Chapter 336 336. Tyrant
"My ability is to communicate with animals, so how do I test it?"

"That's why I chose to meet here," Nakamoto said with a smile.

"There are a lot of cats in this store, as long as you can make three cats perform the same action, then you are qualified"

"Simple" Yusuke replied calmly.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Huang, come over here."

The kittens all ran over, stood in front of Yusuke, lined up, looked up at Yusuke, like soldiers waiting for inspection.

This strange scene surprised the customers in the store, and they all looked over curiously.

"Xiao Hei, can you communicate with the kitten here?"

Xiao Hei looked at the cats around him and nodded.

"Meow meow meow (no problem, these guys are very weak, if they don't obey me, I will beat them up, and I promise to make them obedient)"

Xiao Huang, Xiao Hui, including Ah Yi, they all nodded in agreement. These are pampered pets, and it's easy to deal with them.

"Then trouble you to call all the cats here, just let them follow my instructions and do a few actions later, and I can dry it for Xiaoyu."

Doing things for money is a matter of course.

Xiao Hei nodded, "Meow (wrapped on me)"

The kittens all dispersed and went to communicate with the cats.

Yuichi Nakamoto, who was on the opposite side, also saw the interaction between Yusuke and the cat, and asked with a smile, "Is that all right?"

The scene just now looked a little magical!

Yusuke nodded seriously. Seeing Yusuke's self-confidence, Nakamoto Yuichi didn't ask any more questions, and he will know the result later.

After a while, all the cats in the store came towards Yusuke's table, and then stood in front of Yusuke, one after another, in two lines.

This strange phenomenon also attracted everyone's attention. The shopkeeper who was drinking tea and reading a book was also shocked and came over curiously.

All the cats gathered together, a total of more than [-] cats, lined up in two rows, Xiao Hei stood at the front of the group of cats, and shouted to Yusuke: "Meow (it's done, this group of guys will be obedient) "

Yusuke nodded, Xiao Hei and the others are really reliable in their work!

"Now you stretch out your left foreleg together"

Xiao Hei let out a cry, and the cats behind him all raised their left forelimbs.

"Then raise the right foreleg"

All the cats did, and all the cats stood up like humans.


All the cats nodded like human soldiers.

Yusuke said to Yuichi Nakamoto, who was stunned, "That's okay."

Only then did Nakamoto Yuichi come back to his senses, and nodded excitedly.

"Enough is enough, your ability is the strongest I have ever seen!"

Yuichi Nakamoto has also communicated with other video bloggers, but no one can do it like Yusuke, it is incredible!

Yusuke turned his head and said to Xiao Hei, "Let them all go away."

Xiao Hei let out a cry, and the cats dispersed and went their separate ways.

"Well, it is said on the Internet that you can manipulate crows, is that true?" Nakamoto Yuichi looked at Yusuke expectantly at this moment.

Yusuke shook his head, "Impossible!"

Yusuke won't let people down, and the crow bosses are Yusuke's secret weapons, and they will never be exposed.

"Oh." Nakamoto nodded, but no one knew what he was thinking.

After showing their abilities, the subsequent communication became much easier, and the two parties quickly agreed on a rehearsal date.

"Let me treat you this time," Nakamoto said with a smile.

"Then next time I ask"

"Okay, it's settled"

Yuichi Nakamoto left first, and the three of Yusuke packed up and were about to leave when the owner of the coffee shop appeared.

"Well, how did you do it?"

The owner of the cafe asked expectantly, she was very surprised by the cat's behavior just now.

Yusuke smiled, but didn't answer this question, not everyone needs an explanation.

The owner of the coffee shop suddenly realized and said, "I can give the money."


"One hundred thousand!"

"As long as you answer a few questions for me, I'll give you [-], but you can't lie to me!"

The three of Yusuke were shocked. Could this be the legendary local tyrant?
Only then did Yusuke take a look at the owner of the coffee shop in front of him, an ordinary-looking girl, ordinary dress, ordinary hairstyle, everything is ordinary, ordinary and rich?
Yusuke thought for a while, well, in fact, there is no need to think about it, how can you not make money if you have money?
To get paid for answering a few questions without revealing his secret, Yusuke is no fool!

As for whether this guy will fool him, Yusuke is not afraid at all, don't you want to try the power of Crow Boss and them?

"This is my talent. I can communicate with animals, but only limited to small animals. I have an account on Youtube, animal expert Sanze Jun, you can go and have a look. The above are some videos I shot. These are all It is true"

The local tyrant immediately took away her phone, logged into the Youtube video, searched for her account and watched it.

At this time, Yusuke and the three sat back calmly, waiting for her to distinguish the truth from the false.

After a while, the female local tyrant raised her head with hope on her face.

"Excellent, can you learn this ability?"

"No, talent"

"Okay, send me the bank account number"

Yong Jie read out the bank account number, and the wealthy woman operated on the mobile phone for a while, and after a while, a message came.

Yusuke took a look, and the 10 yuan was credited to the account immediately, as expected of a real rich man!
"Do you help people train animals?" The local tyrant looked at Yusuke expectantly.

"How far are you going to do this?"

Yusuke thought for a while and asked, it was rare to meet a wealthy client, and he also wanted to develop it.

Helping people train animals is also a good business, but this is too time-consuming and not cost-effective, so Yusuke has never developed this business.

But the target is local tyrants, so that's another story.

This has to be paid for!
"On your level"

"That can't be done." Yusuke shook his head.

This local tyrant is really greedy!
"Then let them understand what I say?"

This is a bit difficult!

Yui and Rie took care of Xiao Hei and them for so long, and they couldn't even order Xiao Hei.

Yusuke also asked Xiao Hei and the others about this question, but Xiao Hei and the others were not clear either. Some of their cats could understand human speech, but some could not.

And those who can understand human language are very few, Xiao Hei and others don't have this condition, Yusuke can communicate with Xiao Hei and them is also taking advantage of the system.

It is very difficult to train cats to understand human language!
But it is not impossible.

For example, Yusuke once gave Yuyi and the others a few small flags, and Xiao Hei and the others acted according to the small flags, which is the simplest kind of instruction.

But what this local tyrant doesn't want is this kind, what she wants is the kind: the kind that the other party can understand and execute as soon as she speaks.

This kind of requirement is very high, and it is necessary to find the kind of animal that can understand human language naturally, but is there such a cat in this store?
(End of this chapter)

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