rushed in front of them.

With a sharp brake, the ground made a harsh friction sound.

A locomotive stopped in front of everyone in an instant with the posture of a dragon wagging its tail, and its movements were chic and fluent.

The speed of the locomotive was too fast. Before everyone could see it, the locomotive had already stopped. .

Everyone took a closer look, and what appeared here was a black locomotive with a man and a woman on board, those were Yusuke and Asuka.

Ryusuke reacted in an instant, and ran over cheering. The others also covered up their excited expressions and surrounded them happily, while the punks looked in disbelief. The boss lost?


When Yusuke's voice came, Asuka came back to her senses. This incisive feeling made her a little bit enjoyable, and she had reached the end before she had enough pleasure.

It's so fast!

At this time, the strange feeling disappeared from her body, and Asuka felt a little weird in her body instantly, as if something had been unloaded, and the feeling of being one with the body just now disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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