Chapter 299 299. Booty

Fortunately, Yusuke is not fighting alone.

After blinding one eye of the wild boar, the wild boar's sense of direction, strength, and reaction speed all declined rapidly.

This also brought opportunities to Zuo Handchuan and the others.

Just as the wild boar turned its direction, Shengzi and Zuo Shouchuan also launched an attack.

Gunshots sounded!

The sound of bamboo arrows breaking through the wind came!

The bullet hit the wild boar's body, causing a huge wound. The wild boar howled in pain, and the running body couldn't help slowing down. At this time, a bamboo arrow was also inserted into its body, which aggravated the wound. .

After the two attacks, the wild boar's body finally couldn't bear it, bent its forelegs, and the whole body hit the ground, leaving a trace on the ground.

But the wild boar was not dead yet, and was still struggling to get up.

The beast on the verge of death is the scariest, and Yusuke doesn't want to take any risks with the powerful force it erupts.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yusuke has already widened the distance between the two sides.

Seeing Yusuke leave, Wild Boar became angry, ignoring the wound on his body, got up at an astonishing speed, and rushed towards Yusuke again.

Zuo Shouchuan and Shengzi were taken aback by this sudden performance. The vitality of this wild boar is too strong!

Even so, the men of the two did not stop and continued to attack.

Also because of the attack just now, Yusuke has already distanced himself from the wild boar. With Yusuke's skill, no matter how fast the wild boar speeds up, he can only watch the distance between the two sides continue to widen.

The wild boar was angry, and raised its head and howled in pain, but the next moment the sound was even more tragic, and two attacks hit it again.

Another huge wound was blown out on the wild boar's body, and a bamboo arrow was inserted into its body again.

At this moment, the wild boar couldn't resist anymore, and its whole body fell to the side and hit the ground.

There was another gunshot, and another wound was blasted on the wild boar's body. Its huge body shook for a while, and another bamboo arrow pierced its body.

So far, the wild boar has been hit 6 times.

But Zuo Shouchuan and Shengzi didn't dare to be careless. The vitality of this wild boar was so rare that their attacks still did not stop.

Yusuke was already a hundred meters away at this time, watching all this from afar.

Seeing that the wild boar had fallen and was unable to struggle anymore, Yusuke put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and it seemed that he was not needed to play.

The wild boar finally died, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The situation just now was really dangerous, and this wild boar really caught them off guard.

Zuo Chuan and Seiko surrounded him at this moment, and asked worriedly, "Yusuke, are you not injured?"

Yusuke shook his head, "I'm fine."

"That's good"

Only then did the two heave a sigh of relief. Being hit by a wild boar is no joke. Being hit by that huge body is no different from being hit by a car, and the best ending will end with a fracture.

Fortunately, Yusuke's strength is amazing.

At this time, Kawanaru, the left hand, came to his senses, and felt that something was wrong. When did Yusuke become so fierce, and he singled out the wild boar?

But she didn't think too much about it. In a critical situation, human beings will burst out with incredible potential, which is understandable.

In short, people are fine.

Now the three wild boars were killed, and they were also the three wild boars in the information. The task was completed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

On the tree, Yui and Rie also saw the wild boar fall, so they breathed a sigh of relief, climbed down from the tree, and ran over in a hurry.

"Yusuke, are you alright?" X2
The two asked worriedly, and Yusuke shook his head: "I'm fine, but you, are you injured?"

"It's okay, the two of us are safe hiding in the tree"

"That's good." Yusuke let out a sigh of relief.

The three comforted each other, while Zuo Shouchuan and Shengzi went to check the wild boar, made sure it was dead and clean, and then took pictures of the three wild boars in turn.

"Zuoshouchuan, what are you doing?"

The three of Yusuke also came over at this time, seeing Zuo Techuan's strange behavior, they asked curiously.

"We are submitting evidence of mission completion"

Zuo Shouchuan motioned for the mobile phone in his hand.

"We log in to a website when we receive tasks. After completing the task, we only need to post the photo of the task and the corresponding certificate, and we can receive the bonus after the staff reviews it."

Yusuke was a little curious and asked, "Can I have a look?"

"Okay, let's see"

Zuo Chuan handed over the phone, and Yusuke looked through it.

This website is very user-friendly. You can register your own hunter information on it, or you can become an employer. You can post reward tasks on it. There is a reward list on it. Hunters can receive corresponding tasks according to their needs and complete the tasks. After that, as long as you submit the relevant vouchers and wait for the staff to review and confirm, the task will be completed.

This made Yusuke a little eye-opening. He didn't expect that there is such a website, which is exactly the same as the mode of doing tasks in the game.

Yusuke took a rough look, then returned the phone to Zuo Techuan.

Left-handed Kawana Ruto finished taking the photos, and then called the Ministry of the Environment, and waited for the Ministry of the Environment to come over to deal with it, give the corresponding certificate, and then upload it to the website, and the process was completed. It doesn't matter.

After completing the task, everyone is very relaxed.

It will take more than an hour for the people from the Ministry of the Environment to arrive, and everyone is waiting beside them.

"Let's not go hunting anymore!" The Son suggested at this time.

Although the hunting process this time was a bit thrilling, but it ended too quickly, which made her feel a little unsatisfied. Yui and Rie also slowed down at this time, and they were also a little moved.

"Yusuke, what do you think?"

Yui looked at Yusuke and asked, and Rie also looked over.

Yusuke thought for a while and said, "It's rare to come here once, let's have a good time."

Yusuke also felt that it was over too soon.

Zuo Shouchuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Then you go, I want to take a rest."

The key to hunting is to hit the target with one hit. Every time you shoot, you must concentrate. Zuo Shouchuan has fired several shots from just now, and his body is already under great pressure. At this time, he needs to rest and adjust his state.

Yusuke nodded, and they parted ways. Zuo Chuan looked at the three prey, while Yusuke and the others entered the forest and started hunting.

A group of people were slowly exploring in the woods, Yui and Rie were looking forward to it.

But it is a pity that during the long search of more than an hour, they did not find any prey, only a few small rabbits.

The little rabbits hid in the hole as soon as they saw them. They were so clever that they didn't even have a chance to shoot arrows.

The last group of people came out of the woods dejectedly, and Kawana Tsuru left said with a smile: "It seems that your luck is not very good."

Everyone smiled helplessly.

"This is normal. Hunting is not an easy task. Sometimes it takes a day or two just to find the prey. We were lucky and found these three wild boars at once. Otherwise, we might have made a futile trip today." "

Yui and Rie nodded, and had a new understanding of hunting.

That being the case, everyone stopped tossing and sat here to rest.

After a while, Rie whispered in Yui's ear, and Yui showed embarrassment.

Seeing her expression, Yusuke was a little curious: "What's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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