Chapter 309. The Enemy of Destiny
The wild youth is called Aikawa Chosaku, a junior at Waseda University.

He is a music fan, formed a rock band with a few friends, and often sold and sang on the street. If you look at this alone, he is just a young man pursuing his music dream.

But the difference is that this guy is very intelligent. He established a website on the Internet to sell some peripheral products related to music.

Aikawa Changsaku's father also saw this and did not interfere with his choice, because even if he failed, he could come back to inherit the family business, and maybe he would be more stable at that time. After all, he had already endured setbacks and became more mature in his behavior .

At the party tonight, he wanted to bring his son to meet some friends, but unfortunately, because of Aikawa Nagasaku's attire, everyone just greeted him verbally, and there were not many real exchanges.

But Changsaku Aikawa didn't care. In his opinion, these people would have nothing to do with him in the future. It wasn't until he recognized Yusuke that he showed interest in his eyes.

After the exchange between the two sides, this feeling became even stronger.

This guy is the same kind of person as himself!

Changsaku Aikawa suddenly became interested, and chatted with Yusuke for a long time. Yusuke was also surprised by this guy's thinking. He is different from other Japanese. This guy's mind is very flexible and his thinking is very jumping. , but he will not be whimsical, everything seems to be within his grasp.

The two exchanged for a while, and there was a feeling of sympathy for each other.

"This is my business card, I have the opportunity to work together in the future"

Aikawa Nagasaku said with a smile, Yusuke put away his business card and handed over his own at the same time.

Although one is selling music peripheral products and the other is making videos, it is hard to say what will happen in the future.

After sending Aikawa Nagasaku off, Seiko asked curiously, "Yusuke, do you like him?"

Nan Jie nodded, there was a toss in this guy.

And such a person's life must be very rich.

At this time, Yusuke asked: "Holy Son, why didn't I see you communicating with those girls tonight?"

Some of the younger generation tonight are also girls, but unexpectedly, the Son of God had no communication with them.

"Everyone has different interests, so we can't talk about it"

Seiko said calmly, and Yusuke nodded.

Sometimes, eye rims are really important.

Yusuke greeted Sasaki Kotoru, and when he got home, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Surprisingly, the lights in the house were still on.

Yusuke was a little surprised, his parents' work and rest schedules have always been very regular, and they usually go to bed after eleven o'clock, but at this time they were still sitting in the living room.

When Yongsuke went out, he had already greeted his parents. Both parents knew that he was going to the party, but they still insisted on not going to rest until their son came back.

"Mom and Dad, are you still asleep?" Yusuke walked into the living room and asked softly.

"Yusuke, you're back!" Miwa smiled and stood up.

"Are you tired? Are you hungry? I made some porridge. I'll get it for you."

Yusuke wanted Miwa to stay out of trouble, but seeing his mother's expectant eyes warmed his heart and nodded.

"How was the party tonight?" my father asked.

Yusuke briefly talked about what happened tonight, and his father nodded, feeling a little relieved.

This son is about to surpass his father, but it is a good thing that the son can surpass his father!

After eating the porridge made by my mother, I talked with my parents about what happened tonight, and my parents were relieved, and then I went back to the room to rest.

Speechless all night

On the second day, Yusuke came to Sasaki's house again.

When the time came to nine o'clock, Hirota Masahiro and Yagyu Susumu arrived on time, and even Yagyu Soryu came together.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just watching from the side," Yagyu Zaolong said.

But his serious expression is hard to ignore!

Hu Che had already sat down beside him. The disciples were going to have a competition. As a master, of course he had to watch from the side. As for whether he cared or not, all he had to do was listen.

Fortunately, the mentality of the four of them is very good, and they don't care about other people's eyes.

"Today I want to avenge my last blow with a sword!"

Yagyusuke said excitedly, and even Masahiro Hirota had a fighting spirit on his face.

Young people are always prone to passion!
"Just let the horse come over!" Yusuke and Seiko showed no sign of weakness.

The fighting spirit on both sides is very high.

The result was not beyond Yusuke's expectations, the two were beaten to pieces.

The strength of the two has greatly improved compared to before. It seems that the special training they said should be true, but while they are improving, Yong and Shengzi are also improving.

In previous matches, Yusuke relied on his strong physical fitness to fight. In front of real masters, Yusuke's shortcomings are obvious.

But with the study for a while, Yusuke has already made up for his shortcomings, and his strength can be said to be the real No.1!
Hirota Masahiro and Yanagi Shin were full of confidence, but they were beaten to the point of doubting their lives.

This guy turned out to be stronger than last time!
What broke them down even more was that they couldn't even defeat the Holy Son, which really shocked their jaws.

The power of the Holy Son is beyond their imagination!

They are called geniuses, but compared with the Holy Son, the Holy Son is the real genius. This kind of genius has surpassed gender and age!

Both of these two are perverts, living in the same era as them is definitely the greatest tragedy for their peers!

Sasaki Yagyu, who was watching the battle, nodded his head, Sasaki Kotoru's disciple is indeed very powerful!
Masahiro and Shin are his most talented disciples, especially Masahiro, who is excellent in all aspects, both in talent and personality. Yagyu Saryu has long regarded Hirota Masahiro as his successor.

Although they lost in the Yulong Banner competition last time, it was a good thing for Yagyu Zaolong. In order to grow better.

And the two did not disappoint him. After losing the game, the two had to work harder, and their strength was also rising rapidly. Before this, Yagyu Zaolong had always been confident.

Until I met the two people present...

It can only be said that Sasaki's disciple is too perverted!

Although Shengzi is a girl, her strength even surprised him. She is definitely the strongest female swordsman ever!
What was even more perverted was that young man, whose strength, speed, and martial arts were far above the standard in all aspects. Apart from his age, his strength was stronger than many famous great swordsmen.

There are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people!
Yagyu Zaolong had a premonition that this boy would be the fateful enemy of Masahiro and Shin!
One morning, the two sides had more than a dozen competitions, and the entire army of Masahiro Hirota and Shin Yagyu was defeated.

But even so, the fighting spirit of the two is still very high.

Losing the game is not terrible, what is terrible is losing fighting spirit.

Before leaving, Liu Shengjin said righteously: We will definitely come back for revenge! "

Hirota Masahiro next to him also had the same feeling, and he was also high-spirited.

Yusuke smiled.

"welcome any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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