Chapter 333 333. Variety Show
This is the second time that Yuichi Nakamoto invited himself to a variety show.

Yusuke pondered for a while, then asked, "What program is it?"

If it was the "Super Master Hiding in the City" last time, then he wouldn't be interested, and Yusuke didn't want to expose all his trump cards.

But if it's about 'animal expert Sanze-kun', it's different. The network platform is huge, and there are many video bloggers. Yusuke is just one of them. Although he has many fans, his influence is limited to online videos. In this respect There is no way to compare it with traditional media. If he can be on a variety show, it will have a great impact on his reputation.

In the Internet age, fame means traffic, and traffic means greater income, no one will be against money!

Yusuke also wants to go further. If he can cooperate with traditional media once, it will be of great help to his career.

However, looking at this smiling middle-aged man, Yusuke always suspects that this guy has bad intentions.

This guy is very professional, but on the other hand he is also very unhuman. For the sake of ratings, this guy can do anything, so we must guard against it.

But there are dangers and opportunities, and Yusuke thinks it is still necessary to try, after all, such opportunities do not come often.

"This time the program is about video bloggers, I think you should be interested." Nakamoto said with a smile: "I don't have much time today, I'm still shooting the location over there, why don't we find time to chat in these two days chat?"

Yusuke nodded: "That's fine, let's get in touch when the time comes."

The two shook hands, watched Yuichi Nakamoto leave, and then Yui asked, "Yusuke, who is he? Why do you hear what variety show you are talking about?"

"He's the host of a variety show on TBS TV," Yusuke explained, "He wants to invite us to be on a TV show"

"On a TV show!"

The two were a little surprised.

This is so unexpected!
"It can't be those amateur spoof shows?" Rie asked at this time.

There is no lower limit to the integrity of Japanese variety shows. There are many shows that are started by amateurs. What they want is the sense of reality. If you are on this kind of show, save it.

"No" Yusuke replied.

It was the first time he and Ritsuko got involved in this kind of show. If Yuichi Nakamoto still invited him to this kind of show, it would be boring. Besides, he just mentioned video bloggers, so it should be related to video bloggers. The show should not be that kind of spoof.

"Okay, these are trivial things, we will know in two days, let's continue shopping," Yusuke said with a smile.

The two parties have this intention, but it may not be successful. Yusuke doesn't want to affect their mood. Both Yui and Rie nodded, and he couldn't let him ruin the beautiful date.

The two Eri who followed behind also saw the communication between Yusuke and the middle-aged man.

"Who is that person?" Eri asked.

"I don't know." Rika shook her head.

"Forget it, it should be someone who has nothing to do with it, so ignore him!"

Eri wanted to continue to follow, but was held back by Rika.

“We have to go to the cinema”

"But it hasn't started yet." Eri looked at the time, and it was still a while before he left the scene.

"We have to go to the movie theater first, so it's natural to meet by chance. Otherwise, they will come and we will follow, which will make people suspicious." Lixiang explained, Eri thought for a while, and felt that it made sense, so she had to give up following.

The two came to the cinema, bought some popcorn and Coke, then sat on the chair next to them, eating and waiting.

"They're here!" Lixiang said at this time, Eri looked over, and the three of Yusuke walked towards this side talking and laughing.

"Let's advance the cinema and let them discover us"

"What if they don't find us?"

Lixiang looked at Eri with a look of foolish eyes, "Their location is next door, how could they not find it!"

Eri was a little embarrassed, and forgot about it in a hurry.

The two entered the arena first, and after a while, Yusuke and the other three also entered the arena.

Sure enough, the three of Yusuke saw Eri and Eri as soon as they came in, and Eri and Eri also showed surprise expressions just right.

"Yusuke, why are you here?" Eri asked happily.

"Let's watch a movie, Ritsuko gave us the ticket"

It was only then that Yuu remembered that this movie was shot by Ritsuko's friend, and Ritsuko must have a lot of movie tickets, so it's normal for Erika and Rika to appear here.

"Our tickets were also given by Ritsuko-san," Eri replied with a smile.

Yusuke looked at the scene and asked, "Haven't Yui and Seiko come over?"

Eri panicked for a moment.

Oops, forgot about this question!

At this time, Lixiang replied calmly: "Mr. Ritsuko only gave us two tickets, so only the two of us came here."

It turned out to be the case.

Yusuke thinks about it, three tickets for himself, plus two tickets for Eri, exactly five tickets, this can't be the share of everyone in the club, right?And the quantity is just right.

So, the shares of Yui and Seiko were robbed by Yui and Rie?

Forget it, that's the end of the matter, Yusuke no longer struggles with this issue.

However, Yui and Rie felt a little uncomfortable. Suddenly two light bulbs appeared, and no one would be happy.

But just now, we had been shopping with Yusuke for so long, we had a lot of fun, and there was no way to communicate while watching a movie, so the two of them felt relieved and no longer entangled with this matter.

A few people sat down, but Eri found that Yusuke was sitting between Yui and Rie, which made her a little distressed.

She bought popcorn and coke, thinking that with Yusuke sitting next to her, the two of them would be able to eat while watching a movie, but now that plan fell through

Forget it, just a small accident.

The movie is a romantic movie, some literary, not very fast-paced, and some plots are quite dull. It may be very suitable for those lovers of literature and art, but for the audience who come to relax and entertain, this movie is very boring.

Several people felt a little bored watching it, but Lixiang watched it with relish. This literary film suits her appetite very well.

Everyone persisted until they finished watching, and then they left.

"What do you think?" Lixiang asked at this time, she liked the movie very much and wanted to talk to someone.

It's a pity that she asked the wrong person. Everyone shook their heads, including Komiya Rie. Although she is a top student, she is not a literary girl, and she has no feelings for these literary films.

"All right"

Rika stopped talking about the movie.

Lixiang's biggest advantage is that she will not force others with her own requirements.

"It's a bit late, why don't we have dinner together?" Eri suggested this time, looking at Yusuke expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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