Chapter 326 326. Pull Gougou

Watching the car drive away, Yui and the two looked at Yusuke at this moment, waiting for Yusuke's explanation.

Yusuke briefly explained the situation of the long work and the content of the exchange just now.

"Then you have been busy with this these days?" Rie asked.

Yusuke has been busy these days, but they don't know what they are busy with.

"No, it's something else." Yusuke laughed and changed the subject.

"Rie, why are you here today?"

Rie should be home by this time.

"Today I came to Yui's house to play, and then I will stay here tonight," Rie replied with a smile.

"Then do you want to let you rest for a few days?"

Yusuke felt a little embarrassed, and ran out to play by himself, leaving the two of them busy, always feeling harsh on them.

"No, it's not too busy anyway."

"Wait a minute!" Yui looked at Yusuke suspiciously at this moment, "You guys don't think you want to give up again, do you?"

Rie also looked over at this time, and there was something wrong with her eyes.

This guy went to work on his own affairs every day and left the work to the two of them, did he have any self-consciousness?

Sensing that the eyes of the two were not right, Yusuke quickly explained: "No, absolutely not, I just want to ask you if you want to rest, if not, we will continue to work tomorrow."

"You guys finally feel sorry for your conscience?" The two looked at Yusuke with contempt.

Yusuke was a little embarrassed, "How about I make it up to you?"

The two immediately regained their spirits.

"Then how do you say compensation?"

"Well, how do you want to compensate?"

The two thought about it for a while, but at this moment they couldn't think of how to make him compensate.

"Forget it, remember first, don't forget when the time comes"

"Okay, when the time comes, I will go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, and I will not hesitate."

"You said, it's the puppy who lied!"

"Okay, Liar is a puppy!"

"Come on, Lagougou"

The two stretched out their little fingers, and Yusuke had a black line on his face.

"You're not that naive, are you?"

The two glared at him fiercely.

"What did you say!" X2
"Okay, I was naive"

The three little fingers hooked together.

"Let's pull Gougou together, it's agreed, no change for 1000 years" X3
After chanting the incantation, the three suddenly laughed.

"Okay, it's getting late, go to bed early"

"Well, you should rest early too."

The two showed cute smiles and went back contentedly.

I am in a good mood!
Yusuke smiled and prepared to go home.

But at this moment I stopped, thinking, no, I seem to have made a lot of promises in the past two days, one is Jessica, the other two are Yui and Rie, and they are also unlimited.

The three of them should be reliable, and they won't make messy demands on me, right?

probably not.

Be careful next time, you can't make promises to others casually.

On the second day, Yusuke waited at the door of Miyajima's house for a while, and Yui and Rie came out.

"Let's go"

The three of them walked on the road together.

"By the way, Yusuke, when will the cooperation you mentioned last night start?" Rie asked at this time.

"This is just a preliminary intention. Changsaku still needs to discuss it with his partners, and after it is confirmed, we will make an appointment together, so this is just a tentative plan. Our own arrangements will not change for a while."

Both nodded.

"By the way, Xiao Hui, are they obedient?"

"is acceptable"

"Okay, I asked Xiaohui them a few days ago, they are ready, let's try to shoot a video of cat and mouse today."

"no problem"

Several people were walking while chatting about work, Yusuke remembered what he promised Eri last night, and asked: "My friends from the club know about the studio, they want to come and visit, do you mind?" mind?"

Yui and Rie thought for a while.

They all know everyone in the club, needless to say, Shengzi, she has come here often these days, and even signed an agreement, counting her as half of her own.

The impression of Yui and Rika is not bad, the only problem is Enoka Eri!
This guy's desire to control is too strong, and Yui is not very good with her.

But after thinking about it, the two nodded in agreement.

Maybe this is an opportunity...

The three talked and laughed, and finally came to the studio.

The animals in the studio all ran over when they saw Yusuke. They hadn't seen Yusuke for several days, and they missed him a little.

Seeing the closeness of the animals, Yui and Rie felt a little envious.After raising them for so long, these animals are also very close to them, but all this is vulnerable to Yusuke!

Yusuke played with the animals for a while, then called Xiaohui and Shiji over.

"Xiao Hui, today we are going to shoot a cat and mouse video, are you ready?"

Xiao Hui looked confident.

"Meow Meow (wrap on me)"

"Siji, how are you doing here?"

Four Seasons also nodded, Four Seasons is very smart, and Yusuke's request has no pressure on it.

"Then let's start shooting today!"

Tom and Jerry is a classic animation, but it is a cartoon after all. Animation can be exaggerated, but it can’t be done in reality. Jie selected some of the clips, then adapted them, and started to try the first shooting today.

scene one
Xiaohui was chasing Siji, there was a corner in front of him, and Siji made a sharp turn, and turned around nimbly.

But Xiao Hei couldn't stop. He also made a sharp turn, but his body rushed forward inertially, and directly hit the threshold next to him.

Xiao Hui quickly got up and continued to chase.

Sixi turned his head and took a look, Xiao Hei was chasing him from behind.

At this time, it jumped up, its whole body jumped up, and it flew forward like a loach.

Xiao Hui also followed suit, also jumped, his body was like a cannonball, and flew directly towards the four seasons, opened the cat's mouth, wanting to bite it.

But Siji's movements were faster, and his body had already got into the hole in the corner.

With a bang, Xiao Hui hit the wall directly, and the whole cat lay on the ground.

The loud noise startled Yusuke and the others.

Yusuke hurried over, picked up Xiao Hui, and asked nervously, "Xiao Hui, are you okay?"

Even he felt some pain from the bump just now, Xiao Hui really worked so hard!

Xiao Hui shook his head, and only came back to his senses after a while.

"Meow meow (I'm fine, Yusuke, how am I doing?)"

"very good!"

Yusuke looks at Xiao Hui with admiration!This product is not just for being cute!

"Can we continue filming?"

"Meow (no problem)" Xiao Hui nodded.

Move on to the next scene.

Or the chase scene.

Xiao Hui was chasing Siji, and was about to be caught. At this moment, Siji quickly got under the carpet, and Xiao Hui followed suit.

Si Ji's movements were fast, he had already got out of the blanket, while Xiao Hui was still groping.

At this time, Siji had an idea, ran on the blanket, stepped on Xiaohui's body, and jumped up on it
Xiao Hui under the blanket was a little crazy, but through the blanket, Xiao Hui couldn't do anything about it, and could only turn around like a headless chicken.

"Xiao Hui did a great job!"

Yui and Rie, who were watching from the side, couldn't help but nodded in praise.

Although Xiaohui is usually clumsy, she is surprisingly talented in acting!
Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang, who were also watching, chattered.

You think too much!This is just Xiao Hui's true performance!

(End of this chapter)

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