Chapter 297 297. Decoy
"Since the other party is so rich, besides us, is there anyone else taking the order?" Rie asked at this time.

"No, he sent a single task, which can only be taken by one person, but the task requires us to complete it within today. If we can't do it, the task will fail, and someone else will take over."

A few nodded to express their understanding.

"Then let's get to work"

Everyone is responsible, Seiko and Zuo Techuan are looking for an ambush, Yui and Rie are in charge of filming, and Yusuke is in charge of unloading props.

Soon, Zuo Shouchuan found a place to ambush, and then went to find the whereabouts of the wild boar.

A group of people cautiously explored the surrounding woods. Zuo Techuan and Seiko were at the front, Yui and Rie were in the middle, and they were in charge of shooting at the same time, and Yusuke was in charge of the rear. The movements of the group were not very fast.

Ten minutes later, everyone still had nothing.

"Take a rest first"

Zuo Chuan raised his hand as a signal, the team is led by Zuo Chuan Naru, and all actions are based on her orders.

Everyone stopped in their tracks. Although they had only been in action for more than ten minutes, their spirits were highly concentrated, their bodies tensed up, and the pressure was also great. In this environment, they had to adjust their state at all times.

Several people rested for a few minutes, then continued to move forward. The group continued to explore, and finally, a clue appeared.

There were traces of rubbing on the surrounding trees, and a few small trees were trampled down, which were the traces left by the wild boar's collision, and there was no strange smell in the air.

Zuo Chuan raised his hand, and everyone stopped in their tracks. Yui and Rie were a little nervous, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

Zuo Techuan carefully looked around, then met the eyes of Yusuke and Seiko, and nodded.

Zuo Shouchuan waved his hand back, and everyone began to retreat, and they didn't relax until some distance away.

"We found the place where the wild boar is, and the next step is to lure it out," Zuo Shouchuan said, "But this is a little troublesome, that place is too hidden, and there are too many grasses and leaves, and the vision is not good, so it is very dangerous. What's the best way?"

The place where the wild boar hides is in the pile of short bushes, the leaves are densely packed, and the sight is blocked. If you are not careful, the identities of the prey and the hunter will be reversed at any time, which is a difficult problem.

Yusuke thought for a while and said, "I climbed up the tree, found the wild boar, and used bait to lure the wild boar out bit by bit."

"But" the Holy Son said at this time: "Just now there was a section of the area full of small trees that couldn't carry people, so what will you do then?"

When they came over just now, they passed through a small forest, where the trees were so thin that they couldn't bear the weight of humans at all.

"Then we can start laying out the bait from there in advance, don't break the bait in the middle, try not to let it escape, and then lead it outside"

The three discussed it and decided to use this method.

A few people started to set up bait. It was a pile of apples, one every few meters, and they were all placed in conspicuous places, so that the wild boars could find them. At the last spot, a small pile of apples was placed directly.

"Okay, Yui, Rie, you two go up the tree first."

Shengzi said that their ambush was on a big tree nearby, and the condescending advantage was the greatest.

Yui and Rie nodded. They were already prepared for today's action, so they were wearing long trousers.

The two climbed up the tree in twos and threes, and then Shengzi and Zuo Shouchuan also climbed up the branches, and they began to organize their equipment.

Yui and Rie adjusted the shooting angle, Seiko and Zuotechuan were preparing their weapons, Yusuke brought an apple, bow and arrow and weapons on his back, and was about to lure the wild boar out.

Returning along the road, Yusuke checked the bait along the way, and the apples stayed quietly on the ground.

When he came to the place just now, Yusuke climbed up a big tree, stepped on the branch, and moved forward cautiously.

The branches began to bend, making strange noises, and seemed to be unable to bear it.

At this moment, Yusuke stepped hard and jumped up, the branches under his feet rebounded, and the leaves rustled.

The distance between the trees was not very close, but with Yusuke's skill, he easily crossed the middle distance, and directly reached out and grabbed the opposite branch. The branch bent instantly, but it didn't break. Climbed up and climbed to the trunk at a very fast speed.

In the same way, Yusuke kept jumping among the trees, his movements were very smooth and smooth.

Finally, after entering the location of the target, the strange smell became stronger and stronger, and Yusuke became more careful in his movements.

After jumping a few more trees, Yusuke saw his target.

In the grass, a wild boar is grazing on the ground, its black fur looming in the grass.

Yusuke took out an apple from the backpack behind him and threw it high from the tree. The apple rolled on the ground and landed right in front of the wild boar.

The wild boar was gnawing on the turf, when he heard the sound, raised his head, and saw a bright red apple, his eyes lit up immediately.

However, the vigilance of the animals did not let it relax. The wild boar looked around and saw nothing strange. After thinking for a while, he walked over and sniffed the pig.

The tempting fragrance came, and the saliva almost flowed out.

However, the animal's vigilance made it a little hesitant.

Still, the power of food is powerful.

Finally, the wild boar couldn't help it anymore, opened its mouth, bit the apple into its mouth, and began to eat it. The sweet juice made the wild boar let out a cry of happiness.

At this time, there was another sound, which startled the wild boar, turned around quickly, and another apple fell there in front of it.

There was another apple to eat, the wild boar didn't think too much, ran over with his calf, bit the apple and ate it, and then another apple appeared, the wild boar didn't think about it, ran over, whoever had an apple would eat it turf.

The wild boar was very happy to eat it, but the only pity was that the apples were too small, they would be gone in one bite, and they had to run a few steps to eat them, so couldn't they be delivered directly to his mouth?

The wild boar cursed, twisted its buttocks, and ran happily.

Seeing that the wild boar fell into the trap easily, Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the wild boar would not be fooled, but now it seems that he overestimated the wild boar's IQ.

The wild boar was so immersed in the joy of delicious food that it didn't realize that it was walking away step by step towards the periphery.

Finally, when he came to the outermost tree, Yusuke watched the wild boar run away. At this moment, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zuo Shouchuan.

It wasn't until the wild boar was out of sight that Yusuke climbed down from the tree, carefully circled the route ahead, and outflanked it from the other side.

On the other side, Zuotegawa and the others are waiting, and Yui and Rie have already started filming.

Not long after waiting, Zuo Shouchuan's cell phone rang suddenly.


Everyone's spirits lifted.

"Yongsuke's progress is going well, it's up to us next, Holy Son, get ready!"

The left-handed Kawanaru said seriously, Seiko nodded, took out the bow and arrow, put it on the string, put his fingers on the bowstring, and could enter the shooting state at any time, while the left-handed Kawanaru held the shotgun and leaned against the tree trunk , looking down condescendingly.

Yui and Rie each got a mobile phone and took pictures from different angles.

Soon, a black shadow appeared from the edge of the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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