Chapter 287. 287. Jessica Returns

Yusuke and the others are also preparing to go back, and they are packing their luggage at this time.

Ai Yi and Jiang Hui are saying goodbye to each other. They got to know each other well within five days. The two brothers Kazuya are talking. The relationship between the two has always been very good and has not diminished with the passage of time. The two mothers exchanged some daily life.

"Brother Yusuke, we won't meet until next year."

Ryusuke felt a little regretful, it was like this in the past, he didn't feel much about meeting once a year, but this year he felt a little pity.

This is the first time he agrees with this elder brother from the heart.

"Call me when you're free." Yusuke patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and his expression became serious.

"You have to grow up quickly and become a real man"

Long Jie nodded seriously, this will be his goal.

"Yusuke, I'm going to play, will you entertain me?"

Asuka next to him asked with a smile, and she also came to see him off.

Yusuke nodded, "You are always welcome."

"Otherwise, when you go to college, you can come to Kyoto University, and we can play together again."

Yusuke smiled and shook his head.

"My goal is Dongda University!"

Asuka was a little unhappy.

"What's so good about Tokyo University? Kyoto University is stronger, and we are the strongest industrial university in Asia!"

Yusuke smiled and said nothing.

When it was time to say goodbye, Yusuke waved his hand, and the family quickly left.

Looking at the leaving Che Ying, Long Jie felt a little dazed.

"Yusuke is excellent!" Asuka next to him said at this time, and Ryusuke looked over.

"Ryusuke, you also want to become such an adult, I am looking forward to your growth"

"You have to be a real man"

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard." Long Jie clenched his fists, his eyes were very firm, "I will definitely!"

The journey back was very comfortable. Yongsuke played games with Aiyi in the car, while the animals sat beside them and watched the scenery. The journey was safe.

When we got home, it was already evening. After a tiring day, everyone had a simple dinner and went to rest.

July ends, August arrives.

Yusuke looked at the familiar turntable in front of him, it was the monthly lucky draw again, prayed, and pressed the button of the lottery draw in front of him, the turntable was spinning rapidly, and soon, the pointer stopped.

Congratulations, you have won the 'Hit and Don't Hit' skill!
crack shot!

Yusuke looked at the description: As long as it is related to shooting, it can definitely hit the target, and it will hit the target with every shot!
This function is against the sky!

In an instant, Yusuke came up with various practicalities.

The reward this time is very powerful!

Yusuke was in a great mood, even the sun felt a little brighter.

After tidying up his appearance, Yusuke set off. Today is an important day.

That's right, Jessica and the others are finally back!
Last night, Yusuke received a message from Jessica. She also came back yesterday, and Evangeline also came back.

Today is the day they meet.

Today is a big party for Secondary School!

Taking the bus, we arrived at the shrine. The weather in August was still very hot, so Yusuke took the shade under the shade of a tree.

At this time, only Yusuke arrived first, so he waited here.

After a while, footsteps came from the stone steps, and a figure came up with the sun behind his back.

With blond hair, emerald green eyes, and a small face, she walked up the stone steps step by step, shining in the sun, and she was as cute as ever.

Yusuke was about to extend his hand to say hello when his expression froze.

As Jessica walked up, her chest trembled. The chest that was originally flat has now turned into a huge mountain range.

Look at the ridge and the side into the peak!
Yusuke was stunned, it's not that he hasn't seen each other for a month, the change is so big!

What have you been eating this month?

It grows so big!
Jessica was still wearing the previous loli costume, but this loli costume was stretched so tight that the clothes were almost torn!
For a moment, Yusuke thought of Jessica's sister Terina, she is also very magnificent, counting the time, Jessica has also reached the time of development.

Could it be that this is a family inheritance?
Jessica came up and patted her chest. There was a surge of waves, Yusuke's eyes were instantly attracted, it was really too big!

The clothes seem a bit tight, Jessica frowned, today is the day of the party, she took out the battle clothes on purpose, but she miscalculated her own development, the clothes were too tight at this time, her chest was strangled He was dead, and it was difficult to breathe.

Of course, Jessica is still very happy about her changes.

Finally able to hold my head up!
"Fallen Angel, I have returned from hell!"

As soon as I opened my mouth, it was still full of strokes.

This has not changed, you guys only grow your body but not your brain!
Yusuke responded with a smile: "Jessica, you are back"

Jessica ran over excitedly, and Yusuke's eyes were attracted by the surging waves.

As her body changed, the previous movements suddenly looked very seductive.

Damn, this temptation is too great!

But seeing Jessica's pure eyes, Yusuke knew that he was dirty!

"Have you enjoyed yourself in England?" Yusuke asked with a smile.

"I had a lot of fun. Grandpa and grandma took good care of me, and there are many ponies in my grandpa's ranch. I will ride them every day." Jessica said excitedly, as if she had got a new toy.

"Oh yes, this is a gift for you"

Jessica remembered at this moment, took out something from her pocket, handed it to Yusuke, and Yusuke looked at the thing in the palm.

It was a silver spoon.

"Why did you send me a spoon?"

"In the British saying, giving a spoon means you will have food for the rest of your life"

Yusuke smiled, this blessing is very interesting.

"Then I'll take out my gift too."

Yusuke took out a box, Jessica was a little surprised, and said excitedly, "Could it be the legendary Philosopher's Stone?"

Yusuke's face froze, you are so disappointed!


Jessica was a little disappointed, and Yusuke couldn't help but knocked her on the head.

"This is much more useful than the Philosopher's Stone!",
Only then did Jessica show interest, took the box, and opened it. Inside was a golden bracelet with golden patterns shining in the sun.

"This bracelet is so pretty!"

Although she is a middle school student, she is also a girl who also likes beautiful things.

Jessica put the bracelet on her finger and showed it off in front of Yusuke.

"How is it, is it beautiful?"

"very beautiful"

"Thank you, Yusuke"

Jessica showed a happy smile, that innocent smile was finally worth the money
(End of this chapter)

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