Chapter 290 290. Meeting
Sasaki House

Yusuke and Hocheru are competing, and Seiko sits beside him and watches carefully.

There was the sound of striking bamboo swords and screaming, and the attack of the two men was very violent.

Finally, a bamboo sword hit Yusuke's mask, and both of them stopped.

Come back and salute.

"Thank you, master, for your guidance!"

Yusuke took off his hood, his head dripping with sweat.

As expected of a great swordsman, his strength is really strong. Yusuke has not won a victory from him until now.

Huche also took off the hood, looking at Yusuke with satisfaction.

Yusuke's growth is somewhat beyond his imagination, the growth rate is too fast!
The content of the teaching is easy to learn, the reaction speed is extremely fast, the understanding is super strong, and the talent is too good. Taking Yusuke as a disciple is the most wise decision he has ever made.

He is looking forward to Yusuke's growth.

two people seated
"There's a party next week, and it's all my friends, Yusuke, come over with me then."

Sasaki Toru said with a smile, this is to introduce Yusuke into his circle, you must know that people who can be in the same circle as Dajianhao must be people of status, which is of great benefit to Yusuke.

The network alone is enough to benefit Yusuke a lot.

Yusuke was a little moved, Huche was very concerned about him, and he didn't want to miss this opportunity.


"Master, when is the party next week?"

"Do you have anything else to do next week?" Hu Che asked curiously. This is obviously a good thing. Is there anything more important than this?
"I have an appointment with a friend next Friday, so..."

"What if there is a conflict?"

Yusuke hesitated for a moment, this is an excellent opportunity, it's a pity to give up like this, and the comic exhibition is not the only one.


Next Friday happens to be the opening time of the Summer Comic Con, and we have already made an appointment with Jessica and the others.

pick one of two……

Yusuke sighed in his heart, some things, some promises are more important.

"If there is a time conflict, then I'm sorry, master, I have already promised others, I can't break the appointment," Yusuke said seriously.

Hu Che stared at him, and after a while, a smile appeared on his serious face.

"Don't worry, the party is Wednesday"

Only then did Yusuke breathe a sigh of relief, it would be best if there was no time conflict.

"Yongsuke, you are very mature, I am very relieved." Huche said at this time: "But sometimes, you have to decide how to choose."

"Of course, I'm not saying that your choice is wrong, but remember, whatever you do, don't forget your true heart"

"If you think it's right, then do it!"

"Your decision is the most important!"

Looking at Toru who is earnestly teaching, Yusuke nodded submissively.

"Then what should I pay attention to?" Yusuke asked, it was his first time attending this kind of gathering, so he couldn't be rude.

"No need." Huche waved his hand.

"They are all my friends, there is no need to ignore these, just treat it as an ordinary party, just be normal"

Yusuke nodded, but he was already prepared in his heart, and he couldn't be rude when the time came.

After chatting with Huche for a while, Yusuke left first, and Shengzi escorted him to the gate.

Standing at the door, Seiko asked with a serious expression, "Yusuke, are you free this Sunday?"

Yusuke was taken aback and thought for a while.

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

"Then can you go out with us?"

Yusuke looked at Seiko, Seiko organized his words, and then said: "This Sunday, I have an appointment with Kawanaru, the left hand, to go hunting, and I still need a helper."

"What are you going to hunt?"

"Wild boars, wild boars are very rampant recently, we decided to eliminate the harm for the people!"

The Holy Son said righteously, it was rare that a sacred expression appeared on his usually expressionless face, as if he was carrying out a major mission.

This looks very familiar...

Treat yourself as the protagonist of justice, this sense of mission like a brave man.

In an instant, the appearance of a certain light knight appeared in his mind.

"Why are you looking at me, is there something on my face?"

Seeing Yusuke staring at him, Seiko touched his face strangely, there was nothing on his face.

Yusuke coughed and changed the subject.


It just so happens that I have also obtained the skill of 'one hundred shots and one hundred hits', so I can try how powerful it is.

"What time and place?"

"This Sunday, I will send you the location on my mobile phone"

"no problem"

"I really didn't misunderstand you." The Son admired him, "You are indeed the man I fancy."

Yusuke was a little embarrassed, what does this sentence mean?

But looking at the calm Son of Heaven, he probably thought too much.

Since he was going to hunt, Yongsuke had to buy a weapon. The first choice was a bow and arrow, and then some other throwing weapons. With the blessing of strength, coupled with the skill of invariably shooting, these weapons were extremely lethal.

Yusuke returned to the studio with a bunch of weapons.

"Why do you buy bows and arrows?"

Rie looked over curiously, picked up the bow and arrow, and found that the hand was very heavy, tried to pull the bowstring, but found that she couldn't pull it at all with her strength.

This bow and arrow is so heavy!
"Rie, be careful, don't hurt yourself"

Yusuke took the bow and arrow from Rie's hand, and carefully put it back to its original place. A careless bowstring would hurt himself
"Why did you learn how to bow and arrow?" Yui asked curiously, watching Yusuke swinging the bow and arrow with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I learned it after high school"

"How did you find out that after you went to high school, you seemed to know everything?"

This is too sudden, swordsmanship, video, animal language, and now bow and arrow, this guy knows too many things!
"Of course, you can't judge people by their appearance."

"This word doesn't seem to be used that way," Rie complained.

"Then let me put it another way, I'm a genius!"

"You guys are getting thicker and thicker"

"you flatter me"

"Okay, let's get down to business, Yusuke, the playback volume of the videos in the past two days is a bit abnormal" Rie said at this time, Yusuke and Yui also straightened their faces and looked over.

"I checked the reason, it may be because of this post"

Rie turned the computer screen around, and both Yusuke and Yui looked at the content of the post curiously.

The title of the post: Sue animal expert Jun Sanze for using animals to retaliate against humans!
The person who posted the post is a video blogger A, who claimed that in a certain incident, he accidentally offended the video blogger, an animal expert, Mr. Sanze. He sincerely apologized on his side, but the other party repented and controlled the crow with a very disgusting method. The attack method attacked him, which had a great impact on his life and travel.

He once sought reconciliation from the other party, but the animal expert Sanze-kun was very arrogant, ignored him, and blocked him directly.

With nowhere to go, video blogger A can only expose the shady scene on the Internet, let netizens know the true face of animal expert Mr. Sanze, and at the same time hope that righteous people will lend a helping hand to him, so that everything can return to calm.

The content of this post is very familiar.

Isn't this the two men I met before!
The three of them thought of the two people from last time at the same time. After Yusuke ordered the boss to retaliate, the other party also noticed something was wrong, and sent an email to Yusuke and the others, hoping that the two sides would come out to negotiate, but Yusuke directly blocked him.

Whatever you do, you must pay the corresponding price, and you must be punished if you do something wrong!

Seeing that Yusuke did not respond, the other party came up with a method of using public opinion to attack, and exposed the matter online.

The content of the post is very vivid. Except for a small number of details, the rest of the content is very real, very emotional, and empathetic.

But the comments below are very strange.

"Aren't you stupid to control the crows to attack you?"

"Is this a second-year-old patient?"

"Controlling crows, attacking humans, that's a good story!"

The comments below are all ridicules. Although the story is very touching, this content is too outrageous!
Saying that the other party let the dog bite you is more reliable than this!
However, there are also some comments, expressing sympathy for video blogger A, expressing empathy.

And one of them, whose internet name is 'A Girl Like a Flower', also complained about ruining her life because of a crow's bird poo attack.

The same story is very long and touching.

Yusuke could tell who the owner of the screen name was at a glance.

There is also a comment about the story of my child crying bitterly when the crow snatched the bread.

These two stories are very familiar to Yusuke, and they are both masterpieces of the crow.

The style of the comments below also began to change. Everyone began to tell the embarrassing story of being attacked by animals, and it was suddenly full of sand sculpture joy.

Probably because the painting style is too sandy, this post quickly became a hot search on daily Twitter.

At the same time, the video blogger Sanze Jun, an animal expert, also appeared on the daily trending search because he can control crows.

As a result, Yusuke's ranking on YouTube has risen rapidly, and many people have come to see who this expert is.

The influence of this post is both good and bad. The good thing is that the popularity of the animal expert Sanze Jun has opened up. The bad thing is the comments from the audience. Most of the comments are very sandy. Although I haven’t seen the video of him controlling the crow, but The interaction between Yusuke and the cat also opened their eyes, this animal taming ability is very strong.

However, there are also many malicious comments.

Those malicious comments opened Yusuke's eyes.

Human malice knows no bounds.

"Do you want to delete all those comments?" Yui asked worriedly. She felt her scalp tingle after reading those disgusting comments, which was terrible!

Yusuke thought for a while, and said: "I'll talk about it in two days, wait for the heat to cool down before acting, deleting comments now will stimulate the audience."

The popularity of the Internet generally does not exceed three days. After three days, the popularity of the incident will drop, and this is still a sand sculpture incident, and the popularity may disappear in one day.

Seeing Yusuke so calm, Yui and Rie relaxed their anxious mood, so they just dealt with it.

(End of this chapter)

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