Chapter 298
Everyone didn't make a sound, quietly watching the wild boar walk into the trap step by step.

The wild boar has completely fallen into the temptation of delicious food. At this time, he has already walked to the wasteland. He suddenly saw a large pile of apples in front of him, and his eyes lit up. He stepped on his calf and sprinted over. He raised the pig's head and let out a loud cry, as if he had reached the peak of pig life.

At this time, Zuo Shouchuan and Shengzi launched an attack.

With a gunshot, the wild boar's mouth was blasted with a big hole.

At the same time, a bamboo arrow shot directly into its mouth and stuck in its throat.

The wild boar screamed, unable to bear the tremendous pain, its huge body hit the ground, and the ground was smashed out with a layer of dust.

There was another gunshot, and a huge wound exploded on the wild boar's body. The huge body shook for a while, and the wild boar howled again, with a very sad voice, and then a bamboo arrow was stuck in there. On the bloody wound, the stimulated wild boar cried again.

The sound of gunshots and bamboo arrows piercing through the air came, and another huge wound was added to the wild boar's body.

This time the wild boar finally stopped screaming, lying on the ground like a dead pig.

Zuo Shouchuan stretched out his hand and gestured for it, and then Shengzi took off the bow and arrow from the string.

"It's almost done, then wait for it to bleed dry, and attacking it is a waste"

Yui and Rie have saved the pictures they just took. The way they attacked just now was very shocking, especially the gunshots that sounded in their ears, which made them both a little dazed, but then they were very shocked. excitement.

The heroic looks of the two are really handsome!

Yui and Rie are confident that the video this time will definitely be interesting!
After almost half an hour, several people climbed down from the tree and approached cautiously.

It wasn't until they got close to the wild boar that Yui and Rie realized how huge the wild boar was, and the ferocious fangs were not vegetarian.

After knocking down such a huge prey, several people were a little excited. Yui and Rie took their mobile phones and took a picture around the wild boar's body to make the spoils more intuitive.

After a while, Rie asked, "Why hasn't Yusuke come out yet?"

Only then did everyone realize that it has been so long, why hasn't Yusuke come back yet?
"Let me call and ask"

Zuo Chuan picked up the phone and called Yusuke directly.

At this time, a mobile phone rang from the woods ahead, and several people turned their heads.

Yusuke was coming out of the woods, he was holding a little wild boar upside down in his hand, and there was a long bow and arrow stuck in the wild boar's body.

Seeing everyone, Yusuke waved his hand, the phone was still ringing, Zuo Chuan hung up the phone directly.

Yusuke walked over with a smile and explained: "On the way back, I met a little wild boar and killed it."

Yusuke lifted the wild boar in his hand. This wild boar was round and round like a small bucket.

"Not bad." Zuo Shouchuan praised: "Two of them have been killed now, and only one is left. If you work harder, you'll be done with it."

Everyone smiled and nodded. At this moment, the expressions of Zuo Shouchuan and Shengzi changed.


A violent howl suddenly came from behind, Yusuke's heart tightened, and he turned his head immediately.

All I saw was a black shadow rushing out from the bushes at an extremely fast speed, and the target was Yusuke and his group.

That was the last boar.

These three wild boars should be a family of three. What Shengzi and the others killed was the boar, what Yusuke killed was the piglet, and this one is the sow.

Seeing the boar and piglets being killed, the sow went completely mad, howling and rushed towards Yusuke and the others.

At this time, Yui, Rie, and Yusuke turned their backs to it, and only Seiko and Zuo Techuan were facing it. The two immediately noticed the situation in front of them and sounded a reminder.

But this wild boar was very violent, and the two had just made a sound when the sow had already rushed over and was about to hit them in two or three seconds.

Yui and Rie both looked shocked, facing such a threat, they couldn't react at all.

At the critical moment, Yusuke immediately turned around, rushed towards the sow, and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and run!"

It happened so suddenly that Yusuke had no choice but to deal with it himself, taking the opportunity to let Yuyi and the others escape.

If there were only Yui and Rie, Yusuke would be able to run away with the two of them, but there are five people on the scene, Seiko should not have to worry, the only thing to worry about is Satokawa, plus the weight of one person, Yusuke has no confidence to escape The wild boar, so, the only way is for him to deal with the wild boar. Shengzi and Zuo Shouchuan took the opportunity to attack, and they killed the wild boar on the spot.

This action is very risky, and if you are not careful, you will be seriously injured. After all, wild boars are not comparable to humans in strength. They are fast and powerful. They are the three most ferocious animals along with tigers and bears.

Fortunately, the wild boar has a huge body, its attacks can only be rampant, and its ability to change direction is slow, so Yusuke still has a chance.

Hearing Yusuke's call, several people woke up.

"Yuyi, Rie, you two find a place to hide now, Holy Son, let's spread out, keep a distance, and shoot an arrow at it when there is a chance"

Zuo Shouchuan reacted immediately, immediately showed good qualities, and immediately gave everyone an order.

Only then did Yui and Rie come back to their senses, a little nervous, but they also knew that now was not the time to hesitate, so they ran away immediately.

The two returned to the place where they ambush just now, and climbed up the tree, which was the safest place.

When they got to the tree, the two of them regained their strength. They were afraid for a while, it was too dangerous just now!
While they were evading, Yusuke had already rushed forward, about to collide face to face.

A small knife appeared in Yusuke's hand. Everyone carried a small knife with him just in case, but he didn't expect to use it this time.

Looking at the provocative human beings, the wild boar kept charging, lowered its head, and rushed towards the opponent, vowing to smash the opponent into pieces.

Just when the two sides were about to collide, Yusuke's body turned instantly, and his whole body shifted instantly, appearing on the other side of the boar's body almost instantly, narrowly avoiding the impact of the boar. The knife stabbed at the wild boar's eyes.

One blow away.

The powerful impact caused the entire knife to penetrate the wild boar's eyeball, and the wild boar howled in pain.

This sudden attack made his body unable to react, and the direction of the attack immediately changed, and it was originally heading towards the direction Yuyi and the others were rushing towards, but now it began to run crookedly.

This blow was very dangerous, and Yusuke managed to succeed only by relying on his practice for a while, and luck also accounted for a large part of it.

But finally it was a success!

The wild boar was seriously injured all of a sudden, but it also became more dangerous.

The next moment, the wild boar adjusted its direction, ignoring the pain on its body, and rushed towards Yusuke again.

This human being is the enemy of life and death!

(End of this chapter)

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