Chapter 286 286. Gifts
"Let me introduce you"

Yusuke said with a smile at this time: "This one is my childhood sweetheart, Miyajima Yui, this one is my good friend, Komiya Rie, and this one is my cousin's childhood sweetheart, Nishino Temple Asuka"

Asuka and Yui glanced at each other, but they didn't expect each other to have the attributes of a childhood sweetheart.

The three greeted each other.

"Then I won't bother you." Asuka smiled and waved her hands, ready to leave. As a woman, she felt that the relationship between these three people must be very complicated, so she had better not get involved.

Asuka quickly left on the motorcycle, Yui looked at Yusuke curiously.

"Why did she bow to you just now?"

The way Asuka bowed, the two of them happened to see it too.

Yusuke told what happened last night, Yui and Rie were a little surprised, they didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Then are you okay?"

Hearing the concerned tone of the two, Yusuke's heart warmed up.

"Don't worry, I will solve them in 3 minutes"


Yuyi curled her lips, and finally couldn't help persuading: "Don't do this kind of thing next time."

"Don't worry, it won't happen, I was scolded by my mother last night"

"Auntie is right, Yusuke, you are so naughty"

"Is naughty the right word to use?"

"Well, that's the troublemaker"

"No, it should be attracting bees and butterflies."

"Why do you two talk more and more outrageous!"

The three of them were noisy and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

The happy days passed quickly, and the follow-up of this matter was quickly resolved. The adults worked together, and the punks were all put in prison, and they were about to sit in prison.

During the period, Asuka's partners also came to visit and thanked Yusuke.

Yusuke also greeted them, and everyone got to know each other, and one more person also had one more connection.

However, Yusuke noticed that the eyes of the girls looking at him were a bit strange, and later learned from Asuka that they were flirting with him!
Yusuke was a little speechless, why are all these people greedy for their bodies!
Yusuke hinted that he was not interested in them, everyone laughed, and then the matter passed like this.

Today is the last day in Kyoto, Yusuke, Yui, and Rie are shopping in the shopping street together, buying special products and gifts in Kyoto.

"Have you bought your ticket yet?" Yusuke asked.

"I bought it, the Shinkansen tomorrow morning will be home in the afternoon"

"I may not be home until tomorrow night, so be careful on your own way"

"Do not worry"

The three chatted while looking at the products in the store.

"What do you think of this dress?"

Yui asked at this moment, pointing to a white dress next to her.

"It seems a little childish," Rie said after looking at her.

"Wait a minute, didn't we come to buy gifts? How did it become clothes?"

"Can't you?" X2
The two girls asked in unison.

"Okay" Yusuke shook his head, now he just needs to be obedient.

"Would you like to try it on?"


"I don't think it's suitable for you," Yusuke said at this time.

"Why?" Yui was a little curious.

"Because of that..."

Yusuke's eyes swept over Yui's chest, which was very spectacular.

In an instant, Yuyi noticed it, clutched his chest, and shouted angrily: "What are you looking at!"

Rie looked over with surprised eyes, and looked at Yusuke with a little more contempt.

That's right, contempt!

It was the first time for Yusuke to see such a look in Rie's eyes, and he was a little flustered.

My personality seems to be collapsing!

"I mean, your body is not suitable for wearing these cute clothes, it will make you look fat"

"I don't believe it!" Yui said angrily.

"If you don't believe me, try it"

Yui took the clothes and tried them on, and then walked out again, Yusuke was a little strange.

"Why don't you change your clothes?"

"No need!" Yuyi hung the clothes on the rack angrily, "This dress is not good, let's go"

Yusuke smiled, as expected.

Plump and cute are in conflict!

Although it was strange to change from buying gifts to buying clothes, Yusuke still walked around with them, and the two girls ended up buying a lot of clothes.

Tsk tsk, woman!
“Time to buy gifts”

Seeing that the two girls still want to buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, Yusuke hastily shouted, he will not be able to hold any more purchases, and his body is already covered with bags of all sizes.

"All right"

Only then did the two girls stop their desire to buy, and Yusuke led them towards the goldware shop.

"You want to buy gold jewelry again?"

Yui looked at him in surprise, Yusuke nodded seriously.

"Yeah, I think it's good to give gold!"

Yui and Rie have black lines on their heads, how obsessed you are with gold!
"Don't buy gold anymore," Yui refused.

"Give gold is the right way, no one doesn't like gold." Yusuke still insisted on his point of view.

"I don't think gold jewelry is very practical," Rie said.

“Wearing gold jewelry is also very beautiful”

"But you can't have gold jewelry all over your body, can you?"

Yusuke thought about it for a while, and it seemed to make sense, but there seemed to be something wrong.

"Let's choose another place for you."

Regardless of Yusuke's reaction, the two grabbed his arm and walked away.

Yusuke was a little embarrassed, this gesture was too intimate.

At this moment, the two of them also regained their strength, their faces were slightly red, and it was neither good nor bad to let go. They finally came to the store, and the three of them separated, but the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Yusuke coughed.

"What gift are you going to choose?" He forcibly changed the subject.

"Let's go see what's there"

The two also recovered their faces at this time.

However, Yui and Rie exchanged glances, and both saw an inexplicable meaning in each other's eyes.

The three chose in the store, and finally bought a music box, because this is the most interesting.

"I'm done shopping for gifts, now I'm going to buy souvenirs"

"oh" x2
The five-day trip to Kyoto is finally over, and Yui and Rie are finally going back.

"Sister, I'm leaving, you remember to eat, remember to take care of yourself, don't stay up late, remember to wash your clothes, tidy up your room, and go to the sun more, your dark circles are too heavy ,and also……"

"Okay, don't say any more"

Tachibana was about to go crazy, he almost regarded her as a three-year-old child.

Rie sighed, guessing that as soon as she left, her sister would fight back to her original form.

Seeing Rie's disappointed expression, Tachibana felt a little uncomfortable, and sighed helplessly.

"Okay, sister, I know, I will take care of myself"

Rie smiled.

"Goodbye, sister, see you in Chinese New Year"

"Sister Tachibana, goodbye"

"Okay, I'll see you at New Year's Eve"

The three waved their hands, and Tachibana watched the two leave. Although it was only 5 days, they felt a little lost.

I haven't been home for a long time, it seems that I have to go home for the Chinese New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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