Chapter 313
"Okay, let's go back." Yusuke stood up and said, the war is over, and it's time for the crow boss to accept the opponent's territory, and Yusuke doesn't need to care about it.

The three of Jessica were still indulging in the battle just now, and only then did they come back to their senses.

"We won! We won!"

The three little girls jumped up excitedly.

Seeing such a fierce battle at close range for the first time, the three of them felt their blood boil, and cheered excitedly at this moment.

After a long time, the three of them calmed down a little.

"Okay, we should go home"

Yusuke checked the time, it was almost evening.

"So fast!"

Jessica and the others were a little reluctant. Their excitement had not subsided, and they were always a little bit unwilling to go home at this time.

"Shall we go celebrate?"

"Celebrate what?" Yusuke said with a smile.

It's not that you won the battle, we were just watching the battle from the sidelines, just passers-by.

"Boss Crow is our important partner, everyone has to celebrate!" Jessica said seriously, and Ewen Jielin and Semi also nodded in agreement,
"Since when did Boss Crow become a member of our team?"

"Just now, I agreed!"

"I agree too"

"I agree too"

All three little girls agreed!
"We all agreed, so Crow Boss is our partner!" Jessica said proudly.

Don't you ask the parties and my thoughts?
"Okay" Yusuke had no choice but to admit it.

After dinner, Yusuke sent the three excited little girls home, and today's affairs were considered over.

On the way home, a black shadow flew over from the sky.

Yusuke raised his head and stretched out his arms. The crow flapped his wings and stood on Yusuke's arms.

"Congratulations, Boss Crow, you have won another piece of land!"

"Wow (small meaning)" the crow boss exclaimed triumphantly.

"Wah wah wah (Yusuke, I need your help with something)"

"whats the matter?"

It's rare that Crow Boss actually asked Yusuke for help. The last time he asked for help was a wild boar. Could it be that some ferocious beast attacked them again this time?

"Wow wow wow (I won the fight today, the opponent has surrendered to me, but maybe I struck too fiercely, the opponent was injured by me, the situation seems to be not right now, can Yusuke help out?)"

It doesn't matter if the enemy kills him, but now that the other party has become his younger brother, as the boss, of course he should take care of it.

"no problem"

Yusuke nodded, "Then where is it now?"

"Wow (it can't fly now, it's lying in its old nest)"

"Then I'll go with you"

Yongsuke followed the crow boss to a forest in the outskirts. There was a big tree in the woods. Many crows were circling here. This should be the crows' lair.

"Wow (this is my little brother's old den, now it belongs to me)"

The crow boss said, Yusuke nodded

Seeing the appearance of the crow boss, the crows called twice and bowed their heads to show their submission, but when they saw Yusuke, they flapped their wings in a panic, trying to scare him away.

The crow boss yelled twice, and these new little brothers folded their wings, but they still looked at Yusuke with guarded eyes.

"Wow (Yusuke, scare them)" the crow boss said at this time.

"Is it okay? These are your little brothers."

"Whoah (it's okay, these guys don't understand the situation yet)"

Now that the crow boss has said so, Yusuke doesn't care anymore.

In an instant, a powerful aura erupted from Yusuke's body.

The soul of Secondary School, inspire!
For a moment, the crows were suppressed by some powerful existence. With Yusuke as the center, all the crows within a radius of a few meters retreated rapidly, looking at Yusuke with fear in their eyes.

This human being is so dangerous!

Yusuke's eyes swept across, and the crows all lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

Sure enough, these guys are bullying!
Yusuke walked into the crow's lair with ease, all the way unimpeded.

And there is a huge bird's nest on the top of the tree, a huge crow is lying there, that is the opponent that Crow Boss defeated today.

At this time, its condition was very bad, one wing was in an irregular shape, and it was lying there crying out in pain.

Judging from this situation, if Yusuke does not help, this crow will definitely not survive tonight.

Seeing the appearance of the boss crow, the crow immediately asked the boss crow for help. It didn't want to die yet!
The crow yelled twice, "Wow (this is the rescuer I brought in, he can cure you)"

The crow immediately looked at Yusuke, his eyes full of human pleading.

Sure enough, to become the boss, his IQ is stronger than other crows!

Yusuke stepped forward, picked up the crow, and said: "Next I will take you to my friend, she will heal you, and you will be fine"

"Wow (thank you)" Crow nodded in gratitude.

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank me, you can thank Boss Ya. If Boss Ya didn't say something, I wouldn't help you."

The crow looked at the crow boss with gratitude, and the crow waved his wings proudly, which was something only he could do.

Yusuke brought the crow to Sakura Ryoko's clinic, Sakura Ryoko was a little surprised, it was the first time she treated the crow.

After a minor operation, the crow was sleeping in a cage with a small wooden frame attached to its wings.

"You can recover after a month's rest, but you have to treat me at my side first these few days," Sakura Ryoko reminded.

"Please trouble Dr. Sakura"

Yusuke left the crow temporarily with Sakura Ryoko and went back.

When I got home, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. After tidying up my things and setting the alarm clock, this busy day was finally over.

On the second day, Yusuke got up before dawn, and Xiao Hei also woke up at this time, watching curiously.

Yusuke smiled and touched its head.

"Meow meow (Yusuke, are you going out?)"

"Yeah, I'll trouble you to watch the house today."

"Meow Meow (wrap on me)"

Yusuke took his backpack and carefully set off from home.

Today's station was more lively than usual. Many people were carrying huge backpacks, and some were wearing anime costumes. Everyone met each other's eyes and nodded with a smile.

We are like-minded comrades!

In order to conceal his whereabouts, Yusuke specially wore a mask, which was not conspicuous at all in the crowd. Jessica and the others also arrived, also wearing masks.

"Everyone is here, let's go"

A few people got on the tram, and after getting off the tram, they set off towards the venue. As they got closer and closer to the venue, the flow of people increased. At this time, various strange-shaped crowds appeared.

"Let's go find Mr. Sanben first, he called just now and is already waiting for us"

Everyone nodded, and Yusuke and his team quickly found Yuji Yamamoto.

Today, Yuji Yamamoto is fully armed, wearing the emperor's clothes, and even his hair has turned red, which is very conspicuous in the crowd.

"That guy is the Great Emperor? Looks so weak!"

Evangeline complained, and Jessica and the two also nodded.

Yuji Yamamoto has a well-proportioned figure, although he has some muscles, but it is completely incomparable with the explosive figure of the emperor in the anime. Looking at it this way, he does look a bit weak.

It is indeed a bit difficult for an Asian figure to play the role of the emperor.

Yusuke said with a smile: "Everyone just have fun, don't be so demanding, let's go, let me introduce you."

Yusuke led the three of them towards Yuji Yamamoto.

"Mr. Yamamoto" Yusuke took off his mask and greeted Yuji Yamamoto.

Only then did Yamamoto Yuuji come back to his senses, looking at Yusuke and his party with surprise on their faces, "You guys are finally here!"

At this time, he looked at the three girls behind Yusuke.

"Are these our companions?"

"Let me introduce you, you know Jessica, these two are Evangeline and Semi"

All three of them took off their masks, revealed their true colors, and greeted Yuji Yamamoto.

"Not bad, our compatriots have increased again!" Yamamoto Yuji asked with a happy face, "Why haven't you changed your clothes yet?"

"Our Clothes Are Here"

Yusuke patted the backpack behind him, "Let's go into the venue and change clothes."

"That's okay, let's go to the queue first."

(End of this chapter)

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