Chapter 322 322. Sending Home

Everyone pondered for a while and felt that it made sense.

Power is not enough, props come together!
"Okay, then let's go buy clothes and masks." Yuji Yamamoto said, clenched his fists.

Animation is a pillar industry in Japan, and there are many peripheral products extended. Cosplay is also an important part of it. There are also many stores specializing in two-dimensional clothing.

After all, there are still very few otaku who can do it themselves. Like Yusuke, it is no problem to make props by hand, but he is blinded by tailoring clothes.

Most of the otaku girls are self-made, like Jessica and Evangeline, since he met them, Yusuke has seen them change at least 50 outfits, and each outfit is different. Exactly how many suits a person has is a mystery.

There are also some, like Semi, who have 0 hands-on ability.

However, making it by yourself consumes a lot of energy, so the first choice of many people is to buy clothes directly and make slight modifications. Clothing stores are very lively.

Everyone picks and chooses in the clothing store. What is required is group clothing, and everyone's clothing must be consistent, and there are many such clothing in Two-dimensional clothing stores.

But everyone is not very satisfied, because the reason for choosing a dance, this dress must be full of power!

After picking and choosing, everyone finally chose the Saiyan battle suit.

When everyone came out wearing their clothes, they unexpectedly discovered that Saiyan battle suits are very suitable for dancing.

It's tailored for a close fit and looks sporty.

"How about we try dancing?"

Jessica looked at the uniform outfit, a little ready to move.

"What if it affects other guests later?"

"Let's talk to the boss"

Yuji Yamamoto went to say hello to the boss.

The boss is a little surprised. Most of the people who come here to buy clothes are second-year students. They often speak incomprehensible languages ​​or behave in an unintelligible way. But this is the first time someone wants to dance in their store. The boss Feeling a little interested, I agreed.

The five people lined up, and the other customers in the store were also attracted by them, and they stood by and watched.


The five people shouted loudly at the same time, startling the onlookers.

Then, the crowd began to be in a state of confusion.

What a dance!

That strange movement, that ferocious expression, seems to rush up to do a fight at any moment, what the hell is this!
Seeing the five people screaming and slapping their bodies, everyone didn't know what expression to use to express it.

Until Yusuke and the others finished dancing, the crowd was still in a dazed state.

"Not bad!" Yuji Yamamoto said with a smile, "After dancing this dance, I feel strong all over my body!"

Yusuke nodded, at this time his blood was boiling, as if he could turn the world over at any time!
"Well, what kind of dance are you dancing?"

The boss who finally came to his senses asked curiously.

"Maori war dance!" Jessica said proudly, "This is the dance of warriors!"

The bewildered boss Googled a bit, and then suddenly realized that there was such a dance!
"In this case, let's choose the mask of the Super Saiyan, which just matches the Saiyan battle suit"

Everyone nodded.

"Why did everyone choose Kakarot's mask?" Yusuke looked at everyone's choices and couldn't help complaining.

"Because Kakarot is the strongest!" Jessica replied seriously, and everyone nodded.

"Okay." In fact, Yusuke is also the reason.

However, the mask everyone took is very interesting, it just corresponds to the hair color of Kakarot in each state, black, gold, pink, blue, silver.

"It feels like we are a five-color team," Yusuke said with a smile.

"That's right, this is it!" Jessica's eyes lit up at this moment, "We need to name our team!"

"Yes, do you have any suggestions?"

"Team Kakarot!"

"Dragon Ball Team!"

"Saiyan team!"

"Sun Wukong team!"

"Dragon Ball Fighter!"

Everyone discussed it, and found that the name is very common, or not enough for the second grade!
Everyone pondered for a while, Jessica's eyes lit up when she saw Xiao Hei beside Yusuke.

"Or call me the Black Knight!"

black Knight!
Everyone thought about it, the name is good, so it was decided!
When everything is settled, it is night.

"Then I'll go first, my girlfriend is waiting for me" Yamamoto Yuji said with a smile.

"You actually have a girlfriend!" The three of Jessica were shocked.

"What kind of expressions do you have! Can't I have a girlfriend?" Yuji Yamamoto complained.

"Mr. Yamamoto's girlfriend must be a good person!" Evangeline said seriously, and Jessica and the two nodded.

Yuuji Yamamoto waved his hands helplessly with a black line on his face.

"Forget it, you little girls don't understand the charm of a mature man like me"

"I'm leaving first, see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow"

Yuji Yamamoto left first, leaving Yusuke four alone.

"Let's go eat." Yusuke looked at the time, it was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and it was time for dinner.

Everyone thought for a while, then nodded, took the mobile phone and talked to the family members, and then went to the restaurant together.

"It seems like we're eating together for the second time," Semi said with a smile.

Yusuke smiled and replied: "For the first meal, both Jessica and Evangeline fell asleep, and we carried it home. You two, you can't fall asleep again today."

"Don't worry, absolutely not!" Jessica and Evangeline replied confidently.


Looking at the two sleeping like piglets, Yusuke and Semi shook their heads helplessly.

Playing so crazy today, the two of them fell asleep right after eating.

"What should I do? Is it still the same as last time?" Semi asked.

Yusuke shook his head, "It won't work this time!"

Last time they were empty-handed, so they could just carry them home, but now there are still big and small bags here, and they are almost exhausted when carrying them home.

Yusuke hailed a car and took Ewen Jielin, Jessica home, and finally Semi.

The car stopped at the intersection, Semi waved goodbye, and walked home with her backpack on her back.

The driver said with a smile at this time: "The young man is really amazing, which one is your true destiny?"

Yusuke smiled, but didn't answer, and the driver didn't care either.

When Yusuke returned home, it was almost ten o'clock, pack up your things, and then Yusuke went to bed.

Tomorrow is the last day.

Today, Yusuke didn't take Xiao Hei out, because of yesterday's stray cat incident, the security here has increased a lot, although pets can be brought in, but Yusuke doesn't want to take risks.

He still changed clothes in the men's room, but today Yusuke didn't meet the girls from yesterday, so he probably disappeared for a while.

After meeting with everyone, the group headed to the square.

It is very lively here, many people are singing and dancing.

The five Yusukes are wearing uniform Saiyan costumes, and standing together at this time, they are highly recognizable.

"Are you all ready?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, then let's act!"

Everyone put on masks, and the Maori war dance began!

(End of this chapter)

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