Chapter 285 285. Thank you
Yusuke got up from the bed, opened the door, and standing outside the door was Ryusuke.

"Ryusuke, what's the matter?"

Ryusuke took a step back at this time and bowed deeply.

"Thank you Yusuke!"

Yusuke is the biggest hero tonight!

After what happened tonight, Ryusuke has grown up a lot, and he also knows that Yusuke cares about him, so he came here to express his gratitude.

"Everyone is a family, don't need to say that"

Yusuke smiled and patted him on the shoulder, feeling a little relieved, seeing Ryusuke's appearance, his secondary illness has been completely cured, which is really great!

What happened tonight was full of twists and turns, Ryusuke has not recovered yet, he was still a little excited at this time, Yusuke finally calmed him down and sent him back to sleep.

Yusuke lay on the bed, finally able to rest.

On the second day, Yusuke took Xiaohei and them out, while Ryusuke was left at home, where he still needs to receive education in love.

Not long after, Asuka came to visit.

"Auntie, hello"

Asuka greeted very politely.

"It's Asuka"

Nami responded with a smile, but Asuka always felt that her smile was very weird, and the way she looked at her had some other meanings.

But Asuka didn't think too much about it, she came here today to express her thanks, so many things happened yesterday, none of them thanked Yusuke, it was really rude!
"By the way, where's Yusuke?"

"Brother Yusuke has gone out." Ryusuke replied calmly, his demeanor was much calmer than yesterday, and his whole person has matured a lot, which made Asuka take another look.

But the two are too familiar, and Asuka doesn't care about such a slight change.

Hearing that Yusuke was not there, Asuka felt a little regretful. On the one hand, she wanted to thank Yusuke, but on the other hand, she wanted to discuss car investment with Yusuke.

Last night, Yusuke's amazing skills opened her eyes. She wanted to communicate with him, but it's a pity...

"Where did Yusuke go?"

"I don't know." Long Jie shook his head and asked, "Did you have anything to do last night?"

Asuka shook her head, "It's nothing."

When she returned home last night, she thought she would be reprimanded by her father, but the imaginary situation did not happen, and her father comforted her instead, which surprised her a little.

"Don't you think that I will scold you, and then our father and daughter will quarrel, and finally the father and daughter will be at odds?"

Father said with a smile, Asuka shook her head in embarrassment.

"Things have already happened, it's useless to scold you again, the most important thing is that we have to learn from this incident," the father said calmly:

"Tell me what you learned from what happened tonight?"

"I shouldn't have gone out to play secretly." Asuka said softly, and her father nodded, "What else?"

"When something happened, I didn't ask you for help at the first time, it was my fault"

"anything else?"

Asuka thought for a moment, then said, "I shouldn't have played against them"

"anything else?"

Asuka shook her head, "I only thought of so much"

Father nodded and said: "You can figure out the problems you mentioned, but the biggest problem is that you didn't think correctly."

"You are just acting according to your own feelings. You are a student of the law department. What is the most important thing about law? The most important thing is how to legally defend your rights and turn them into your own weapons, but tonight you None of it was used”

After her father preached, Asuka suddenly understood.

Why is she so stupid, why bother to confront these people head-on!You can delay them first, with your own identity, your own connections, and your own relationships, there are plenty of ways to solve things.

And I chose the stupidest one.

"There are many solutions, what we have to do is to use the simplest and clearest way"

The father said seriously: "Think about it for yourself."

Asuka nodded thoughtfully.

"By the way, did you thank each other?"

When her father finally asked this question, Asuka was a little embarrassed, and they all forgot about it.

Father shook his head helplessly: "Be careful next time, the Sanze family can be close friends."

"Dad, we are not so utilitarian!" Asuka was a little unhappy.

The father smiled, "Well, it's my father's utilitarianism."

This is what happened to Asuka last night.

Asuka chatted with Ryusuke for a few words, and then left soon. The reason was that Nami came over from time to time to greet her, which made Asuka feel a little unbearable.

The way my aunt looks at me is really weird!

Ryusuke was a little embarrassed, he said that when he was excited last night, and Asuka didn't know about it, if she knew...

Ryusuke couldn't help shivering.

Asuka left Misawa's house and wandered around the neighborhood. Some of her friends were left at home to reflect, and some hadn't calmed down yet. She wanted to chat with Ryusuke today to relieve her emotions, but now she doesn't The only way is that there is only one person wandering outside on a motorcycle.

By the way, this motorcycle was the cause of the accident, but my father did not prohibit Asuka from these hobbies, but only asked Asuka not to race around midnight, and Asuka promised.

At this moment, Asuka saw a familiar figure out of the corner of her eyes, and immediately stopped the motorcycle.

It was a handsome boy, surrounded by a few cats, the boy teased the cats from time to time, his cheerful smile was very sunny.


Asuka smiled and waved his hand, Yusuke raised his head, just in time to see Asuka walking over pushing the motorcycle.

"It's Asuka!"

Yusuke responded with a smile.

"Why are there so many cats?"

Asuka looked curiously at the cats on the ground. There are six cats here, and each cat has a different fur color. Most importantly, these cats are so cute!

"These are my partners"


Asuka was stunned for a moment, there are too many pets!
"No, aren't your pets a little black cat and two squirrels? Why are there so many more cats?"

"These are all taken care of by my friends"

Yusuke didn't explain too much, and asked at this moment: "What are you doing?"

“bored out to hang out”

At this moment, Asuka remembered the business, took a step back, and bowed deeply to Yusuke.

"Thank you last night!"

Yusuke nodded with a smile, he can afford this gift.

"Yusuke" X2
The voices of the two girls came, and Asuka turned her head curiously, just in time to see the two girls walking over.

Seeing the appearance of those two girls, Asuka was a little surprised, they were so beautiful.

One is a beautiful girl with an extraordinary temperament, with big watery eyes that seem to be able to speak, and an innocent smile that makes people's heart flutter like first love.

The other is a petite and cute girl with long black hair in a shawl, big black bright eyes, a ruddy face, and most importantly, her amazing figure, which is really good and well-developed!

The two girls looked at Asuka curiously.

Asuka is wearing casual clothes, with her tall figure, straight thighs, long black hair, and heroic eyes, she is a beauty.

The three women looked at each other,
Who is this person?

(End of this chapter)

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