Chapter 335 335. Show Your Ability

The three of Yusuke brought the cats to the appointed place.

Yuichi Nakamoto’s place is very unique. It is a cat cafe, where guests can bring cats into the venue, which is not available in other restaurants.

Yusuke is an animal video blogger, and he will definitely go out with his pets. Yuichi Nakamoto is very careful about this.

When the three arrived, Nakamoto Yuichi hadn't come yet, so he was waiting here.

The biggest feature of the cat cafe is the cat.

There are many cats here, all of which are very beautiful.

However, when Xiao Hei and the others appeared, they compared all the cats in an instant. No matter in terms of size, appearance or spirituality, Xiao Hei was far superior to these cute cats. Cute, but lacks that nimble breath.

Xiaohei and the others were so outstanding that even the owner of the store was shocked, and came up to communicate with Yusuke.

The owner is a rich second generation, but he is also a cat lover. He opened this cat cafe just to pass the time.

The cats in the coffee shop are all her carefully raised pets, each of them is very beautiful, but compared with Xiao Hei, they are completely inferior, which makes her a little surprised, after some exchanges, soon It reveals the intention.

"Are these cats for sale?"

Yusuke shook his head, "Not for sale"

"I can add more money!" The shopkeeper said in a bold manner.

Yusuke smiled and shook his head, "Some things cannot be bought with money."

Seeing Yusuke's firm attitude, the owner had no choice but to give up.

Since Yusuke didn't have this intention, the shop owner didn't have much interest in communicating, and left after giving some desserts.

Rie next to him said with emotion at this time: "I didn't expect the pet industry to make so much money!"

The shopkeeper just said that he would buy a cat for [-] yuan, which shocked the two of them.

"Of course." Yusuke nodded.

The potential of this industry is huge, and the expense of raising a pet is very high. It needs to be taken to a medical examination every month, specific pet snacks, and pet grooming. These are all money. I didn’t see that Ryoko Sakura is just a veterinarian. , is it possible to buy the entire building?
Now the market is still very fragmented, and there is no one leader.

This is also Yusuke's goal.

Although he is just a video blogger now, as the number of fans increases, Yusuke can carry out more businesses, such as selling cat food, and these fans can be directly converted into ready-made customers, which is a huge resource.

Yusuke is building his grand blueprint step by step.

And the prerequisite for all this is that he has to become the top group of video bloggers and expand his influence.

This is also the reason why Yusuke chose to cooperate with Yuichi Nakamoto.

There is no right or wrong in the adult world, only interests!
The three waited for a while, and when the time came, Yuichi Nakamoto appeared on time.

"Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time, I shouldn't be late," Nakamoto said with a smile.

"No, we came early." Yusuke's attitude was not as cold as before.

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Yusuke introduced Yui and Rie, both of whom were partners in the studio, and Yuichi Nakamoto also smiled and nodded in response.

The two quickly got to the point, while Yui and Rie stayed quietly by the side, this time the protagonists were Yusuke and Nakamoto Yuichi.

"Mr. Nakamoto, what is the theme of this variety show?" Yusuke asked, this is the most important thing, he will only appear on a suitable variety show.

"My show this time is about vloggers"

Yuichi Nakamoto also straightened his face and said: "Video bloggers have become a hot new industry. This industry has great potential. Top video bloggers make more money than many office workers a year. For one thing, I believe Sanze-kun, you should have a deep understanding.”

Yusuke nodded.

It was not very obvious at first, but as the number of fans increased, after breaking through one million followers, the account of animal expert Sanze Jun was able to share a large amount of income from the platform every month.

Although it's only been two or three months, Yusuke has already made a lot of money, even the wallets of Yui and Rie are bulging.

This is much better than part-time work!

"But for our TV station, online video is the enemy!" Nakamoto said with a smile, with a complicated expression.

"Internet videos have taken away a lot of viewers. The past few years have been a cold winter for TV programs. Everyone's life is not easy, and this phenomenon will continue. This is the general trend."

Nakamoto expressed emotion that they were the biggest victims of the Internet age, but his expression soon returned to normal. After all, he has gone through a lot of wind and waves, and no one has two brushes to get to this point.

"Since we can't refuse it, we choose to embrace it." Yuichi Nakamoto said seriously: "I have an idea after watching your video. We can invite some video bloggers to be guests of variety shows. Many people are interested in the video. The industry of bloggers is very curious, which is a great selling point”

"And it's good for both parties." Yusuke said at this time: "The video blogger who was invited by you as a guest will definitely promote it among fans, and it will also increase the audience for your TV program virtually, and the video blogger The host can also use this to expand his fans. In terms of influence, video bloggers can only call the wind and rain online, but in reality they have no foundation at all. It is a win-win thing to be able to show their approval on the show.”

"That's right!" Nakamoto nodded, agreeing, "You're right!"

This guy is really powerful, he doesn't look like a high school student at all, Nakamoto Yuichi nodded secretly in his heart.

After the incident at the seaside last time, he mobilized his contacts and found Enoka's house, and he could also find Yusuke's side. Yusuke's identity and age were also clear to him.

At that time, I was surprised by his excellent physical fitness, and I was even more surprised after knowing that he was an animal expert Sanze-kun. Although he was still a minor, his methods were very powerful.

This guy is no ordinary boy, and he doesn't dare to underestimate Yusuke.

The island nation is a society that pays attention to the ranking of seniority, but it is also a society that worships the strong. Yusuke is already a strong man, and he deserves to communicate on an equal footing.

When the two communicated, Yui and Rie listened quietly, but they looked at Yusuke with a lot of admiration.

Seriously, Yusuke is so handsome!

"Then how do we cooperate?" Yusuke asked, this is the point.

"I have sent invitations to several video bloggers, and I will invite you to go to the TV station to show off your abilities."

"With all due respect, many video bloggers rely on post-editing. If you do this, aren't you afraid that something will go wrong?" Yusuke said doubtfully. The real face of the blogger is the same.

"Don't be so cautious," Nakamoto said with a smile.

"This is really a variety show, there are no messy routines, and every video blogger I invite has real materials, and they have to be tested before going on TV. Sanze-kun, you have to go through If I pass the test, I will be on TV."

Yusuke nodded, and he was relieved when he understood what he said.

"Then now, Sanze-kun, show off your abilities!"

(End of this chapter)

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