Chapter 320
This is a game similar to Fruit Ninja, with simple operation and strong rhythm. The previous levels are very simple, but the later stages become more and more difficult.

There is also a leaderboard next to it, showing the player with the highest score. Now the number one is 500 points, and the full score is 999.

"But this game has to draw lots," Semi said at this time.

Participating in this game depends on drawing lots, and only those who are drawn can go up to experience, and this time only two people can go up.

"No problem, leave it to me." Yuji Yamamoto patted his chest and said, "As long as it is related to lottery activities, I can definitely win!"

A group of people went up to draw lots, and Yuji Yamamoto really won the lottery.

This luck is really against the sky!

Yuji Yamamoto took the lead. His game skills are very good, but it is a pity that he did not break the record and only ranked third.

"Excellent, Mr. Sanben!"

"It's nothing, if I hadn't been careless, I would definitely be able to refresh the leaderboard!"

Yuuji Yamamoto said proudly.

"No, I mean you are very lucky!"

"Is this it?" Yuuji Yamamoto's expression was subtle.

Next, relying on the cheating device of Yuji Yamamoto, everyone went up to play it one by one.

Jessica and Ewen Jielin's game skills are average, and they can't even make it to the leaderboard. On the contrary, Semi's performance surprised everyone. She refreshed the leaderboard in one fell swoop, directly scoring more than 700 points, and airborne No.1!
The crowd below were a little surprised, this beautiful little girl is so amazing!
And she played Emiya Miyu, which made many people more cute.

The eyes of many otaku looking at Semi have changed!

She is pretty, likes to play cosplay, and can play games, which is so exciting!

"It's amazing!"

Jessica and Evangeline clapped their hands excitedly.

Semi walked down with a regretful expression, "I was careless just now, otherwise the score could be higher."

"I didn't expect you to be so good at playing games!" Yuji Yamamoto praised.

Semi shook her head and said, "I'm not bad at playing games, but this game is somewhat similar to Kendo, so it's easier for me to learn."

In this game, as long as you hit something, you can score points. It is similar to sword fighting in kendo. Semi is a master of kendo, and her experience takes a lot of advantage.

Then it was Yusuke's turn, and everyone looked at him expectantly.

"Fallen Angel, you are the champion of the Jade Dragon Banner. With your strength, you can definitely get full marks!" Semi said seriously.

Yuji Yamamoto was a little surprised, "I didn't expect you, Yusuke, to win the Yulong Banner champion! You really don't show your face!"

"Of course, the Fallen Angel broke all the records of the Jade Dragon Banner in one fell swoop!"

Semi wanted to popularize science for everyone, but was stopped by Yusuke, there is no need to brag like this in front of her own people.

"If that's the case, then we'll see Yusuke show off his power later!" Yuji Yamamoto said with a smile.

"Fallen Angel, you need to get full marks!" Jessica said seriously.

The leaderboard has been refreshed again, and the current highest score is more than 800 points. It was set by a flexible fat man. Although he is fat, his movements are very flexible. In addition, his game skills are very superb, directly surpassing Semi's The score was brushed down.

Yusuke replied with a smile: "Wrap it on me"

If it was other games, Yusuke would not have much confidence, after all, he is not a game expert, but this is a somatosensory game, which relies on the player's reaction speed, whoever has the fastest reaction ability will win, so Yusuke has confidence.

With the cheating tool of Yuji Yamamoto, Yusuke was soon on the field.

But unexpectedly, the other player standing next to him turned out to be Eri.

What kind of luck is this!How could I still meet them here!
Yusuke looked around, Rika and Yui were standing underneath watching, opposite to Jessica's side.

No wonder I didn't see them just now!
"My friend, don't you take off the hood?" The staff asked with a smile.

Yusuke was still wearing the wild boar hood, which was very conspicuous in the crowd, Eri next to him also looked over, she had some impression of this pig-headed man, this was the second time she had met.

"No need!" Yusuke refused directly.

Just kidding, if it weren't for Jessica and the others below, he would have left and quit playing, what if it was exposed!

"Okay" The staff is not reluctant.

The crowd below were a little curious. Could this guy be wearing that wild boar hood to play games? This is really rare!

Although wearing a headgear is not invisible, but the field of vision will be limited. Playing this kind of game, the speed of the next level will be faster and faster. If one is not careful, one will be tricked, and this game has no blood volume. Once you get hit This is also the abnormality of this game. Those who can make it to the leaderboard have very powerful skills.

Eri also looked over curiously, but didn't care too much, everyone's habits are different.

Eri just wants to get a full score to break the record. She just watched for a long time below, and soon figured out the mechanism of this game. This is the kendo game, which is her strong point!

With the help of the staff, the two put on the special gloves. Soon, the screen in front of them lit up, and the audience below watched curiously.

Games start!
The two moved quickly.

To everyone's surprise, the man wearing the wild boar hood was not hindered by anything, his reaction speed was extremely fast and his movements were smooth.

I didn't expect this to be a master!

And the strength of the beautiful girl next to her should not be underestimated. She looks delicate, but her figure is very delicate.

The ratings of the two sides are rising rapidly, breaking through 500 points soon, and have already entered the leaderboard, and their rankings are still changing drastically.

The chubby guy who ranked first was a little surprised, but also a little nervous. These two were too fierce. At this time, the score was approaching more than 700 points, and it was about to set a new record!
Where did this monster come from!
That beautiful girl looked like an experienced player, and she seemed hopeful of breaking her own record, but the little fat man didn't mind very much, after all, she was a beautiful girl, so she had a higher tolerance, so maybe I would have a chance to communicate with her later.

The costume of the magical girl is also very beautiful!

As for the pig-headed man, it's no good, don't ask why, this is hostility between males!

However, that pig-headed man's movements are too flexible, without the slow speed of the muscular man. This guy is different from ordinary muscular men.

Eri was also a little surprised, this person is so strong!

But soon she put away her thoughts and concentrated on the game in front of her. Although it was a game, she didn't want to lose either.

The score of the two has exceeded 800 points, and they are ranked No. 3 at this time.

The fat man clenched his fists nervously, expecting them to make a mistake and lose.

However, things did not develop as Fatty imagined.

The two quickly broke Fatty's points. Now they were fighting for the first place, and the crowd below was also very lively. This kind of fierce competition is worth watching.

Finally, the scores of both sides broke through 900 points!

(End of this chapter)

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