Chapter 314 314. Cute Boy
The exhibition has not yet opened, and the queue is already very long.

There are at least tens of thousands of people gathered here, and it is very lively, even the air is a bit turbid.

Everyone here is in high spirits, basically discussing in groups of several people, and the atmosphere is very hot.

Yusuke looked around, and most of the people on the scene were men wearing white T-shirts with various pictures of beautiful girls printed on them. They were carrying huge backpacks and wearing thick glasses. Obscenity, as long as you see a girl appearing, your eyes will light up immediately, and your eyes will scan unscrupulously, and once you are discovered, you will immediately lower your head, looking guilty.

This is the legendary Heisei dead house, and it is also the main consumer force of the comic exhibition.

There were also many people wearing anime costumes, just like Yuuji Yamamoto, who didn't care about other people's eyes and were completely immersed in their own world.

This group of people includes lone rangers and teams, and they play all kinds of strange characters, some of which Yusuke can recognize, and some of which can't be seen at all.

However, the most popular animation characters played on the scene, and more than a dozen of the same characters appeared on the scene.

For example, Uchiha Sasuke, tall and short, thin and fat, young, middle-aged, old, islanders, foreigners, there are more than a dozen versions, it seems inexplicable sense of joy.

There are also people playing FATE, but many of them are playing red a, and there are a few golden glitters, but they always feel a bit lacklustre.

"They're not as good-looking as Yusuke"

Jessica said, Evangeline and the two also nodded, after seeing Yusuke's performance yesterday, the outfits of these people in front of them looked very amateurish
Yuji Yamamoto was a little curious, "Is it really that similar?"

"Of course, just like the deity," Jessica said proudly.

"Then let's get to know each other later."

Time passed little by little, and finally it was time to open the door. The crowd began to move forward slowly, but there was a huge flow of people at the scene, and Yusuke and his party had to queue for a long time to enter the venue.

"Then let's change clothes first," Yusuke said, and all three of Jessica nodded.

"Then I'll wait for you outside," Yamamoto Yuuji said.

The restroom is also very lively, many people change clothes here.


What the hell are those guys in high school uniforms who walked past just now!
Yusuke was shocked. Just now, the girls with flowing black hair, round faces, big eyes, and reddish cheeks looked very cute, but...

This is the men's toilet!
Could this be the legendary women's boss!

Girls are not so cute!
Sensing Yusuke's weird eyes, a girl turned her head, showed a cute smile, and reached out her hand to say hello.

Yusuke shivered, and immediately withdrew his eyes, it was too scary!

But other people turn a blind eye to this, everyone is used to it?

Yusuke has a strange look on his face, could it be that I am less knowledgeable?

Yusuke stopped thinking about it and started changing his clothes.

When he put on the glittering clothes, dyed his hair golden, put on the contact lenses and earrings, his aura instantly changed.

The soul of the second class was automatically activated after putting on the glittering gold clothes, and it couldn't even be turned off.

The moment he finished dressing, Yusuke's sense of presence immediately rose.

Yusuke's outfit immediately attracted the attention of others, everyone was a little surprised, this guy is so similar!
Especially that kind of demeanor, that kind of eyes, it is exactly the same as the deity!

Facing the eyes of everyone, Yusuke didn't care.

After putting on the glittering clothes, maybe it was the influence of the second soul, Yusuke found that his mentality became a lot more arrogant.

Is the soul of Zhonger Er still affected by clothing?
Yusuke strode forward, but at this moment, a figure ran in from the outside, and one accidentally bumped into each other.

"It hurts so much~" came a girl's voice.

Yusuke stood there calmly. There was a girl sitting on the ground in front of her. At this moment, she was holding her butt with aggrieved face. She raised her head angrily, looked at Yusuke, and called out in a soft and cute voice: "You man How did you walk!"

Those big round eyes and ruddy mouth look very playful and cute.

The young people around were a little moved, this is so cute!
Yusuke remained expressionless, and said calmly, "You ran in and hit me yourself."

The girl ran in all the way just now, without looking ahead, it was he who bumped into Yusuke himself, not Yusuke who hit him.

"I'm so mad!" The girl stomped her feet angrily, and looked at Yusuke with a pout.

Both a little angry and a little coquettish.

Yusuke took a deep breath, suppressing the discomfort in his heart.

"Get out of the way!" came the indifferent voice.


The girl was trembling with anger, but at this moment a strong urge to urinate came, and only then did she remember it.

"You remembered it for me!"

The girl quickly ran into the men's room.

For a moment, many people dropped their jaws in shock, while Yusuke remained expressionless.

No matter how cute he is or how nice his voice is, it can't hide the fact that he is a man.

What happened to this world?Why are boys cuter than girls?
By the time the girl had settled her physical matters and was about to come out to settle accounts with Yusuke, Yusuke had already left.

The girl stomped her feet angrily, "Don't let me catch you, or I'll make him look good!"

Yusuke has already joined Jessica and the others. Seeing Yusuke's outfit, Yuji Yamamoto gave a thumbs up in appreciation, it's so similar!
The King of Knights played by Jessica is already very similar, with blond hair and green eyes, which are exactly the same as the characters in the original book, except that the figure is a little different, which is 100% restored, but I did not expect Yusuke's dress to be more It's better, that kind of arrogant and boundless attitude, it's too similar!

Yusuke's outfit also caught the attention of others.

Cosplay relies entirely on love to generate electricity, and the level varies, but it is obvious that Yusuke's cosplay beats them dozens of blocks.

This is a master!
A group of people walked to the exhibition hall. This area is a performance venue for animation lovers. There are teams and individuals here, with high and low levels.

When Yusuke and his party appeared here, they quickly attracted the attention of others.

The reason is very simple, Yusuke's outfit is too similar, and Jessica and Evangeline are foreigners, these factors add up, the group is very conspicuous, many people come up to ask if they can take pictures.

But they are all dead houses in Heisei, and their eyes are all on Jessica and Ewen Jielin. The obscene expressions made Jessica and the others a little hairy. The eyes of these guys are too terrifying!

Fortunately, Yusuke and Yamamoto Yuu were there, and when they came forward, these Heisei dead houses shrank immediately, their aura was too strong, these dead houses couldn't stand it!
(End of this chapter)

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