Chapter 302 302. Holy Land
"Little Black"

Yusuke waved to Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei who was playing with Xiao Huang and the others heard the sound, greeted Xiao Huang and the others and came over.

"Meow meow (Yusuke, are you looking for me?)"

"I have something to discuss with you"

Xiao Hei nodded and sat down in front of Yusuke.

"Xiao Hei, do you know other stray cats?"

"Meow meow meow (do you need a new partner?)"

"No, I need help. I'm looking for a dog now. I can't find it with the crow boss alone. So I want to ask, do you know any friends who can help find it together?"

Xiao Hei thought for a while and said, "Meow Meow Meow (I can ask someone to help me, but I have to pay a price)"

"No problem." Yusuke nodded, and Xiao Hei's answer surprised him a little.

"Meow meow (this is very expensive)" Xiao Hei's expression was very serious.

"How many small dried fish do you need?"

"Meow meow meow meow (we have almost 500 cats and I was able to contact them and ask them to help find them)"

Yusuke was a little surprised by this number, Xiao Hei's connections were too strong, he was able to find so many cats.

"Is two catties of dried fish enough for a cat?"


Xiao Hei nodded, "I'll discuss it with Xiao Huang and the others."


500 cats need a thousand catties of dried fish, which is a huge expense, which has exceeded the commission this time, but Yusuke doesn't care.

These 500 cats are the biggest treasure.

Xiao Hei walked over, and other kittens also gathered around, a group of cats were discussing there.

Yui and Rie looked over curiously. After a while, Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei walked over together, and the other cats followed behind them.

"Meow meow (Xiao Hei has already told me the matter)" Xiao Huang said at this time: "Meow meow meow meow (I can take Yusuke to our holy land, but you have to promise not to reveal this secret to others )”

Yusuke nodded, "I promise."

"Meow meow (Okay, let's go now)"

Xiao Huang said hello, and the other cats agreed and were ready to go.

Yui and Rie looked at Yusuke picked up the backpack, packed some things, and looked like he was about to go out, and asked curiously: "Yusuke, are you going out?"

"I want to go out with Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei for a while"

"Do you need us to follow?"

"No need, please take care of the house"

"Then be careful on the road"

Yusuke greeted and set off with the kittens.

The six cats lined up in a row, walking in front of them with catwalks. The ostentation was very conspicuous. The domineering appearance surprised passers-by, and many people looked over curiously.

Xiao Hei and the others didn't care about this, they walked on their own, and every place they passed was very eye-catching.

"Why are you walking like this?" Yusuke was a little surprised.

"In the movie I watched last time, they all walked like this. Don't you think it's very domineering?"

Xiao Huang replied, making Yusuke a little dumbfounded.

In order to prepare the cat and mouse video before, Xiaohui and Siji watched a lot of cartoons, and played a lot of movies during it. Xiaohuang and the others also watched it together, and then began to imitate the animations in the movie without a teacher. some action.

These actions brought a lot of new inspiration to Yusuke and the others when shooting the video, and the video became more interesting.

Since then, Li Hui will often find some action movies to show them, so that they can learn more.

This kind of disapproval of relatives is probably an action in some kind of movie.

Speaking of cats and mice, Yusuke asked Xiao Hui at this moment: "Xiao Hui, how is your training going?"

"Meow Meow Meow (No problem! It's absolutely no problem to have me on the horse! My little gray is number one in the world!)"

"Okay, let's start shooting videos in a few days."

"Meow meow (just let the horse come over)" Xiao Hui said confidently.

"Meow meow meow (Yusuke, the road ahead may be difficult, you have to follow us closely)" Xiao Hei said at this time, and Yusuke nodded.

On the way, Xiao Hei and the others suddenly changed direction and walked into a nearby alley, and Yusuke immediately followed.

Walking from one alley to another, constantly turning and changing directions, constantly shuttling in various remote alleys in the city, going round and round, and sometimes climbing over the eaves of other people's houses, these roads are very difficult for cats. It doesn't matter to them, their petite figures can walk through them, but they are very unfriendly to humans.

It took Yusuke a lot of effort to walk through these places.

But for Yusuke, this experience was quite novel.

Yusuke once watched a movie, and he felt that now was the plot of the movie, and he was going to an unknown world.

Finally, after passing through an alley, the end of the road was much brighter, and Yusuke could see the light shining on the wall on one side.

Yusuke was a little surprised, this feeling was a little dreamy, a little excited, and a little dazed.

Watching Xiaohei and the others walk forward, Yusuke also followed.

At the end of the road was a clearing with a huge tree with twisting branches and thick leaves.

Yusuke looked around, the open space was surrounded by three buildings, the sunlight came in from the gaps between the buildings, bringing a glimmer of light to the place.

This place is very strange, it seems that it was omitted during construction, forming a small space. The part of the building facing here is covered with cement walls, so no one found this place.

This is a paradise for cats.

Yusuke could see many cats resting on the trees and the surrounding grass.

Just like the shrine is the territory of the crow boss, this is the holy place for stray cats.

Seeing Xiao Hei and the others coming over, many cats came to say hello. It can be seen that Xiao Hei's contacts are still very good.

At this time, some cats also discovered the existence of Yusuke.

"Meow (human!)"

The cat yelled out in fright, this is their holy place, how could there be humans?
The meowing of the cat also attracted the attention of other cats, many cats gathered around and looked at Yusuke nervously.

"Meow meow (Oops, there are humans coming in)"

"Meow meow (this place is going to be lost again)"

"Meow Meow (moving again)"

Yusuke is a little strange, what do these words mean?
Hajime and the others who were standing on Yusuke's shoulder explained in Yusuke's ear.

"Meow meow meow (this is called the holy place, but it is actually the place where our stray cats gather. We have changed several places like this. Whenever the holy place is discovered by humans, we have to move, otherwise we will encounter disaster) "

It turned out to be like this, it's normal to think about it, this is an ordinary world, how can there be any extraordinary power!

The sanctuary of cats is actually a gathering place for stray cats. There are many such gathering places all over the country, ranging from large to small, but this one base is hidden enough and there are enough cats hiding.

In an instant, some expectations in Yusuke's heart were suddenly shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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