Chapter 312. 312. Crow War
The reaction of the two was somewhat beyond Yusuke's expectation, and it seemed that the direction of their concern seemed a little strange.

"Fallen Angel, can you summon all the crows?" Jessica asked with anticipation, and Evangeline and Semi also looked with anticipation.

"It's not a problem, but aren't you afraid?" Yusuke was curious.

"What's there to be afraid of"

Jessica and Evangeline looked strange.

"Aren't you a fallen angel? It's normal to summon a crow!"

Well, the world view of secondary school students is different from that of ordinary people!
"Okay, if I have the chance, I'll call them out"

"Fallen Angel, there are a few crows over there, can you communicate with them?" Semi asked while pointing out the window.

There are several crows standing on the telegraph pole outside, and one of them is relatively large, that is the boss crow and his younger brothers.

This is too coincidental!
Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded, "No problem."

The three watched Yusuke go out to communicate with the crow, and saw that huge crow flew down from the electric pole and stood on Yusuke's shoulder. After Yusuke said a few words to it, the crow flew away. Yusuke walked in.

The three looked at Yusuke curiously, and Yusuke said with a smile: "You guys are lucky, I'll take you to see the big scene"

"big occasion?"

"It's extremely rare, come with me"

Several people took the washed clothes and set off with Yusuke.

Yusuke brought the three of them to a remote park. Jessica and the three looked at the park. The park was old and had no special features. It was just an ordinary park.

What's here?
The three looked puzzled.

"Come with me." Yusuke led them into the woods.

As they moved forward, the three of them suddenly felt hairy, and Jessica asked nervously at this moment: "Fallen Angel, this place is so strange, I seem to be stared at by many people."

Both Yiwen Jielin and Semei nodded, feeling the same way.

"Look at the top"

The three of them raised their heads, and there were many crows standing on the branches, all of them were staring at them. Their red eyes looked very terrifying in the dark woods.

The three of them were taken aback, and immediately hid behind Yusuke.

"Don't be afraid, they are all your own people," Yusuke comforted with a smile.

At this time, he stretched out his arm, and a huge crow flew down from the sky and stood on Yusuke's arm.

The three people hiding behind Yusuke saw this scene, their eyes lit up.

Yusuke at this moment is so handsome!

"Wow (Yusuke, are they your harem?)"

Yabo, standing on Yusuke's arm, looked at Jessica and the three with interest, and nodded.

Yusuke deserves to be a man with the aptitude of 'King'!

Yusuke smiled and explained, "They are all my friends."


The crow boss is a little strange, it can smell a special smell, which is the hormone emitted during mating and estrus.

But Yusuke said they were friends again, which is so strange!

Humans are incredible animals!
Watching the interaction between Yusuke and the crow, the three were amazed.

Fallen Angels are really amazing!

"Fallen Angel, what are we doing here?" Jessica asked at this time.

"There's going to be a big fight here, you should be interested"

"War?" X3
The three looked puzzled, and Yusuke explained.

Crow boss is about to expand his territory again!

From Yusuke's acquaintance with Yaboda to the present, Yaboda has been on the road to hegemony without stopping, defeating enemies one after another, and its territory is getting bigger and bigger.

And today it is going to declare war on the overlord of another territory, and this is where the two sides will fight!

Win or lose!

Win will get it all!
The three of Jessica showed excited eyes after hearing this. This animal battle is a rare scene, and there are a lot of crows on the scene. This is a super battle!
The three of them were a little excited, they didn't expect them to be able to participate in it, it was so interesting!
"But you have to remember one thing, you can't make noise when watching, and you can't take pictures with your mobile phone"

Yongsuke warned that they must not intervene as bystanders, otherwise the battle will lose its fairness.

The three nodded, a little nervous and a little excited.

Yusuke led the three of them to move forward, and there were more and more crows on the branches, and the crows' voices became louder and louder, screaming "Wow", and black feathers were scattered everywhere.

Let alone hundreds of crows here, the crow boss is too powerful!

The few people walked to the edge of the woods, and there was a huge lake in front of them, and that was where the battle took place.

Yusuke and the others sat there quietly, waiting quietly.

Taking the lake as the dividing point, where Yusuke is located is the territory of the crow boss, while the opposite forest is the territory of another gang of crows. In the opposite forest, many crows are standing on the branches, and both sides are preparing for battle. .

Time is up!

The crow boss spread his wings, and his huge body let out a loud cry, and the younger brothers also cried out, "Wah-wah" screaming together.

The crow flapped his wings and flew into the sky, and countless black shadows emerged from the woods, so numerous and dense that they covered the sky and the earth.

Jessica and the others watched all this in shock, this scene is too spectacular!
At the same time, there was a loud cry from the opposite woods, and countless crows flew into the sky, the number of which was no less than the crows here.

The leader is a huge crow. Compared with the big crow, its stature is not on the same level.

Let's fight!
The duel of the animals is very simple, everyone will fight together, and all the crows will rush over!
Looking down from the sky, the crows are like two huge black swords, centered on the lake, colliding rapidly.

The crows' cries came, and the black feathers flew, densely packed, and the sunlight seemed to turn black. ,
Jessica and the others who watched this scene from a distance were very excited. This is a rare scene!
"Fallen Angel, will we win?"

Jessica asked nervously, she put herself in the crow boss's camp without hesitation, and Ewen Jielin also looked over nervously.

"Don't worry, Boss Crow is very powerful!"

Yusuke's eyesight is very good, among the many crows, he can clearly see the figure of the boss crow.

In the air, the crow boss completely suppressed the opponent to fight!
The size difference between the two sides is not very big, but the opponent's speed, reaction ability, and other aspects are not the opponent of Crow Boss at all, and they are completely suppressed.

The violent appearance of the crow boss is worthy of being the overlord of birds, and his fighting power is outstanding!
The brutality of this battle was somewhat beyond Yusuke's imagination.

There are estimated to be thousands of crows fighting on the spot, and the black feathers kept falling. Many crows were beaten from the air to the water. The appearance is very tragic.

The battle lasted for an hour, and finally, the opponent was completely defeated.

The leader of the opponent was beaten to the ground, and the younger brothers also surrendered.

The old crow flapped his wings proudly and flew to the highest place, all the crows lowered their heads.

Crow boss, full of domineering!
(End of this chapter)

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