Chapter 319 319. Book
This incident caused a lot of commotion, and this is the first time that so many stray cats have appeared in the comic exhibition.

But this group of stray cats ran away without a trace after attacking the girls, and did not attack anyone else. The staff searched the scene, but did not find this group of stray cats. Blame the bad luck of these teenagers.

"By the way, where is Xiao Hei?" After watching the farce, Jessica remembered that Xiao Hei who was with Yusuke had disappeared.

"Xiao Hei is going to the bathroom, and he will be back later," Yusuke explained.

To the restroom?

Several people were a little puzzled.

“Xiaohei loves to be clean”

After a while, Xiao Hei ran out from the corner on a catwalk, and called out to Yusuke.

"Meow meow (everyone is safe)"

Yusuke nodded.

"Xiao Hei, come to my place, or the security guards will take it away as a stray cat later"

Jessica stretched out her hand, trying to hug Xiao Hei, but unexpectedly, Xiao Hei avoided it, then walked towards Semi, and climbed onto Semi's shoulder in two or three steps.

Everyone was a little surprised.

"Meow meow (she smells sweet)"

It turned out to be the reason. Semi's house sells desserts, so there is more or less a scent of desserts on her body. This sweet smell is also a temptation for cats.

The wild cat incident subsided quickly, and everyone forgot about it and walked around the venue.

Everyone went to the performance venue first, and Yuji Yamamoto showed how Yamcha died.

I saw that he took out a huge canvas and drew a huge yellow round pit on it. The canvas was flat, and then he bent his body and lay directly on the canvas. This scene is exactly the same as the scene in the cartoon!

The people around were very surprised that there are still people playing this kind of thing!
This brain hole is really amazing!

"How is it?" Yamamoto Yuji got up from the ground and asked with a smile, everyone gave a thumbs up.

Strong enough!

After playing here for a while, everyone shifted the battlefield and went to the fan exhibition.

Doujinshi does not necessarily sell books, but also some original comics.

There are a lot of cartoonists here, and most of them are amateur cartoonists. The quality of their cartoons is not up to the standard of submission, but they have dreams in their hearts, so they publish at their own expense. If they are lucky and the response is good, these cartoonists It is also possible to embark on a regular path, but the chances of this are very low.

These cases with extremely low success rates have inspired many newcomers with dreams, and a large number of newcomers fall into this pit every year.

There are also a small number of famous cartoonists. They changed their vests and came here to let themselves go.A truly mature cartoonist must consider various factors in the market and readers. Many times, cartoonists cannot do comics according to their own wishes. Therefore, these cartoonists change their trumpets and come here to let themselves go. All kinds of brain holes are big. All kinds of evil thoughts are released here.

By the way, the most drawn by these people are notebooks. I don’t know if it’s because of their resentment towards their own works. All kinds of driving skills, these talents are real professionals!

There are also the Danmei book, the Lily book, the Gay book, and the Tauren book, all of which are messy and full of fish and dragons. Here, if you are not careful, you will be hit by a mine.

At the scene, there was a manga artist himself, drawing a book with himself as the main character. By the way, that manga artist was a woman, and the scale of the book was huge, which really opened the eyes of Yusuke and the others.

"These are just trifles," Yuji Yamamoto said with a smile. He is most familiar with this place. He is taking a few people for a stroll, and by the way, he will tell everyone interesting things about the comic exhibition.

"Last year, another incident happened. An otaku bought a book here, but he ran into his mother. His mother was drawing a book in private, and the story of the book was still a mother-in-law book with him as the protagonist. That scene, tsk tsk... ..."

The corners of Yusuke's mouths twitched, they could only say that this circle is really messed up!

Under the guidance of Yuji Yamamoto, everyone avoided various landmines and found some relatively normal comic booths.

"Why do you want to buy a book?"

A familiar female voice came, and Yusuke turned his head. Not far away, three girls were walking towards us.

That was Eri, Rika, and Yui.

Eri wears a magical girl outfit, Rika wears a classic high school girl sailor outfit, and Yui wears a red and white shrine maiden outfit.

The three of them were just dressed in ordinary clothes, without too many decorations, but the three of them had super good looks, and they were more beautiful than those professionals in these clothes. Along the way, they all attracted a lot of attention.

Sure enough, things like clothes still depend on the face!
At this time, Yui's expression was a little embarrassed.

What is the most important thing about a comic show?
Book, book, book!

Although Yui is also a little bit interested, but so blatantly, Yui will also feel embarrassed.

This is blatantly pornographic, okay?

"Don't worry, here are pure love books, not those messy books"

After understanding Yui's expression, Eri explained with a smile.

Only then did Yui heave a sigh of relief, but she also felt a little disappointed in her heart.

"You look disappointed?" Eri said with a smile.

"No, don't talk nonsense, it's impossible"

Yui strongly objected.

The three of them were walking towards this side. If there were no accidents, the two groups would meet soon, but Yusuke was not nervous at all.

Wearing a wild boar hood, ghosts can recognize themselves!

Sure enough, the two sides met, and passed by calmly.

"I didn't expect there to be foreigners here! Those two foreigners are so beautiful!" Yui said in a low voice.

Jessica and Evangeline's outstanding western faces will attract everyone's attention wherever they go, but Jessica and Evangeline are very calm, and they have seen such eyes a lot.

"Anime is a pillar industry in Japan, and the Summer Comic Con is the biggest festival, so it's normal for foreigners to come," Eri replied with a smile.

"However, the girl next to her seems familiar," Lixiang said at this time.

The two thought for a while, indeed, the woman looked familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

The three of them stopped and turned around, but at this time, Yusuke and his party were no longer visible.

Since they couldn't see anyone, the three of Eri stopped struggling and continued to browse the comic exhibition.

After buying the comic book, Yusuke and his party shifted the battlefield again, this time to the game area.

The game area is even more lively!

The exhibitors here are all large game companies. They have their latest games here, which can be tried for free. On the one hand, it is to attract popularity and promote the pre-sale. is the liveliest.

"Do you want to try this game?"

Yuji Yamamoto pointed to a game booth in front of him and asked, and several people looked over.

It was a huge booth with two huge machines and two huge screens in front of it.In the machine, there are two spectators who are experiencing it, and there are many people watching below.

It is the latest somatosensory game. Through wearing the device, the action is projected on the screen, and the game is completed through the action. It can be said that it is a game that combines entertainment and sports.

(End of this chapter)

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