Chapter 323 323. Familiarity
The dance area is usually the busiest, where you can often see many wonderful performances.

But at this time, everyone's performance is not as attractive as the performance in front of them.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in bewilderment. Five actors in Saiyan costumes and Kakarot masks were standing there dancing. strange scream.

What the hell is this dance!
Why does it feel like he's going to rush up to fight at any time!
The crowd looked confused, whether they were anime fans, movie fans, or game fans, they searched the memories in their minds, but they couldn't recognize what kind of dance it was.

However, although this dance looked weird, it was inexplicably passionate, and even the surrounding people were affected to some extent.

At the beginning, only a small number of people were watching, but slowly more and more people were watching, and finally formed a huge circle, and even other dancing people stopped dancing, looked over curiously, many People are also taking pictures with their mobile phones.

The Jieji people were not affected, or in other words, when they were in the second grade, they no longer cared about other people's eyes, and they were already immersed in their own world at this time.

Every time you slap your body, you are venting your strength!
Every strange cry is threatening the enemy!

At the end of the dance, everyone took a pose that they thought was the most powerful.

Looking at the five people in various poses, the crowd was a little confused. Is this the five-color team?

Yusuke and the others ignored the reaction of the crowd, and left the stage immediately after the dance.

Seeing the end of the dance, the crowd of onlookers came back to their senses, and the crowd began to disperse

Someone came up to ask.

"Hello, what kind of dance are you doing?"

Those were three girls in kimonos. They also danced here, and then they were attracted by the rough dance. At this time, they came up curiously to ask.

"That's Maori war dance!" Jessica said, taking off her mask, and several others took off their masks.

The girls in kimono were a little surprised, but they didn't expect there to be two foreigners.

There are five people in this team, three beautiful girls, one is an ordinary youth, and the other has not taken off the mask.

"Can I ask, what's the name of your team?"

"We are the Black Knights!" Jessica replied confidently, and then asked: How about you? "

"We are Wanohana" the three kimono girls replied.

The three kimono girls communicated with Jessica and the others, and soon separated.

"Yusuke, don't you take off your mask?"

"It's okay, I'm fine with a mask on"

Yusuke planned not to take off his mask today.

Sure enough, this plan was right.

On the way, they met Eri and his party again, and they happened to be walking in front of them.

Jie sighed, this is really a bad relationship!Why do we meet each other every time!

Fortunately, Jessica and the others changed their clothes every day, and Eri and the others couldn't recognize them anymore.

At this time, the three of Eri were chatting quietly.

"By the way, how was that little fat man yesterday?" Yui asked in a low voice.

"It's resolved, don't worry, you won't harass us anymore," Eri replied with a smile.

"That's good!" Yui breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "But yesterday was really scary. I didn't expect that little fat man to find people to surround us. I thought he was just an ordinary dead otaku!"

Lixiang also nodded and said, "It looks like they are a team."

"They are a team," Eri said at this time: "I asked yesterday, that little fat man is from their studio, and those who came with him are all staff from the studio. They were called out by that little fat man, don't worry , my family has already taken care of it, that little fat man won’t mess around in the future.”

The three chattered about things, and Yusuke, who was walking behind, quickly understood.

After the game competition yesterday, the little fat man approached Eri and the three of them, but was rejected by Eri, the little fat man was not reconciled, so when the game was over, he gathered a few people to surround Eri and the others, intending to use force, But I didn't expect that Eri had already made arrangements.

After the conflict on the beach, the family arranged bodyguards for Eri, and Eri could call them whenever needed.

After realizing that there was something wrong with the little fat man's eyes, Eri immediately made arrangements. If he dared to act rashly, he would definitely have a good fruit to eat, and if nothing happened, forget it.

But I didn't expect this guy to really act!And you even let people surround you, you are so daring!
Several bodyguards in black clothes surrounded them on the spot, grabbed them into the car, and told them to behave themselves.

"It feels like the practice of the underworld lady," Yui said with emotion.

"You think too much." Eri replied with a smile: "I'm not that overbearing. If he doesn't have bad intentions, I won't deal with them specifically. It's just a means of self-protection."

Yui and Rika nodded, and quickly put the matter behind them.

Yusuke walked behind, feeling a little weird.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened!
But more is the feeling about each other's status. It is not very obvious in school, but in society, the status of both parties is immediately revealed. Eri can solve all problems with a single phone call. This is no longer something ordinary people can do. .

However, Yusuke didn't feel any psychological imbalance.

People are not created equal!
Yusuke is confident that these unequal gaps will be erased!
Today is the last day of the comic exhibition, everyone had a great time playing, what to play, what to buy.

Finally, the last day of the show came to an end.

"Everyone, go back and rest early!"

At the station, several people said goodbye to each other, and then went back contentedly with big bags and small bags.

Yusuke can finally breathe a sigh of relief, a lot of brain cells died in these three days,
But, it's pretty fun!

Yusuke also returned home with a huge backpack at this time.


A woman's voice came, somewhat familiar.

Yusuke turned his head, not far away was Ritsuko Ishima.

At this moment, she was standing next to a black car, looking at Yusuke's expression with some surprise.

Yusuke was also a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet her here.

"Riko, why are you here?" Yusuke walked over with a smile.

"I'll pick Eri and the others home" Ritsuko replied with a smile, she had a good impression of Yusuke, otherwise she wouldn't have said hello.

Yusuke remembered the conversation between Eri and Yui, because the family was worried about her safety.

"Why are you here?" Ritsuko asked.

"I went out to do some errands, and now I'm going home"

"Video blogger?" Ritsuko asked after thinking for a while.

Yusuke nodded, although Yusuke did not say anything about him, but with the ability of the Yijima family, it is normal to know these things.

"Well, Yusuke, how did you manage to manipulate animals?"

Ritsuko looked at Yusuke curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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