Chapter 300 300. The Long-lost Commission

"Well, there's something wrong" Yuyi's expression was a little unnatural.

"What's going on?"

"Why are you so annoying! Why are you asking so much!"

Yui suddenly became angry, while Rie was a little embarrassed.

Yusuke was confused, did I say something wrong?

Seiko next to him thought of something, suddenly realized, Zuo Chuan shook his head with a smile, and patted Yusuke on the shoulder.

"Go a little further, the next thing is our women's conversation"

That being the case, Yusuke stood up and walked away.

Next it's time for the girls.

Seeing Yusuke leave, Rie was not so embarrassed, and whispered: "I want to go to the toilet"

Here is the wilderness, there is not even a bathroom, if you want to go to the toilet, you can only go to the open air, it doesn't matter if there are only a few of them, but there is Yusuke here, it always feels very embarrassing to say it.

"I understand, I understand!" Zuo Shouchuan felt sympathetically.

"It's time for the artifact to play"

Zuo Chuan said proudly, then ran to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and walked over with a bag.

"For you guys"

"What is this?" Yui and Rie were a little curious.

"Emergency urine bag, and it's only for women"

"There is such a thing!"

"Of course, this is a must."

Zuo Shouchuan looked confident, "My one is still the best, I can pee standing up."

Pee standing up?

Yui and Rie blushed instantly, and Seiko also remembered some memories, with a shy and joyful expression.

Zuo Chuan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes shining brightly.

"How refreshing it is to pee standing up, that feeling is so refreshing!"

This made Yui and Rie blushed, shy and expectant at the same time.

Sounds like a great deal.

"Well, how do I use it? I can't seem to hold back anymore"

Rie's legs were clamped tightly, and her face was flushed.

"Come on, let's go to the grove, I'll teach you, Holy Son, take care of Yusuke"

The Son nodded seriously.

"If he dares to come over, I'll shoot him!" Seiko said with a murderous look on his face, looking at Yusuke with malicious eyes.

And Yusuke who was standing in the distance was looked a little strange by her, why did Seiko look at me with such eyes?
Yusuke watched several girls walk into the grove, and Seiko stared at himself while covering them.

What are they going to do?
However, Yusuke felt that if he asked this question, he might be beaten inhumanely, so forget it.

Soon, a few girls came out from the woods. Li Hui had a relaxed expression on his face, and Zuo Chuan was proud. At this moment, they looked at the Holy Son and asked, "Holy Son, do you need it?"

Shengzi nodded, and changed guards with Zuo Shouchuan.

Girls go to the bathroom together.

It may be because of the friendship of going to the toilet together, the gap between everyone has been reduced a lot, and the topics of conversation have become more and more, and the atmosphere of the few people is very lively.

Yusuke didn't pay too much attention to this, it's hard to understand the girl's feelings.

The people from the Ministry of the Environment finally came over, consulted, took pictures, took the wild boar to be processed, and then gave the corresponding documents. Zuo Shouchuan took photos of the documents and uploaded them to the website, and the task was completed.

"Well, the bonus is here." Zuo Shouchuan said happily: "Let's go and have a big meal!"

"Good!" X4
Yusuke thought Zuo Thouchuan would take them to the restaurant, but he didn't expect that she came to a ramen stand by the side of the road, which surprised him a bit.

"This ramen restaurant is very good. After work every day, I will eat here. The soup made by the boss is very flavorful and warm, which makes me feel very warm," Zuo Shouchuan said with a smile.

Hearing what she said, everyone looked forward to it.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if there is a big meal or not, the most important thing is the atmosphere.

"Boss, I'm here again." Zuo Shouchuan pushed the curtain on the head, smiled and walked in, followed by a group of people.

To Yusuke's surprise, he also knew the owner of this ramen stall, he had eaten at the ramen stall with Yui once, but he didn't expect to eat here again.

Seeing Yusuke, the owner of the ramen stand was also a little surprised and smiled. Yusuke impressed him very much. After all, a boy with so many cats standing on his shoulders is really weird.

The ramen stand is not big, and a few people stand together to occupy all the seats.

"The barbecued pork here is good!" Yusuke said standing at the outermost position, and the positions of several people were Zuotechuan, Seiko, Rie, Yui and Yusuke.

"Have you eaten?" Zuo Shouchuan was a little surprised.

"Eat once, with Yui"

Hearing this, Yuyi remembered, and suddenly realized.

"Hearing you say that, I remembered it. I didn't expect it to be destined."

"Okay, let's order, don't disturb the boss's business" Yusuke said at this time: "I want a char siu ramen"

"Then I want a char siu ramen too," Yui said.

"Then I should do the same," Rie said.

“I want seafood ramen”

“I want fugu ramen”

The boss moved quickly, cooking the noodle soup, and soon the hot ramen was on the table.

A few people stood there and started to eat in a hurry.

The taste is good, coupled with the environment and atmosphere, the atmosphere is very lively, with a steaming feeling.

"Boss, there are so many people today!"

A woman's voice came from the ear, Yusuke was a little familiar, turned his head, and standing in front of him was Ryoko Sakura.

Yusuke was a little surprised, this is so fateful!
Seeing Yusuke and the others here, Ryoko Sakura was also a little surprised.

"I didn't expect it to be Yusuke-kun!"

"Doctor Sakura, come over to eat too!"

The two greeted each other with a smile.

"Dr. Sakura, hello" X2
Yui and Rie also greeted each other. We met every day and were already very familiar with each other.

"I didn't expect Yui and Rie to be here, are you out for a party?"

"Come out and do something"

"Yongsuke, your acquaintance?" Zuo Shouchuan asked with a smile, Shengzi looked over curiously, his cute eyes were a little curious.

Why does it feel like Yusuke knows a lot of people, and all of them are beautiful women!

"Let me introduce to you, this is the good policeman of the people, left-handed Kawanaru, this is my friend Seiko Sasaki"

"And this one is the veterinarian Ryoko Sakura."

Yusuke introduced the three of them, and the three greeted each other.

"It's so lively, then I'll come in after you guys finish eating," Ryoko Sakura said with a smile.

"No need!" Zuo Shouchuan wiped his mouth at this moment, "I'm already full."

"So fast!" Everyone was a little surprised.

In just a few minutes, a bowl of noodle soup has already been eaten, which is too fast!
"Professional habits, this is how we eat when we are in this line of work," the left hand Kawanaru replied calmly.

"It's really hard work," everyone expressed their sincere emotion.

"You guys eat first, I'll buy the order first, I just received a message that there is something wrong with the bureau, I have to leave first"

Zuo Shouchuan said regretfully: "I'm sorry, I can't send you home."

"It doesn't have to be"

"Work Matters"

"Be careful when you work"

"Pay attention to your body"

Everyone warned Zuo Shouchuan.

Left-handed Kawanaru is a good policeman.

Zuo Shouchuan smiled, waved to everyone, and left first.

Kawanaru, the left hand, is missing, but Ryoko Sakura is added, and the atmosphere is still very lively.

"Doctor Sakura, are you a regular customer here too?" Yusuke asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's not bad to have a bowl of noodle soup here after get off work, it's warm and comfortable," Ryoko Sakura replied with a smile.

"Yusuke, are there any problems recently?" Ryoko Sakura asked, she knew about Yusuke's work as a video blogger, and also knew about some disturbances, so she was a little worried.

"No problem, it's all drizzle"

"That's good"

Ryoko Sakura said with a smile: "In that case, I have a commission here, do you want to accept it?"

(End of this chapter)

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