Chapter 325


A small head poked out from the screen behind him.

Yusuke turned his head, seeing Yui's lovely face in front of him.

The two of them stared wide-eyed, and were suddenly very surprised, they didn't expect to meet here.

"It's really Yusuke!" Yui looked surprised, "I heard Yusuke's voice just now, I thought I heard it wrong, but I didn't expect it was really you"

"Is it Yusuke?"

The voices of Eri and Rika also came, and after a while, their heads also appeared.

Eri and the others are also eating here, and they happen to be at the next table, what a coincidence!
"Why are you here?" Both sides asked at the same time.

Yusuke smiled and broke the weird atmosphere first.

"I'm here with my friends for dinner, how about you?"

"We came here for dinner too," Eri replied with a smile, looking at Nagazaku Aikawa, someone she didn't know.

Nagasaku looked at the three beautiful girls who suddenly appeared with a smile on his face, he thought Yusuke was not welcome, it seems that he was thinking too much.

These three girls each have their own characteristics. From his point of view, the appearance and temperament of these three girls are all extremely outstanding.

"Long Zuo, excuse me first"

Yusuke turned his head and said to Nagasaku, Nagasaku smiled and nodded, "You go ahead."

At this time, I started to eat alone.

The three of Eri also saw Changsaku, but quickly withdrew their gazes, and Eri smiled and said, "I knew I would have asked you to come over for dinner."

"I also happened to meet friends on the road, otherwise I would have gone home a long time ago
Yusuke explained, otherwise there would be a lot of misunderstandings.

"By the way, Yusuke, are you a vlogger?"

Eri asked at this time, he was discussing this issue in the car just now, but he didn't expect to run into Yusuke himself right away.

"That's right," Yusuke replied with a smile, "I was already a vlogger before I joined the club."

Well, Eri has nothing to say, she already had this business before she joined the club.

"Yusuke, you are amazing, are those cats in the video your pets?" Yui looked curious.

In the car just now, they also watched some of Yusuke's works. The cats in the video are very spiritual and impressive.

"Yes, they were all stray cats before, and I trained them after adopting them"

"I didn't expect Yusuke to be able to train beasts!" Yui said with emotion: "Yusuke, you are really amazing!"

"Can we go over to your studio and have a look?" Eri asked at this moment.

"No problem, let's go together next time when you have time"

Eri and the others still have a lot of questions, but Yusuke still has friends present, and it's not easy for them to communicate for a long time.

After chatting for a few words, everyone returned to their desks.

"Are they all your friends, girlfriend?"

Nagasaku deliberately emphasized the word 'girlfriend', and Eri and the others at the next table heard it too. At this moment, they stopped communicating, pricked up their ears, and carefully eavesdropped.

Ritsuko, who was sitting opposite, looked at this scene with some amusement.

It's good to be young!
"Changsaku, don't talk nonsense, they are all friends of my club"

"Oh" Nagasaku showed a meaningful smile.

This guy Yusuke is very lucky!
Moreover, this guy's methods are also very powerful. Even if he is an outsider, he can see that the relationship between them is too close, but even so, they can still talk and laugh in a very natural way, which is amazing up!

Seeing Nagasaku's smile, Yusuke knew what he was thinking, but he didn't explain too much, the situation would only get darker and darker, not to mention that Eri and the others were still sitting next door, if they listened to a half-knowledgeable person, Misunderstanding is even more troublesome.

Skipping this, the two continued the topic just now.

At the next table, several people in Eri were also eating, but they were all absent-minded at the moment, listening to the conversation next door.

They were very curious about the content of the chat. They heard the word 'girlfriend' just now, which made them a little nervous and looking forward to it.

But they didn't expect the two to skip this topic directly and chat about other things, which disappointed the three of them.

However, when they heard that the two were discussing how to cooperate and let the band and the cat perform together, several people were a little surprised.

Singing and pets, these two irrelevant things, the two of them can talk together, what the hell are they talking about!
However, although the content of the two people's unconstrained conversations sounded nonsense, they were unexpectedly convincing, and even the spectators, such as them, were attracted and found it very interesting.

Ritsuko saw that they were not in the mood to eat, and seemed to be eavesdropping, so she couldn't help but coughed, bringing them back to their senses.

A few people were a little embarrassed, it's shameful to eavesdrop!
Several people exchanged glances with each other, and immediately made up their minds, they must go to see the band's performance next week, and Yusuke's studio must be visited, how many secrets does this guy have!

Yusuke and Nagasaku were chatting about things, not paying attention to the situation next door.The two chatted a lot, and both sides' ideas were wild and unconstrained, colliding with each other, and a lot of inspiration bloomed, and the more they talked, the more speculative they became.

And Eri and the others sitting next door also heard a lot of secrets.

I always feel that the content of the conversation between these two people is getting more and more outrageous, but I think it is very feasible!

"Yusuke, let's go back first." Eri and the others came over to say hello.

They eavesdropped on the meal for an hour, and it was getting late, so they had to go home.

"It's just right, let's go too." Changsaku stood up and said, "It's getting late, let's talk slowly next time."

Yusuke nodded, and they went out together, and drove home separately.

When the car arrived at the door of the house, Yusuke and Nagasaku said goodbye to each other, and made an appointment to have a good chat together in a few days.

"Yusuke!" X2
Two female voices came from behind, and they both turned their heads. They were two lovely girls.

Yui and Rie.

The two looked at Yusuke with surprised faces, and Yusuke was also a little surprised, what a coincidence!
Why is everyone getting together today!

Aikawa Nagasaku was shocked, really shocked!
How many girls does Yusuke know?
Most importantly, each one is a beauty!

"These two are..."

Nagasaku looked at the two people who came over and asked curiously.

Yui and Rie also looked at Nagasaku curiously, feeling that Yusuke knows a lot of people!

"Let me introduce to you, this is the person from my studio, this is my childhood sweetheart, Miyajima Yui, and this one is my good friend, Komiya Rie"

Yusuke turned around and said to Yui and the two, "This one is my friend, Nagasaku Aikawa"

"Changsaku wants to cooperate with us, I will tell you about the specific situation later."

The introduction has laid a precaution for both parties first, and if they want to cooperate at that time, it will be easier for the two parties to communicate.

Yui and Rie were a little surprised, but they didn't ask too much. At this moment, they nodded to Nagazaku Aikawa.

"Hi, I'm Yui Miyajima"

"Hi, I'm Rie Komiya"

"Hi, I'm Nagasaku Aikawa, you can just call me by my name, we are all friends"

Nagasaku smiled and nodded in response, but the way he looked at Yusuke had changed.

Maintaining relationships with so many girls, this guy can't be a scum, right?
Don't tell me that you are ordinary friends, even a blind person can see that these two girls look at you differently, stronger than the three girls just now!
Nagasaku felt a little frustrated, this guy is definitely the public enemy of men!
(End of this chapter)

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