Chapter 340 340. TV Station

"Many scenes of this story are in the school, and many props are ready-made in the school, it is most convenient to shoot in the school"

Yusuke explained, Rika thought for a moment and nodded.

"Yongsuke is right. I was writing about it and forgot about the real conditions. It is indeed the most convenient to shoot in school. Then we will postpone this plan until the next semester. What do you think?"

"I have no problem" Yusuke replied, both Yui and Rie nodded, and there was no problem with Eri, everyone agreed.

"What about the heroine?" Rika asked at this moment, and Yusuke replied casually, "Isn't Yui the heroine?"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became quiet.

Yui suddenly noticed a few eyes staring at him, which made him feel a little tingling, and swallowed involuntarily.

Why does the atmosphere feel so strange!

In an instant, Yui made the most correct decision.

"I don't want to be the heroine this time!"

This strange pressure disappeared immediately, and Yui breathed a sigh of relief.

Eri also breathed a sigh of relief, this was originally the opportunity that Rika gave her, as long as she took the first step, the others would have no chance, but she didn't expect the courage to speak too fast, and she didn't even have a chance to speak.

Fortunately, the opportunity came back again!
At this time a hand was raised, it was the arm of the Son.

"I want to try!" Shengzi said seriously.

Everyone was shocked, and the Son's speech was beyond everyone's expectations.

"I think my language organization ability has improved a lot, so I want to give it a try so that I can make better progress," Shengzi said seriously.

This answer is reliable!

The purpose of Shengzi's participation in the club was to learn to speak better. Her current actions are consistent with her original purpose. Now everyone doesn't know how to object.

"Yusuke, what do you say?" Eri threw the question to Yusuke.

Yusuke nodded, "I think so."

There is nothing wrong with the Son's request!

That's the end of the matter, that's how the matter is arranged.

A group of people played around all afternoon, and Yusuke also rarely relaxed. Everyone talked and laughed, and the day passed.

A few days later, the three of them went to participate in variety shows.

Reported their intentions at the front desk of the TV station, and staff soon came to receive them.

An ordinary young man, the nameplate on his chest reads 'Nagai Kaito'.

Nagai Kaito gave three passes to Yusuke and the three, and led them into the TV station.

The TV station is an ordinary building, with an unremarkable appearance, but inside it is unique. Each floor has its own program group, and the staff here are in a hurry, almost walking and running.

The biggest feature of the TV station is that you can see all kinds of TV stars.

However, Yusuke doesn't know any of these TV stars, and he doesn't have any feeling at all. Whether it's the past life or the present life, Yusuke has no feeling for the stars in the entertainment industry.

Yui and Rie are different. They are at the age when they are most interested in celebrities. They are very excited and happy to see such familiar TV stars.

Nagai Kaito said with a smile: "If you want autographs, I can get them for you."

"Really?" Yui and Rie were a little surprised, "Then I will trouble you!"

"It's a trivial matter!" Nagai Kaito replied with a smile.

Only then did Yusuke take a look at this staff member. He thought he was an ordinary employee of the TV station, but now it seems that the other party has a certain status in the TV station. After all, to be able to communicate with TV stars, he must have a certain right to speak in the TV station. .

Sensing Yusuke's eyes, Kaito Nagai smiled.

"Come to me if you need anything, the teacher has already explained it."

"Your teacher is..."

"Yuichi Nakamoto is a tutor"

Yusuke understood, it turned out that Yuichi Nakamoto had greeted him, no wonder he was so enthusiastic.

Nagai Kaito was actually a little curious. For these amateur guests, it is usually enough for ordinary staff to entertain them, but this time his teacher appointed him to greet them. This shows that the teacher attaches great importance to this boy, so He didn't dare to underestimate Yusuke, and he didn't mind showing kindness to the boy within his ability.

Under such circumstances, Nagai Kaito didn't mind saying more, and the three of Yusuke also had a better understanding of the operation of the TV station.

This wave has increased a lot of knowledge!
When they arrived at the show, they separated, Yusuke went backstage, and Yui and Rie went to the scene.

Backstage, the makeup artist was putting on makeup for the guests who were about to go on stage. Yusuke was placed in a seat by the staff, and then a female makeup artist came, rubbed and patted Yusuke's face, and adjusted his hairstyle again. Changed clothes.

When Yusuke's new look appeared on the stage, the eyes of the backstage staff all lit up.

This boy is so handsome!
The most important thing is that he has a unique aura, which makes him more attractive.

Yusuke was already used to this kind of gaze, so he sat on the side and waited.

At this time, I also saw several other guests.

A young man in chef's clothes, looks a little handsome.

A woman in a tight-fitting vest, with dark skin and strong muscles exposed on her body, can be seen as an athlete at a glance.

The last one was a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance and no special features at all.

When Yusuke was looking at the three of them, the three of them were also looking at him.

When the staff left, the dark-skinned woman stood up and said, "Everyone, everyone is here to participate in this variety show, right? Everyone is a video blogger, and they are all colleagues. Let's get to know each other." Well, I'll come first, my name is Heishuiquan, and I'm shooting a video about martial arts."

The woman's voice is very hearty, which makes people feel good.

The young man in the chef's clothes also stood up at this time: "I am a video blogger who shoots food videos, and my name is Tozaki Ichiro"

"My name is Tianye Akiyama, and all I shoot are handicrafts," the middle-aged man said with a smile.

Yusuke also stood up and said, "My name is Misawa Yusuke, and I'm shooting a pet video"

"It seems that everyone makes different types!" Heishuiquan said with a smile: "In this way, we will have no conflicts, and we will communicate more in the future."

Several people said hello to each other. They are also video bloggers, but they are not in the same category. Everyone doesn't mind multiple friends.

"Mr. Sanze, why didn't you see your pet?" Heishuiquan asked curiously at this time. The focus of the pet video was on the pet, but the boy was empty-handed.

"Mr. Nakamoto said that you don't need to bring pets, the program team will make arrangements," Yusuke replied.

Heishuiquan nodded without asking too much.

We exchanged for a while, and after a while, Nakamoto Yuichi appeared, and everyone stood up and said hello.

"We all know each other"

Nakamoto Yuichi said: "Next we will have a formal rehearsal, and now I will tell you about the program arrangement"

"First of all, Misawa-kun, you are the first to appear"

Yusuke nodded.

"Sansawa-kun, I'm looking forward to your performance." Nakamoto said with a smile, and the others couldn't help but glance at it.

The order of appearances in this show has been calculated. The guest who appears first is responsible for attracting the audience in front of the TV. He must have special skills. That is to say, this handsome young man has the strongest ability among all the people!

(End of this chapter)

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