Chapter 327 327. The Strongest Combination
Xiao Hui finally got out from under the blanket, and was about to explode with anger at this moment, his hair was standing on end, and he rushed towards Siji directly.

Siji ran away, made a few sharp turns inside the house, and quickly opened up the distance.

At this time, Siji climbed onto the table and opened a glass jar on the table, which was filled with glass beads.

As soon as it pushed the glass jar, the glass beads poured out of the jar and fell on the ground.

Xiao Hui just rushed over, and stepped on the glass bead directly with his feet. The next moment, his body rolled directly on the glass bead. His fat body spun on the ground for a while, and finally hit the wall directly.

Xiao Hei's eyes were staring at him suddenly, he was dizzy, and his limbs were weak and he lay directly on the ground.

Siji stood up triumphantly, clapped his hands, put his back on his back, and walked back to his lair step by step.

"Okay, that's it!"

Siji immediately ran over and climbed onto Yusuke's shoulder with a proud face.

"Squeak (Yusuke, how am I doing?)"

"You did a great job!"

The flexible movements of the four seasons are indeed comparable to Jerry in the cartoon.

At this moment, Xiao Hui also walked over shaking his head, the moment he hit the wall just now, he hit it badly, and he was still a little dizzy at this moment, he was dizzy even when he was walking.

"Xiao Hui, you performed very well!" Yusuke praised.

I don't know if it's really talented in acting, or really that stupid, but Xiaohui's hard work is also worthy of appreciation!
Hearing Yusuke's praise, Xiao Hui's head was not dizzy and her face didn't hurt immediately, she looked expectant.

"Meow meow (that, is there any reward?)"

"Then what reward do you want?"

"Meow (I want extra food!)"

Xiao Hui gained weight too quickly these days. In order to photograph cats and mice, Li Hui gave it diet meals and controlled its diet. The effect was obvious, and Xiao Hui lost weight quickly.

But Xiao Hui was very frustrated, it could no longer enjoy the days of eating and drinking, but now it could finally make its own demands.

I want extra meals, or I'm going on strike!
Yusuke thought for a while and agreed, for working so hard, this reward is not too much.

"Okay, you two have a rest first, Xiao Hei, Xiao Huang, one, one, two, three, there are still five seasons, everyone, come to work"

Four seasons and five seasons of videos, Xiao Hei's alone video, three kitten videos, Xiao Huang and Xiao Hui's interactive video, animal expert Sanze Jun already has several series of videos, and there are so many videos to shoot, Fortunately, everyone has already been very proficient and cooperated very well.

One day passed quickly, and the new series of Tom and Jerry was also launched. With a huge number of fans, the number of broadcasts of the new series is rapidly increasing. Xiao Hui's stupid appearance also made fans laugh out loud. .

Yusuke looked at the data at the back, and then he was relieved, the first step was successful.

But the next thing is the most important thing. If the subsequent response is good, then the series will be considered a real success.

And in the evening, Changsaku also called. He discussed with his partners and decided to cooperate with Yusuke and the others.

"When will it start?" Yusuke asked.

"Tomorrow, the performance will be held next week, the sooner the better"

"Okay, then I'll arrange it here"

Yusuke told Yui about the collaboration.

"Rie, how many videos do we have in stock?"

"It can last half a month," Rie replied, "but I suggest that we need to shoot more videos. If we cooperate with the other party, we may not have enough time. We must first ensure that our career will not be affected. "

Yusuke nodded and said, "I see, I will make more videos for a while, everyone, please work harder."

"It's nothing, it's what we should do," Rie and the two replied with a smile.

Yusuke also summoned the cats.

"I will take you out tomorrow, and I need you to do something by then"

The cats all nodded, Yusuke's order is absolute!

The next day, Yusuke, Yui, and Rie came to Nagasaku's studio with a group of cats.

Changsaku's studio is small and crude, much worse than Yusuke's studio, but they have a lot of musical instruments, basically all kinds of musical instruments.

Yusuke was a little curious, Nagasaku has a lot of money, how could he rent such a small studio?

The long explanation for this is: the money he earns is his own money and has nothing to do with the band.Public is public, private is private, and the two cannot be confused. Once money is involved in ideals, everything will change.

Here, Yusuke also met the partners of Changsaku. They were 4 ordinary-looking boys. They were all college students in Waseda. They had the same interests and hobbies and dreamed of music at the same time. Five of them formed a band.

They also looked forward to Yusuke's arrival. Although Yusuke was younger than them, they didn't dare to underestimate him.

They are well aware of the power of the Internet. The animal expert Sanze Jun is a super blogger. He makes more money from the Internet than most office workers. On this point alone, his achievements are better than many people. !
Everything in the world is a hero based on achievement!

In such an atmosphere, the communication between the two parties was very pleasant.

"Can I listen to your song?"

Yusuke asked, to cooperate, he also needs to know the strength of the other party.

Nagasaku and the others nodded, ready to start the performance.

The three of Yusuke sat together, surrounded by the kittens, enjoying their music together.

To be honest, their music is very average, not bad, but not bad, and I don't have much impression after listening to it.Although they worked hard and put a lot of effort into it, their music is really mediocre.

Every music fan has a musical dream, but very few are truly successful.

Dreams can't be eaten!

But fortunately, in today's information-explosive society, although talent is very important, it is not necessary.

Opportunity and popularity, public opinion and capital, these things can be made up from other aspects.

Changsaku knows this too.

He is an idealist, but also a realist.

Ideal needs reality to support!

To stand out when everyone's strength is similar, some special means are needed to attract attention.He chose to cooperate with Yusuke because of this intention.

With popularity and people's attention, their ideals can be realized. If no one pays attention, the so-called ideals are just closing the door and enjoying themselves.

A few minutes later, when the performance was over, the three of Yusuke applauded.

"How? Can you design an action?"

Nagasaku asked, and his companions also looked at Yusuke expectantly.

Yusuke pondered for a while, then communicated with Rie.

As partners in the studio, Yui and Rie are also important helpers.Although they don't have the ability to manipulate animals like Yusuke, they also have a lot of abilities in other places.

For example, Yui's music card is very good, even Yusuke is not as good as it, Rie's script design is very exciting, coupled with Yusuke's ability, the studio of the three is the strongest combination!

(End of this chapter)

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