The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 301 301. The Husky Who Runs Away from Home

Chapter 301 301. The Husky Who Runs Away from Home

Seiko and Rie were at a loss, only Yui understood what was going on.

Yusuke nodded, "No problem!"

Yusuke will never forget that his first bucket of gold was given by Ryoko Sakura, and Yusuke also rented Ryoko Sakura's studio at a very low price. Yusuke didn't know much about it before, but after learning about the real estate information nearby, he finally realized that Finding out that he took advantage of it, Ryoko Sakura gave him the same price as a free gift.

This is a great favor!

Out of affection and propriety, Yusuke would never refuse Ryoko Sakura's commission, even if it is not cost-effective for him now.

Ryoko Sakura smiled, "Then come to my shop tomorrow and I will tell you the details."

"it is good"

Seiko and Rie were at a loss, and they didn't ask Yusuke until Sakura Ryoko left first, and Yusuke recounted the previous agreement with Sakura Ryoko. The two were a little surprised, they didn't expect Yusuke to have such a past.

Everyone was somewhat interested in the previous commission, but after Yusuke explained the content of the previous commission, everyone was not interested. It was something that only Yusuke could do.

After dinner, everyone said goodbye at the station and went home.

The next day, Yusuke came to Sakura Ryoko's clinic.

"Good morning! Dr. Sakura" Yusuke greeted with a smile.

"Good morning! Yusuke" Sakura Ryoko responded with a smile
The two exchanged a few words, and soon got to the point.

"What is the commission this time?"

"Yusuke, do you still remember that I entrusted you to find a husky before?"

Yusuke thought about it, and nodded.

"Just as long as you have an impression." Ryoko Sakura smiled wryly, and took out a photo, Yusuke suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Is that dog running away from home again?"

"You guessed it right, it has been away from home for a week, and its owner can't be found, so I have no choice but to entrust me to help find it"

That husky escaped from home last time, its owner entrusted Sakura Yoshiko, Sakura Yoshiko asked Yusuke to help find it, Yusuke asked the crow bosses to mobilize their strength, and finally found that the dog ran into Seiko's house, and almost became a dog The Son's pet was finally found, and this guy ran away from home again!
Yusuke rubbed his head, this is a difficult problem!
If it is to solve the psychological problems of animals, Yusuke will definitely have no problem, but finding people and objects is a bit tricky. Even with the help of the crow boss, Yusuke is not fully sure, and after so long, this is simply looking for a needle in a haystack. .

"If you think it's too difficult, then forget it," Sakura Ryoko said, she also felt that it was a bit difficult, but Yusuke always gave her the feeling that she could do anything, so she gave it a try.

Yusuke thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"It's okay, I will accept this commission, but it may take a little longer"

"It's okay, try your best. In fact, its owner doesn't have any hope, after all, it's been a week."

"Then why did you think of looking for it after a week?" Yusuke was a little curious, it must have been too long for this reaction!

"This time the husky ran away from home because it wreaked havoc at home. The owner scolded it a few times. The husky couldn't bear the grievance and ran away from the house. Its owner was also very angry and didn't want to deal with it. Such fighting spirit, after a week, the husky has not come back, and its owner is a little flustered."

Yusuke was speechless.

To be honest, these people who can raise huskies must have a strong psychological quality.

"Okay, I'll try my best"

"Then please"

Yusuke left Ryoko Sakura's clinic and went directly to the studio upstairs.

Seeing Yusuke coming back, Yui and Rie were a little curious.

"Didn't you go to Dr. Sakura?"

"I went just now, now I'm going to find the crow boss and the others"

Yusuke recounted the content of the entrustment, and the two were a little surprised that they were going to find a husky.

"Rie, I remember you raised huskies, what's your experience with raising huskies?"

Yusuke remembered that Hajiro is Rie's pet, also a husky, what does it feel like to be its owner.

"Husky!" Rie showed a distressed expression.

"How should I put it? Like a child, mischievous, and likes to destroy furniture, it will make you jump with anger, but sometimes it is very funny, which makes you feel very relaxed."

"If you raise a husky, the house will be much more lively"

Yusuke nodded, as Erha, his role is probably just this, to enliven the atmosphere at home.

Yusuke asked Rie about the behavioral characteristics of huskies. Generally speaking, huskies are just like ordinary dogs, but they are really anxious in terms of IQ and are too active. Others have no shortcomings.

"I didn't expect that huskies would run away from home." Rie sighed, "It's incredible!"

Dogs are used to watch the house, and they will run away from home, which is really against its habits.

Yusuke also felt that the dog had a great personality.

After saying hello to the two of them, Yusuke came to the balcony, and the crow boss was chatting and laughing with his younger brothers.

"Boss Crow!" Yusuke greeted with a smile.

"Wow (it's Yusuke!)" the crow boss nodded in response.

"I have something to trouble you"

"Wow (what)"

Yusuke talked about the entrusted matter, and at the same time took out the photo of the husky, and let the boss look at it.

Crow boss nodded.

"Wow wow wow wow (no problem, I'll ask my younger brothers to help find it)"

"That troubles you"

"Wow (wait for my good news)"

The crow boss grabbed the photo, greeted him, and flew into the sky with his younger brothers, and soon disappeared into the sky.

Crow boss Yongsuke was very relieved, so he returned to the studio to continue working.

Time passed little by little, and finally at dusk, Yusuke and the others were ready to go home, and Crow Boss also came back at this time.

"How about it?"

"Wow (no catch)"

Crow boss's answer was somewhat beyond Yusuke's expectation, but it was reasonable.

The city is so big, and it has been missing for a week. Maybe it has gone to another city, or it may be taken away by others. Anything can happen.

"It's okay, please keep looking."

Crow boss nodded.

Yui and Rie were a little curious when they heard the conversation between Yusuke and the boss.

"Boss Crow, can't they find it?"

"There are no clues yet, but don't worry, it's not a simple matter after all, let's go home"

After Yusuke said that, the two nodded.

But the development of the matter was somewhat beyond Yusuke's expectation. For three days in a row, the crow boss did not bring any good news.

It seems that this time things are very troublesome.

Yusuke sat on the chair and thought.

Crow Boss alone is not enough. Although they have an advantage in the sky, they cannot observe some places. After all, there are many hidden corners in the city, and it is impossible to detect them from the sky.

Need more help!

At this time, Yusuke looked at Xiao Hei and the others who were playing next to him, maybe Xiao Hei and the others had a way.

(End of this chapter)

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