Chapter 291. 291. Invitation

"But you two should be careful when you go out recently," Yusuke reminded.

In the age of entertaining to death, anything can happen.

"It's okay, the content of the post just skipped us, and we didn't appear in the video, no problem"

Rie said: "It's Yusuke instead, everyone knows what you look like, you have to be careful yourself"

Yui thought of those malicious comments just now, and was also a little worried at this moment.

Yusuke smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not that you don't know my strength, I'm very strong"

"Even so, you'd better be careful"

Yui and Rie were still very worried, they urged them repeatedly, and after Yusuke's reassurance, they were relieved.

Yusuke also has his own plans, and for a while, the younger brothers of the crow boss have to secretly protect Yui and Rie. Of course, it would be best if no accident happened.

"By the way, Yusuke, you haven't said why you bought the bow and arrow? Are you going to make a new video?"

Yui asked at this time, and Yusuke talked about the hunting, and the two looked surprised and curious.

Hunting is so rare!
"Well, can I follow this time?" Yui asked with some expectation, Yusuke nodded, "Yes"

With the experience of last time and new skills, this time Yusuke is very confident in hunting and is confident that he can protect them well.

"Then can I go with you?" Li Hui's expression was also a little moved. They are all children living in the city, and they are very curious about primitive activities such as hunting.

"It's okay, let's go together, but I'll tell the Holy Son," Yusuke nodded and said.

"How about we take a picture of the hunting process this time?"

Li Hui's eyes lit up at this time, "I think this is a good selling point. Many people have never seen hunting. Most people have never tried it once in their lives. There should be many people who like this type of video."

After thinking about it, Yusuke's eyes lit up, this is also an excellent direction.

Videos of survival in the wild are also very popular.

"Okay, that's a good idea!"

Yusuke's thought suddenly came to him.

"But we can't use the account of animal expert Sanze Jun this time, we have to create a new account"

Both looked over, waiting for Yusuke's speech, and Yusuke continued: "The animal expert Sanze-kun created pets, which represent love and animal taming, while Survival in the Wilderness is hunting animals, representing Strength and survival of the fittest, the two are opposites, so we need a new character”

Yui and Rie thought about it for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"Then who is going to play?" Yui asked.

"Don't we have ready-made candidates?" Yusuke replied with a smile, Yui and Rie were stunned for a moment.

"You mean Seiko and Kawanaru, the left hand?"

Yusuke nodded and said: "The two of them are very suitable. First of all, both of them are professionals. The left-handed Kawanaru is a policeman and a professional hunter. You have seen the strength of Shengzi. Her martial arts are very strong. The two of them are absolutely able to do this job.

And they are all beauties, beauties and hunters, the combination of these two selling points will be very powerful."

Yui and Rie thought about it, and it was indeed very feasible, but the question is, do they agree?

"Let's try to talk to them." Yusuke said, "Anyway, let's try first."

Both Yui and Rie nodded.

The first thing the three found was the Son.

Shengzi came to their studio and was a little surprised to see their working environment.

When Yusuke came under Sasaki's door, he also introduced some of his situation. Seiko also knew that Yusuke had opened a studio, but he didn't know exactly what Seiko was doing. He didn't expect that Yusuke was a video blogger. And it seems to be doing well.

Yusuke took Seiko for a brief tour of the studio, and then they sat down, while the kittens played beside them.

The Holy Son looked at the kittens, took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and asked calmly, "What's the matter with calling me over?"

Yusuke explained his thoughts in detail, and took Shengzi to visit their studio to strengthen her confidence.

The Son pondered for a moment after hearing this, and asked, "Yusuke, can you communicate with the animals?"

Yusuke nodded and gestured, Xiao Hei and the others surrounded him.

Then, under Yusuke's command, Xiao Hei and them are like soldiers, standing, jumping, spinning, queuing up, and every move, completely obeying Yusuke's instructions.

The son's eyes were a little shocked, and he asked expectantly for a while, "Can I learn this?"

The son's reaction is normal, everyone who saw this scene had this idea

"Sorry, it's talent"

The Son of God had a regretful expression on his face.

"I can agree to help with the filming, but Yusuke, can you do me a favor?"

"you say"

"I want to find a pet!" Shengzi said seriously: "I wanted to raise one before, but unfortunately last time the husky was someone else, so I want to find one this time, and Yusuke can help me find it ?"

Yusuke thought for a while and asked, "Then what kind of pet do you want? A cat or a dog?"


"Okay, then I'll help you find it"

The Holy Son smiled at this time, and said happily: "As expected of a man I admire!"

For a moment, the eyes of Yui and Rie became very strange, what does this sentence mean?

Yusuke didn't respond, he knew her personality after getting along with Seiko for a long time, and after chatting with Seiko for a while, Seiko left first.

It was at this time that Yusuke noticed the puzzled eyes of the two, and then he reacted, and quickly explained that the character of the Holy Son is like this, and often the words do not express the meaning.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

After dealing with Shengzi, the next step is Zuo Shouchuan.

The three rushed to Zuo Chuan's jurisdiction and found Zuo Chuan Naru, who happened to be patrolling the road.

"Isn't this Yusuke?"

Kawana with his left hand left at the intersection ahead and waved with a smile.

"Long time no see, Police Officer Zuo Shouchuan!"

The brave man also responded with a smile.

Zuo Techuan came over on his bicycle and stopped in front of Yusuke. At this time, he also saw Yui and Rie behind Yusuke, his expression froze, and then he gave a thumbs up with a look of admiration.

"Excellent, one person can handle two, young man, you are amazing!"

This guy must have misunderstood something!
Yusuke shook his head without much explanation.

Yui had met Zuo Techuan before, but Rie didn't know him, and Yusuke introduced them to him.

Left-handed Kawanaru looked at the two of them, looked at Yusuke, and asked in a low voice: "Yusuke, are you not afraid of the hatchet ending?"

"We are just friends"

"Come on, based on my years of experience in handling cases, the two of them are definitely interested in you."

"Officer Zuo Shouchuan, how many cases do you solve in a year?"

The face of the left-handed Kawanaru suddenly froze, "If you don't talk about this topic, we are still good friends."

She is just an ordinary little policeman who usually patrols to maintain law and order. What kind of cases can she solve!

"Okay, that's the end of our small talk"

Yusuke straightened his face at this time, "I have something to ask you"

"What's the matter? Serving the people is my purpose!"

Kawanaru, the left hand, regained his energy in an instant.

"What happened, robbery or murder? Don't worry, I'll take care of all of this!"

Zuo Shouchuan looked so heroic, he was finally able to take over this kind of case, so excited!
The black line on Yusuke's face, the law and order in Japan doesn't seem to be so bad!
And we are just ordinary high school students, how can we encounter these robberies and murders!
You think I'm a Shinigami elementary school student!
"It's not that serious, I just want to ask you to shoot some videos"

"What~" Left-handed Kawanaru suddenly loses energy, "So that's what it is, I'm not interested!"

Yusuke was directly rejected before he finished speaking, and he was stunned.

"You must at least hear me out first"

"Okay, let's talk"

Yusuke then talked about his plan to survive in the wilderness.

"It won't take up your other time, it's just hunting time, we'll be shooting from the sidelines"

Zuo Shouchuan thought for a while, then nodded.

"That's not a problem, but does this make money?"

"You can make money, but I can't guarantee how much"

Yusuke then told him about being a video blogger, which surprised Kawanaru the left hand.

"I didn't expect you kid to earn more than me!"

Kawanaru patted Yusuke's shoulder vigorously with his left hand, so strong that Yusuke suspected that she did it on purpose.

"No, you have to invite me to dinner. Last time I agreed to invite me to dinner, but it has not been implemented until now. I thought I didn't expect you to be just an ordinary student. I didn't expect you to be a big capitalist. This time I have to be ruthless." I will kill you hard!"

Yusuke smiled, Zuo Kawanaru has such a straightforward personality, it is very comfortable to be friends with her.

The two chatted and laughed for a while, and Kawana Ruto's left hand straightened his face.

"Okay, I agree, it seems quite interesting"

 The whole family caught a cold together, tossed for several days, and finally got better, and the missing chapters will be added later

(End of this chapter)

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