Chapter 311 311. Glittering Gold

Under the sun, Yusuke is like a giant light bulb, shining everywhere he goes.

I don't know what material this dress is made of, but it's extremely reflective, and when the sun reflects off it, it dazzles people's eyes.

The power of this golden glitter is too strong, enough to blind everyone's eyes.

Jessica's craftsmanship is very good, and the details of the clothes are very fine. It looks exactly like the image in the original book, and there is no sense of cheapness at all.

Although it was the first time for Yusuke to wear this kind of clothes, unexpectedly he didn't feel ashamed, instead he felt quite interesting.

"Golden glitter!"

With bright eyes, Jessica trotted over and circled around Yusuke, very excited.

It's so vivid!

"Fallen Angel, your temperament is too similar, the only thing missing now is your hair, just dye your hair tomorrow."

"Do you want to dye your hair?"

"Blonde is blonde"

Yusuke was a little hesitant, the clothes were fine, but he had to dye his hair blond, which was not in line with his own aesthetics.

"It's okay, there is a one-time hair dye, just wash it off when the time comes" Jessica said at this time, and Yusuke was relieved.

"Then it'll be fine"

I don't want to be a yellow hair!
"Jin Shining, hurry up and say a few lines"

"Miscellaneous cultivator, who told you to look up at me, kneel down!"

Yusuke folded his hands on his chest, held his toes high and proud, his middle school voice and domineering aura were exactly the same as the real one.

Jessica's eyes are shining, this violent breath, this feeling of needing to be beaten is too vivid!

"All the treasures in this world are mine!"

"Among the heavens and the earth, I am the only hero who can be called the king!"

"Your disrespect to me is probably enough to kill you tens of millions of times."

Yusuke felt inexplicably moved when he said these lines from the second grader.

The feeling is quite good, there is a feeling that everyone is drunk and I am alone.

Before they knew it, the two had already started playing.

"Jin Shining, take my move, and promise victory!"

Jessica raised the holy sword in her hand, the golden holy sword glistened in the sun.

"Woman, you managed to get my attention"

Yusuke was holding a strange long sword, and the two long swords collided together, then Jessica took a step back and shouted "Impossible, it can block my attack"

"Knight King, I reluctantly admit you." Yusuke said arrogantly: "Now I give you a chance, come on, surrender to me and be my woman!"

"Don't even think about it!" Jessica said seriously, "My life has long been dedicated to my people!"

"Stupid chivalry!"

"You tyrant!"

The two crackled and fought again, and the two long swords collided again, and at this time, two magic wands were placed in the middle of the swords.

The two turned their heads, and it was Yi Wenjielin and Semei who appeared here.

When Yusuke and Yusuke were having fun, Evan and Jielin had already returned and immediately joined in.

"Knight King, I will help you!" Ewen Jielin said righteously.

"Miyu Emiya, come on!" Semi said with a serious face.

Both of them are wearing magical girl costumes, but Semi's costumes have changed a bit.A skirt was added to her uniform, and the part exposed at the waist was also added, making the overall look more conservative.

"A mere ants, dare to be our enemy, I will give you an equal death!"

"Go to hell, you tyrant!"

"The mournful cry of the defeated dog, let you see the power of the King of Heroes!"

Yusuke's cool and handsome face made the three of them turn pale in shock and take a step back at the same time.

"Be careful, he's about to make a big move!"

"Heaven and earth are deviated, the star of development!"

The long sword in Yusuke's hand slashed downward, and the three of them backed up a few steps at the same time, with a strange cry.

"As expected of the King of Heroes, his strength is too strong!"

Jessica stuck the holy sword on the ground, half-kneeled behind it, and shouted through gritted teeth.

Ewen Jielin and Semi just half-lyed on the ground, looking at Yusuke with a look of fear.

"The opponent's strength is too strong!"

"We can't win!"

"Don't lose heart, believe in our own strength"

"The opponent's strength cannot be solved by us alone, we must cooperate!"

The three looked at each other and nodded firmly.

"Hahaha!" Yusuke laughed triumphantly.

"Ants are ants, with the power of the three of you, do you still want to shake this world!"

"Believe in our strength!"

The three raised their weapons at the same time. Two magic wands and a holy sword were put together to form a triangle shape.

"Promise victory!"

"Heaven and earth are deviated, the star of development!"

The weapons of the two sides collided, and Yusuke's body retreated rapidly, shouting loudly: "Impossible! How can mere ants have such great power!"

"How could I lose to mortals!"

"I will definitely be back!"

Yusuke fell to the ground, head tilted.

Gold Sparkle is offline!

"Yeah, we won, that's great!"

The three little girls jumped up excitedly, raising their hands and cheering.

Yusuke got up from the ground and patted the dust off his body.

"Okay, that's enough, let's pack our things."


The three little girls looked surprised.

"So fast, no more, let's continue playing~"

"Wait until the clothes get dirty, you won't be able to wear them tomorrow"

"Then let's just be careful."

The three little girls looked at Yusuke expectantly, and said softly, "How about it~"

Damn it, I can't resist being so cute!
Yusuke had no choice but to agree.

Gold Sparkle vs. Magical Girl and King of Knights!
As a result, once you play, you can't stop.

Things did not go beyond Yusuke's expectations, the four people's clothes were covered with dust, and the original brand new clothes were already crumpled.

However, seeing their smiling faces, Yusuke shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, that's it, just be happy.

In a laundromat, several people throw dirty clothes into the washing machine.

"Will the color of this dress not fade?" Yusuke asked at this time.

The clothes of the three of them are okay, the glittering gold clothes are dazzling, and it will be ugly if the color fades.

"I use the best fabric that won't fade"

"That's good"

It took about an hour for the clothes to be washed, and everyone sat here and waited.

Yusuke sent a message to Yuji Yamamoto to discuss the rendezvous tomorrow, while Jessica and the three were playing with their phones.

"Fallen Angel, you are amazing!"

Yiwen Jielin's surprised voice came, and Yusuke came back to his senses.

The three of them were watching the Youtube video, which was showing Yusuke interacting with the cats.

It was the first time for Ewen Jielin and Semi to see another side of Yusuke, and they were very surprised.

This ability to command animals is too strong!
"Fallen Angel, how did you do it?"

"What is your skill?

"Can you teach us?"

The two looked at Yusuke expectantly, and the question he asked was very familiar to Yusuke.

"This is my talent, there is no way to teach it"

It was still a familiar explanation, so the two had no choice but to give up.

"Yusuke, why haven't you seen the video of you directing the crow here?" Semi asked at this time.

"Command the crow?" Ewen Jielin was a little curious.

"Someone on twitter said that Yusuke can command crows, and then take revenge on others!"

Jessica and the two of them suddenly looked shocked, and there is such a thing!

"There's a reason for this," Yusuke was about to explain.

"It's really amazing!"

The two looked at Yusuke excitedly.

"Fallen angels, I want to see crows too" X2
(End of this chapter)

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