Chapter 321. Maori War Dance
At this time, Eri is playing the game attentively. As the level gets further and further behind, the speed of the target is getting faster and faster. At this time, if you don't pay attention, you will get hit. Eri doesn't dare to be careless at all.

But unexpectedly, the pig-headed man next to him was also able to handle it with ease, his movements were smooth and very relaxed, which surprised Eri a little, this guy is so powerful!

It was just a distraction, and Eri was accidentally hit.

game over!

A huge subtitle lit up on the screen.

Eri was a little regretful, she had already scored 950 points, and was almost on the verge of perfect marks.

Forget it, it's not bad to be able to achieve this score.

Eri quickly adjusted her mentality, and looked at the pig-headed man next door. The pig-headed man's score was very close to a perfect score.

Finally, the pig-headed man hit the last target, the machine played a loud music, and several large characters lit up on the screen.


The perfect score is 999!

The onlookers immediately burst into applause, and even the staff were very surprised. They were members of the game company and knew how perverted the game was. According to the design, players would have to play for at least half a month to get full marks.

But I didn't expect that some players got full marks at the scene, which is really incredible!

It can only be said that the masters are among the people!

After winning the game, Yusuke didn't care much about it. Although the game was a bit difficult, it wasn't too much trouble for him, and he could solve it with a little effort.

As the first player to reach the full score, the staff specially awarded Yusuke a medal, and also gave some discount coupons, so you can get a discount when you buy games.

Yusuke curled his lips, this is all a routine!

Jessica and the others were very happy, and everyone stood together to take pictures.

In contrast, Eri and the others felt a little regretful, they almost got full marks just now,

"Forget it, it's just a game." Eri said with a smile, "Let's go play other games."

"Beauty, your game skills are very good, can you meet me?"

A little fat man stood in front of them at this moment, showing the most confident smile.

This is the little fat guy who won the first place just now and was brushed down later. Although he lost, he was not very angry, and wanted to take this opportunity to get to know Eri.

What the little fat man didn't expect was that there were actually three beauties here!

One is energetic and lovely, one is literary and artistic, and one is sweet at first love.

The little fat man's eyes were shining, and his saliva was about to flow out.

Seeing his brother pig face, Eri and the others curled their lips in disdain, this guy is too obvious!
"Get out of the way!" Eri's indifferent voice brought the little fat man back to his senses.

"Don't be so indifferent, we all played games together and encouraged each other."

Xiaopang said with a smile, not caring about Eri's tone at all.

Although the other party's attitude is very indifferent, but she is beautiful!Hold on and take her down!

Eri got a little angry, and stared at the little fat man with unfriendly eyes. If the little fat man dared to stalk him, he would definitely make him look good.


The little fat man's expression was ugly, but he didn't take much action, he just watched the three leave with unkind eyes.

"That fat man looks very unhappy," Yui said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I'm here" Eri said, patting her chest, then took out her phone and sent a few messages.

After a while, he put away the phone and made a gesture.

"OK, I've taken care of it"

Yui and the two nodded without asking too much. Since Eri can handle it, both of them believed her.

Yusuke also didn't notice what happened here, and had already left at this time.

Now that he knew that the three of Eri were here, Yusuke consciously avoided them.

After shopping around, the group found a place to rest.

"I'll go buy some water." Yusuke stood up and said.

"I'll go with you." Semi also stood up.

"That troubles you"

Yusuke and Semi came to the vending machine, put in a few coins, and took out the drinks they bought.

"Those three girls just now are friends of your club?" Semi said at this time.

Yusuke forgot one thing, Semi also knows a few people in Eri.

"Yeah," Yusuke admitted directly.

"So you haven't taken off your wild boar helmet until now, because you are afraid of being recognized by others."

"It's pretty much what you said"

"understand understand"

Semi nodded seriously, the situation of the two is actually similar.

"But aren't you afraid that they will recognize you?" Yusuke asked at this time.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not familiar with them."

"makes sense"

The two sides are just opponents on the field of competition. They may have some impressions, but they have never communicated with each other, so what if they recognize each other!
"I'll help you cover!" Semi said seriously, and Yusuke nodded, which was a tacit understanding between the two parties.

A group of people came to the last exhibition area, which is an open-air square, where many lovers dance house dances.

These people have all practiced, and their movements are very neat, which looks very pleasing to the eye.

Everyone has enjoyed the performances of several teams, and they all think they are very good.

"Fallen Angel, why don't we dance tomorrow too?" Jessica said excitedly at this moment.

"I can't dance," Yusuke replied with a smile.

Except for Jessica, none of the people present could dance. If this improvised team did not move neatly, the dance would be messy.

Although everyone was a little moved, they knew exactly what they were doing, so they didn't have the confidence to agree at this time.

"I know that there is a very simple dance that even beginners can learn, and they will master it soon," Jessica said confidently.

Several people were a little curious, and Yiwen Jielin asked, "What dance?"

"Maori War Dance!"

Several people looked at each other, but they hadn't heard of it, and then they all took out their mobile phones to Google. After watching Google's instructions and videos, everyone suddenly realized.

Maori war dance, a traditional New Zealand dance, is a dance danced by ancient warriors when they set out to increase morale and intimidate the enemy!

The requirements for this dance are not very high, as long as you practice a few times, you can get started, and the most important thing to dance this dance is momentum!

Bloom the strength of your body to intimidate the enemy!

Watching those videos, several people were a little moved, this dance is so powerful!
But there is a problem, uniform clothing is required.

For things like dancing, uniform clothing is required to show the beauty. If the clothing is not uniform, the momentum will be weak at that time.

"Then let's go buy clothes, as our combat uniforms" Yamamoto Yuji said, after watching the Maori war dance, he was tempted,


"no problem"

Jessica and the others agreed, but Jie was still hesitant.

"Yusuke, do you have a question?"

Big problem!
You can’t wear a hood when dancing a Maori war dance. What if you are recognized by others?
Yusuke turned his head around and soon found a blind spot.

"We can do this dance, but we're missing something"

"What's wrong?"

Several people looked over curiously.


This dance shows strength. Yusuke and Yuji Yamamoto are fine, but the three soft and cute girls are not so good. Looking at them, let alone being scared, it is possible to be cute.

"So, we need a mask!" Yusuke said seriously, "This will increase our intimidation!"

(End of this chapter)

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