Chapter 283 283. Problem Solving
For women, sensibility is greater than rationality, as long as they have a fancy, nothing is a problem, and in this case, even boys feel a little excited, let alone girls who are easily emotional.

Ryusuke also noticed this and was a little anxious.

Cousin is so charming!

Fortunately Asuka was not affected, Ryusuke was relieved.

The power of childhood sweethearts is still very strong!
Yusuke ignored what was going on behind him, picked up his cell phone and called his father directly.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Yusuke calmly told what happened tonight, no big or small, everything in detail, including what he did.

The gangsters present looked at him curiously. Is this reporting to the parents?Why does it seem like children are fighting and have to complain to their parents?

Of course, they didn't dare to say that, having seen Yusuke's terrifying fighting power, they didn't want to be beaten again.

Father and uncle were very excited when they heard about this incident, and they were relieved to hear that the matter had been settled.

"Where are you waiting for me!"

After hanging up the phone, the two immediately started all their relationships. Uncle Tuo is also the head of the Kyoto police. Although he is not a wealthy family, he is not the kind who can be bullied casually.

"Asuka, come here"

Yusuke hung up the phone, and said to the people behind him, Asuka and the others walked over excitedly, looking at Yusuke excitedly.

"Call, tell your parents what happened tonight, don't miss a single detail"

Everyone looked at each other, and some hesitated to speak.

"Do not understand?"

Yusuke wondered if these people had lost their minds when they read books.

"Tonight's matter is not something we can solve. Do you think I'll beat them up? There will be endless troubles! Weeds must be eradicated! The next step is for parents to contribute. You have to say everything. "

"By the way, don't hide anything, including what happened a few nights ago."

Yusuke added a sentence, everyone thought for a while, then nodded.

These people are not ordinary people. They are students of Kyoto University. Their identities represent the face of the school. The school will definitely intervene. Their parents, friends, and colleagues are all contacts. Maybe the individual strength is not very strong. But these people are connected together, this is a powerful force, the other party is just a group of low-class punks, it is really easy to solve them!

The gangsters below curled their lips in disdain. They had entered the police station too many times, so they didn't take this matter to heart at all.

However, this time they miscalculated the ability of the few people present.

A group of people waited here for a while, and soon a siren sounded, and a dozen police cars drove over from a distance and stopped in front of them.

Dozens of police officers got out of the car in full armor, led by Ryusuke's father and Yusuke's uncle, Takuya Misawa.

"Why are there so many police officers?"

The little gangster knelt on the ground and muttered softly. Usually, there were only two or three police cars to catch them, but there were too many police cars tonight, which made them a little nervous.

The atmosphere seems to be different from before.

The action of the police was very quick, and they directly pushed down the gangster who was kneeling on the ground, and there was a burst of crying and screaming at the scene. They had their hands and feet broken, and there were still many wounds on their bodies. At this time, they were pressed to the ground. The state can be imagined.

But none of the policemen who took action were relentless, and the bosses all led the team himself, which showed that this matter was very important, and they dared not be careless.

Takuya looked at the gangsters who were lying on the ground, all of them were wounded, either with broken hands or feet, his eyes were a little surprised, but he quickly recovered, walked up to Yusuke, and asked: " Are you okay?"

Yusuke nodded, and Takuya turned his head to look at Ryusuke, his eyes sharpened instantly, the sharp eyes made Ryusuke a little nervous, and his body stiffened immediately.

"You can explain it to me when you go back"

The indifferent voice of his father made Ryusuke extremely nervous, and at this moment he turned to Yusuke with a look of pleading for help.

But Yusuke ignored it. If he hadn't met him on the road tonight, Ryusuke's fate would not be much better.

I told them last night to think twice before acting, but I immediately forgot tonight. Since this is the case, I have to be responsible for what I do.

At this time, several cars drove over and stopped beside the police car.

A few men and women got out of the car, they were Asuka's parents, and they hurried over after hearing about the incident.

Yusuke also saw Asuka's father. He was a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance and easy-going appearance. He wore a straight suit and was clean, which made people feel good.

Seeing Asuka's father appear, Takuya walked over to say hello. They are neighbors and have a good relationship.

The parents of other people also came over, everyone got together, got to know each other, and after discussing it, Takuya decided the matter.

This group of gangsters were involved in robbery, threats, fights, robbery, kidnapping and other crimes. Now that there are all witnesses and evidence, they were arrested on the spot, and Asuka and the others are all victims, so they can go home without incident.

Of course, the matter is not over yet, other people's parents will exert pressure from other aspects, and everyone will work together to let them sit in prison.

Yusuke was a little startled when he heard it, these people are real old fritters, their connections are wide and powerful, and a few words can kill a person.

Those people will spend at least 20 years in prison, and when they come out, it will be a different world.

How many 20 years in life!

Therefore, you must not make mistakes!

The adults discussed it for a while, and then they each took their children home, and they didn't even need to record a statement.

"Let's go back!"

Takuya said calmly, Yusuke nodded, and quickly got into the police car, Ryusuke's hands and feet were a little stiff, but he finally followed up bravely.

Asuka walked up to her father nervously, her eyes flustered, and she called in a low voice: "Dad"

"Go, go."

The middle-aged man said calmly, "Let's talk when we go home."

As the cars left one by one, the scene became calm again, as if nothing had happened.

When I got home, the lights in the house were turned on, and the whole family was waiting nervously.

Yusuke and Ryusuke walked in first, and the two mothers walked over nervously, checked them and confirmed that they were not injured, and then they were relieved, but their expressions immediately became severe.

"What's going on tonight? Why did you two sneak out in the middle of the night? Why are you with Asuka? What are you going to do?"

The two mothers asked a lot of questions cracklingly. Seeing Ryusuke's bewildered expression, they looked at Yusuke.

"Yusuke, tell me"

Takuya also came in at this time, and the family was waiting for Yusuke's explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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