Chapter 334 334. Like the big one
Yusuke looked at the time, and it happened to be time for dinner, so he looked at Yui and Rie and asked, "What do you think? How about having dinner together?"

Yui and Rie originally had this plan, but they didn't expect Eri and Rika to join in halfway. With these two light bulbs, today's journey is not perfect.

But the matter was already like this, and the two of them couldn't get entangled, so they nodded.

They found a family restaurant, and Eri took the lead and sat next to Yusuke.

Yusuke didn't respond, he looked very normal, but Yui and Rie were a little uncomfortable.

Originally, according to their assumption, they should sit with Yusuke, but now, Yusuke only has one seat left.

This light bulb is an eyesore!
In the end, Yui sat next to Yusuke.

Eri is very happy!
This feeling is very subtle, just sitting next to Yusuke, she is very happy.

At club gatherings, everyone sat together, but she didn't feel this way, maybe because she knew what she wanted, she cared more about Yusuke.

Sitting next to him at this moment, smelling his scent, she felt very satisfied.

Fortunately, Eri kept Ritsuko's advice in mind, that love should not be impatient, and during the meal, everyone was just chatting normally, and she didn't do too much, just secretly paying attention to Yusuke's favorite taste.

"By the way, Yusuke, let's have a meeting next week with our club members." Eri said calmly,

"Sorry, I don't have much time next week" Yusuke said apologetically, "We have a joint performance with other studios next week, and we don't have much time until the end of the performance"

"It's like this." Eri felt a little regretful, and said, "Let's wait until after the performance."

"Okay." Yusuke nodded.

Half of the days in August have passed, and there is not much time to play together. This should be the last club activity.

"By the way, please come and watch the performance together."

Yusuke extended an invitation to Eri and the two of them, and they both nodded.

"I will definitely go!" Eri said seriously.

Rika said with a smile: "Maybe I can get new inspiration by then."

Yusuke shuddered, Rika's inspiration is always really unexpected!

Eri had a very happy dinner tonight. After saying goodbye to everyone, she and Lixiang went home humming a little song.

Today is full of harvest!

But Yui and Rie had strange expressions on their faces. They could feel that Eri's performance today was not the same as usual. Tonight's Eri was too active!There is always a strange sense of disobedience.

Eri and Rika were walking on the road, looking at Eri with a happy face, Rika said calmly: "Eri, don't be too happy, the battle is not over yet."

Eri immediately stopped smiling.

"Please enlighten me!"

As a best friend, Eri has a high degree of approval for Lixiang, and Lixiang can often give a lot of useful advice.

"Eri, do you know what type of girl Yusuke likes?" Rika asked a question.

Eri thought for a moment and replied:

"anything else?"


"anything else?"

Eri couldn't think of anything else, all she could think of were the conditions that everyone agreed on, which wasn't an answer at all.

Only then did Eri realize that she didn't understand Yusuke very well!
"According to my observation just now, I found out a few points." Lixiang answered directly, and Eri regained her energy at this moment, and it was not wrong to come out with Lixiang.

"First point, Yusuke likes girls with long hair"

Eri thought about it for a while, and the few people who have a good relationship with Yusuke are all black and straight, which is no problem, and she also has long black hair.

"Yusuke likes to dress up as a girl, preferably a short skirt and a white T-shirt"

Lixiang said calmly, Eri suddenly realized.

That's right, both Yui and Rie are dressed like this today, they must have caught Yusuke's dead spot, if it wasn't for Lixiang's reminder, he must have overlooked the biggest problem.

"And I found out" Lixiang's eyes burst into a sharp light at this moment.

"Yusuke likes big ones!"

"During the meal, I found that Yusuke stayed on Yui for a second or two longer than others. The fact is confirmed, Yusuke just likes Nako!"

Eri blushed, and what Rika said was too direct and revealing.

Eri subconsciously looked at her figure.

The girl's figure is very slender, not plump, which is average among her peers, but compared to Yusuke's childhood sweetheart Yui Miyajima, it is far behind!

In terms of scale, size, and shape, Yui Miyajima can hang everyone up and beat them!
Eri was a little anxious, this guy used a foul weapon!

"Then what should we do now?" Eri asked anxiously: "I heard that eating papaya and kelp can make you bigger. Do you want to try it?"

"Don't worry," Rika said calmly.

"This aspect is natural, and it's useless to worry, and Eri, your figure is very standard, don't be afraid. In this aspect, Yui has the strongest advantage, but you are not hopeless."

Eri felt a little relieved.

Men, it's normal to be lustful!
"Now first, you have to change your image"

Rika said seriously, and Eri nodded.

"Let's go shopping for clothes now!"

The two immediately changed direction and walked towards the shopping street.

On the other side, after the three of Yusuke said goodbye to the two of Eri, the three of them also returned home.

Yusuke thought for a while, and sent a message to Yuichi Nakamoto

Whether it is an opportunity or a trap, you have to take the initiative to attack first.

Yuichi Nakamoto quickly replied to the message, and the two exchanged some verbal greetings, and soon got into the topic.

"Mr. Nakamoto, what is the content of your variety show? If it is a spoof, forget it."

"Don't worry, it's definitely not. This time the content is related to video bloggers. In fact, I only got the idea after watching your video. By the way, let me ask you first, can you really manipulate animals?"


Yusuke gave a definite answer.

"That's really great. My variety show is based on your ability. Let's meet and talk about the specific content of cooperation. Are you free the day after tomorrow?"


"Okay, I'll send you the time and place later"

After finishing the conversation with Yuichi Nakamoto, Yusuke sent another message to Yui and Rie, explaining the situation to them.

"The three of us go there the day after tomorrow and talk to him in the name of the studio," Yusuke said at this time.

Yuyi asked: "Then do you want to bring the pets there too?"

"It's best to take it with you too," Rie said, "The other party is interested in Yusuke's ability, and it will be more convincing if there is a live performance."

"Okay, then it's decided!"

(End of this chapter)

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