The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 310 310. A cosplay that doesn't hit 2 has no soul

Chapter 310 310. A cosplay that doesn't have a soul is soulless
In the morning, Yusuke went out with a big backpack on his back.

Sitting on the bus and walking up the long stairs, Yusuke arrived at the shrine.The golden sun shone down, adding some brilliance to this old shrine.

Before Jessica and the others came over, Yusuke sat in front of the shrine and waited.

Tomorrow is the day of the comic exhibition, Yusuke and the others gathered here today to prepare everything, and the bag of things that Yusuke is carrying is the props he made.

Cosplay is not a simple matter, there are many requirements for costumes, props, makeup, etc.Yusuke was in charge of the props, and there was no problem with his craftsmanship, while the costumes were handed over to the three girls, which was a previously arranged matter.

As time passed, the three of Jessica also came over, and the three of them were also carrying huge backpacks.

"How is the preparation?"

“all ready”

"Then take it out"

Everyone opened their backpacks and started distributing things.

What Yusuke got was a glittering gold dress and weapon. This dress was made by Jessica. The workmanship was very exquisite, and it didn't feel cheap at all.

As a senior Secondary [-], my manual skills are full.

Semi's clothes are made by Yiwen Jielin. By the way, Semi is very skillful and good at cooking, but she is not good at tailoring at all.

She often plays games in her school uniform, that's because she can't do it!

Therefore, when she got a set of beautiful clothes, she couldn't hide her excitement. She raised her hands high up, as if holding some kind of treasure, with a very sacred expression.

"Thank you, Holy Maiden of Light, I will pass on this holy garment as a family heirloom!"

Yusuke's mouth twitched, this is too exaggerated!

Semi hugged the clothes excitedly and looked very happy, then said: "Let's try it quickly."

“But there is no restroom here”

"We can just change behind the shrine"

Jessica shook her head, "No!"


"Yusuke said, girls should protect themselves when they go out"

Jessica said seriously, she listened to Yusuke's words in her heart.


Semi looked at Yusuke at this time, "Yusuke is the only one here, and he is also the reason for the danger"

Jessica and the two looked at Yusuke in surprise, and Yusuke had a black line on his face.

Why is my meaning misinterpreted like this!

"Don't think about it, I'm telling you to protect yourself outside," Yusuke explained.

"But, Yusuke, won't you protect us?"

Semi asked at this time, Jessica and the two were also looking forward to looking at Yusuke, with bright eyes.

I always feel that this sentence is ambiguous!

"I have preparation tools"

Yusuke changed the subject directly, and at this moment took out a huge stand from his backpack, and several people looked over curiously.

"what is this?"

"This is a tent, you can change clothes in it"

"Oh, there is such a thing"

Only then did the three of them suddenly realize that a tent can solve everything.

Yusuke set up a small tent behind the shrine as a temporary changing room, and then returned to the front of the shrine to watch out.

Then it's time for the girls.

After a while, the three of them changed their clothes and came over, Yusuke's eyes lit up immediately.

Jessica is wearing the armor of the King of Knights, holding the holy sword in her hand, her blond hair is tied into a ponytail, and her green pupils are exactly the same as the one in the animation. Come out like, too like!
Ewen Jielin is wearing a fancy magical girl costume, with two pink hair tips tied on her long golden hair, holding a magic wand in her hand. Except for her hair color, her image is similar to that of the magical girl Yi Liya is exactly the same, very cute!
On the other hand, Semi was wearing a strange purple-black outfit, her long black hair was tied with two white handkerchiefs and hung on both sides, and she also held a strangely shaped magic wand in her hand, which was also a perfect anime image.

The three girls are all very beautiful, and their images are very appropriate.

The most important thing is that the atmosphere of the middle school and the costumes are perfectly integrated into one body. This is the strongest cosplay!

A cosplay that doesn't have a soul is soulless!


"Semi, don't you think this dress is very revealing?"

Yusuke looked at Semi with strange eyes. Jessica played the role of the Knight King, and Evangeli played the role of Illya. There is nothing wrong with their costumes, but the problem lies with Semi.

Miyu Emiya's clothes are too revealing!
Her hips are high, her legs are fully exposed, and part of the clothes around her waist are exposed, while Semi has a broad chest, revealing more flesh.

This dress is very sexy.

Yusuke didn't want to watch it at first, but the half-hidden attraction is too great!

Sensing Yusuke's eyes, the girls could see it.

Semi took a look at her attire, and the next moment, her face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, she screamed, and squatted on the ground with her chest in her arms, looking at Yusuke with eyes full of grievances.

Jessica and Evangeline glared at Yusuke instantly, you pervert!

Yusuke turned his gaze away in embarrassment.

Yiwen Jielin ran over and took out a piece of clothing to block the exposed part, Semi was relieved.

"It's all my fault, I forgot to take the actual situation into consideration." Ewen Jielin said with some self-blame.

Yiwen Jielin's manual skills are very strong, and the clothes are 100% restored, but they all forgot that the clothes don't feel like it in the animation, but they are very erotic when worn in reality.

I have no choice but to change it again. I guess I can't even walk into the venue with such clothes.

"But it's too late to change it now? I'm going to the manga exhibition tomorrow." Semi asked with some concern.

"No problem." Yiwen Jielin replied confidently, "I will go to my mother's company now, and I will change it soon."

Ewen Jielin's mother is a fashion designer, has her own company, there are ready-made tools to use.

"Isn't it good for your mother's company in the past? What if your mother finds out?" Semi asked worriedly.

"It's okay, my mother's craftsmanship is better than mine, and I learned all my skills from my mother"

"What Semi means is, what if your mother finds out that you're going to Manga Con?" Yusuke explained.

"My mother knows!" Ewen Jielin replied.

"My mother knows too!" Jessica said.

Yusuke and Semi looked at each other, how did it feel different from what they imagined!

"In that case, let's go now"

Having said that, Semi doesn't worry about these things anymore.

"Then go, I'll wait for you here," Yusuke said with a smile.

"Fallen Angel, don't you follow?" Jessica was a little puzzled.

Yusuke smiled and shook his head.

It's all fun, but it's embarrassing to be seen by your parents!
Moreover, Yusuke seriously suspects that if he dares to appear in Yiyi Jielin's mother's company, he will definitely be questioned by his soul: Why do you, a boy, hang out with three girls?What are your plans?
The probability of this kind of thing happening is super high, so one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Seeing Yusuke's resolute attitude, the three of Jessica discussed it and decided that Ewen Jielin and Semi would go there, while Jessica and Yusuke stayed here and waited.

"You can go with them"

"That can't be done, I am your half body, we have to advance and retreat together," Jessica said seriously.

"By the way, I haven't seen you in a golden look yet, so hurry up and change your clothes"

"Okay, wait a minute"

Yusuke took the clothes and went to the back of the shrine.

After a while, a figure came from behind...

(End of this chapter)

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