Chapter 332

It's also Friday.

In the afternoon, Yui and Rie were a little absent-minded, and kept looking at the time with expectant expressions.

Yusuke put away his things and said with a smile: "Why don't we come here today, let's get ready to go."

Yui and Rie were a little surprised, "It's still early."

"It's okay, let's go shopping first, and relax occasionally." The two nodded happily.

"Then let's change clothes first."

The two picked up their bags and walked directly to the bathroom. Today is an important day, so of course they have to dress up.

Yusuke also had anticipation, and tidied up his appearance a little.

Although it is a bit weird for three people to watch a movie together, a sense of ritual is still necessary.

After waiting for half an hour, the two finally got it done. Seeing the outfits of the two, Yusuke's eyes lit up,
Both of them were wearing short skirts and white T-shirts. Their long black hair was tied into a ponytail and hung behind their heads. With light makeup, they were simple and elegant, and a youthful girl's vitality rushed to their faces.

"very beautiful!"

Yusuke gave a thumbs up in praise.

The two were very happy and accepted the compliment.

Sure enough, Yusuke liked it!
The three of them have been together for so long, they already know what kind of dresses Yusuke likes, and they have grasped Yusuke's taste to death.

The three tidied up and set off together.

And when they went downstairs to the street, a black car followed not far away, and Eri and Rika were in the car.

According to Ritsuko's suggestion, Eri first pretended to meet by chance, and then watched a movie together. She originally wanted to meet at the movie theater.

But Li Hong, who was in the same industry, gave a different opinion.

Dating is not only about watching movies, shopping and eating is also very important, and they will definitely act in advance.

It was only then that Eri suddenly realized, so they had today's arrangement, and they asked the driver to wait here in the car early in the morning.

By the way, Rika also knew about Eri's feelings. Like Ritsuko, she could see the changes in Eri at a glance.

Of course, she supports Eri's attitude.

That's why Eri chose Rika to go with her today, but Yui was not present.

In the combat power ranking list, Yui's ranking is still above Eri, and Yui's combat power is also very strong!

The car followed them to the station, and Eri and Rika got off the car, telling the driver to go back first, and the two followed.

"What if Yusuke finds out?"

"It's okay, just say we met by chance," Eri said seriously.

There were a lot of people at the station, Yusuke didn't notice the existence of the two of them, they followed them from a distance, looking at the actions of the three of them from time to time.

Yui and Rie are holding hands, looking like good girlfriends, while Yusuke is walking beside, not far away, the three are talking and laughing, the atmosphere looks very happy.

Eri nodded, the situation is not that bad, it seems that they are still in the stage of friends for the time being, and they haven't made any further progress, so there is a chance!

The three of Yusuke took the tram and came to the commercial street. They strolled here, ate some snacks, occasionally looked at small accessories, and sometimes tried on clothes. The atmosphere was very relaxed.

The three of them relaxed, the atmosphere was very comfortable, and the pressure on their bodies was relieved a lot.

However, the pressure on Eri following behind was a bit greater.

At first I felt nothing, but slowly I realized that something was wrong. The atmosphere of these three people was too natural.

The best atmosphere is to let people relax unconsciously, and this is the case for the three of them.

Unrestrained, free, do whatever you want, whatever you want.

It was a relaxed atmosphere without any precautions.

Eri got a little pissed off.

The pressure is so great!
These two are formidable enemies!

At this time, Lixiang gave Eri a hand, and directly pulled her into the milk tea shop next to her.

"Eri, be careful, Yusuke seems to have noticed" Lixiang said in a low voice.

"If you find it, you will find it, just treat it as a chance encounter"

"You said that this happened by chance, does anyone believe it?"

"All right"

Eri couldn't believe it herself, this excuse is too bad!
Yusuke looked around, he always felt that someone was staring at the group of people, but this is a commercial street with a lot of people, he couldn't find where the gaze came from.

Yui asked curiously, "Yusuke, what's wrong?"

The three were happily dating, and Yusuke's behavior suddenly became abnormal, which made the two a little strange.

Yusuke pondered for a while, and then told the two of his findings.

Stalking cases happen frequently in Japan, but it is not known whether the target is him or Yui.

If the target is himself, he is not afraid, but he is afraid that the other party will fall in love with Yuyi or Rie, and he doesn't want to gamble with their safety.

The two were a little nervous when they heard the words, and Yusuke quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, I'll take care of it when I'm here."

Yusuke planned to dispatch the crows and the stray cats, and it would not be difficult to solve this matter with the resources he has now.

But Yusuke hadn't moved yet, when a happy male voice came from the side.

"Long time no see, Sanze-kun, I saw someone very familiar over there, I didn't expect it was really you!"

The three turned their heads and saw a fat middle-aged man in front of them.

Yusuke was a little surprised, he knew this middle-aged man.

Producer of TBS TV variety show, Yuichi Nakamoto.

At this time, he looked at Yusuke with a face of surprise, that exaggerated expression had an inexplicable sense of joy on his round face,

It seems that the vision just now should be him.

Yui and Rie looked at Yusuke, the meaning was obvious: Someone you know?

Seeing Yuichi Nakamoto, Yusuke didn't have a good face.

The last time this guy made a fool of himself, although he came to apologize later, but Yusuke's sense of him was very ordinary.

However, one size fits all.

The incident from the last time has passed, and the other party came up to say hello with a smile, and stretched out their hands not to hit the smiling person, but Yusuke still nodded in response.

"Hello, Mr. Nakamoto"

Nakamoto Yuu glanced at Yusuke, then at Yui and Rie, and suddenly realized.

"Sorry to interrupt your date. I was a little happy to see you over there just now, so I didn't think about it that much. By the way, why didn't you call me for the business card I gave you last time?"

"Sorry, I really have no interest in developing into the entertainment industry."

"It's such a pity."

Yuichi Nakamoto said regretfully, then his tone changed.

"Then are you interested in being on variety shows? I know you, animal expert Sanze-kun."

As a program producer, Nakamoto Yuichi needs to keep an eye on daily hot events, and animal expert Sanze Jun once appeared in the hot search, he has also watched related videos, and got a lot of inspiration from them, he wants to Make a show out of this.

And the most wonderful thing is that he knows this video blogger, he is an unforgettable boy.

Yuichi Nakamura has not forgotten the special nature of Yusuke, this boy is definitely very human.

That's why he came up to say hello, otherwise, a young man wouldn't bother him so much.

(End of this chapter)

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