Chapter 284 284. Interpretation
Yusuke recounted what happened tonight.

The two mothers looked angry after hearing this, they were joking with their lives!

The two mothers gave a lecture to the two sons, the two fathers were silent beside them, and Yusuke also bowed his head to admit his mistake, there was indeed something wrong with what happened tonight.

Yusuke's attitude was very good, and he took care of everything tonight, the two mothers stopped after a few words from him, and the main firepower was on Ryusuke's side.

In the middle of the night, he ran out alone to be a hero without notifying his family. If Yusuke hadn't met him on the road, he wouldn't know where he was lying at this time!
This guy's mind is dangerous!
To fix it!
Long Jie was being scolded by his mother, his face was in pain at this time, but he didn't dare to resist, so he could only bear it obediently.

Finally, the two mothers finally finished their training, and finally it was the turn of the fathers.

"Why didn't you inform us the first time, but figure out a way to solve it yourself?"

Kazuya stared at Yusuke and asked, his tone was very serious, Ryusuke was young and ignorant, but Yusuke is already a mature adult, why is he still so impulsive?
Yusuke replied: "The first one, time is too late. I met Ryusuke on the way. At this time, the incident has already happened. If I inform you, I don't know how long it will take until you react. Asuka and the others are there anytime." Danger, relatively speaking, our reaction is faster”

"What if there is danger?"

"I am very confident in my strength"


He also said angrily: "You are just brave, why are you so immature!"

Takuya spoke up at this time, and told about the situation tonight, and everyone's eyes suddenly became very strange.

"You solved it alone? There are more than 50 people!"

Yusuke nodded.

"3 minutes to get it done"

"3 minutes..." He also didn't quite believe it.

Ryusuke said from the side at this time: "What Brother Yusuke said is true, all of us were present and saw it clearly."

The scene fell silent.

This fighting power is simply off the charts!

Wu Sheng is nothing more than that!
"Is this the martial art you learned?" He also asked after thinking for a while, the only possibility.

Yusuke nodded.

Kazuya sighed, "I don't even know if it's good or bad for you to worship Sasaki Toruru as your teacher."

"Sasaki Toru?" Takuya was a little surprised, "That's a great swordsman, did Yusuke worship him as his teacher?"

"It's a long story, wait until you have time"

At this time, Yusuke continued: "And I didn't inform you halfway, that's because I found out that there was a hostage in his hands, so it's not appropriate to startle the snake."

"Another reason is because of Mingyuexiang"

Yusuke said calmly: "If we had notified you immediately, you would definitely have chosen to call the police and let the adults handle the matter, while the two of us stayed at home and waited for the outcome of the matter, but such an outcome , it is cruel to Ryusuke."


Kazuya was a little confused, but Takuya seemed to understand a little bit.

"Because Ryusuke likes Asuka, and Asuka is Ryusuke's girlfriend"

Everyone looked at Ryusuke, Ryusuke stood up at this moment, and said seriously: "I like Asuka"

Kazuya was a little surprised, but Takuya was much calmer. He also knew that his son liked the neighbor's daughter.

"For a man, watching his girlfriend being kidnapped by others, but he can't do anything about it, have you ever thought about this feeling?"

"Maybe you think Ryusuke is still young and ignorant, but for Ryusuke, this is a part of his life"

"But impulse can't solve anything," Kazuya questioned.

"I know, but when Ryusuke was imprisoned at home, if something happened to Asuka, Ryusuke would blame you for the rest of your life, have you ever thought about such a thing!"

Nami was startled by Yusuke's words, and looked at Ryusuke, Ryusuke lowered his head, his expression uncertain, if such a thing really happened, how would he choose.

"And I think it's a good thing for young people to be aggressive, and they grow up only when they suffer some setbacks. I think Dad, when you were young, you must have been crazy about the woman you love. A man who can't even protect his own woman is too useless. up"

"Finally, there is an insurance, I am also on the scene, I can guarantee their safety"

"Of course, the premise of all this is that I personally have strong force"

Yusuke said seriously: "Using force is a bit reckless, and it's also a bit single. When it is necessary, it is more powerful than anything."

Kazuya and Takuya pondered for a moment, and reluctantly admitted Yusuke's statement.

Although the process is very immature, it is also a plus point to know how to call an adult for help in the end, let the adult solve it, and pass the law to kill the other party to prevent future troubles.

But this method is still too risky, and Kazuya still guides Yusuke.

"There are many solutions. There is no need to follow the other party's thinking. Since they can let you contact by phone, it means that they are not aware of what they are doing. They may think it is a trivial matter. The guards here must be very easy, you can divide into two groups. One person paralyzes the other party, and the other person quietly finds the place where the hostages are, and directly rescues the hostages. As long as the hostages are safe, then you can directly kill the other party. With your force ,These are just minor problems"

Yusuke was taken aback, is there such a way?
"There is another way." Takuya also said beside him at this time: "You can also grab Fang's boss first and ask for a hostage exchange. Once the hostages are in hand, with your force, the matter will be resolved."

Yong Jie patted himself on the head, he is really a pig's head, he has forgotten the ancient saying that the thief should be captured first.

Older gingers are more spicy!
Although what the father and uncle said is general, what Yusuke knows must work, the reason is very simple, the other party is an idiot!
Who would be a real high-achieving student to be a drag racer? Asuka is just a hobby.It can be said that people in the circle of drag racing people are not very knowledgeable.

They kidnapped a hostage tonight. They probably thought it was just a trivial matter. Maybe this is what they usually do, grabbing a clue to blackmail them hard, but they got the wrong person tonight.

Offending the common people and offending the powerful are completely different things!

Asuka and the others are both students of Kyoto University, and the expensive motorcycle is used as a toy. From the side, it has already been explained that they are people of different classes!
Yusuke sat there contemplating, his father and uncle did not speak quietly, and the two mothers stayed beside him, Ryusuke looked at Yusuke worriedly, with his knowledge, he didn't quite understand the current situation.

Are you teaching him or guiding him?
The atmosphere is so strange!

After a while, Yusuke nodded, "I understand!"

The father and uncle smiled in relief, "Just understand."

What exactly do you understand?
Ryusuke next to him looked confused.

It was very late at this time, and everyone was fine, so they went back to sleep.

Yusuke took a look at Xiao Hei and the others, Xiao Hei and the others had already returned, and were sleeping in the room, when they saw Yusuke come back, they got up.

After Yusuke comforted them, the animals went back to sleep, and Yusuke was also lying on the bed, ready to sleep.

At this time, a voice came...

(End of this chapter)

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