Chapter 341 341. Play
Yuichi Nakamoto continued: "Second place, Ms. Black Water Izumi"

The woman nodded.

"Next is Mr. Field, you are the third"

The middle-aged man also nodded.

"The last is Mr. Tozaki, you are the last one"

The young chef also nodded.

"Okay, you guys are fine, then we are playing now, don't be nervous, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake in shooting, we can edit it later"

Miyamoto said with a smile, but several people didn't believe it at all.

If there is a mistake, the program team may change at any time. This kind of program has many backup candidates, so they don't believe that Yuichi Nakamoto has no backup plan.

"Okay, Misawa-kun, you are the first one, get ready to play"

Yusuke nodded, took a deep breath, and calmed down.

It was the first time for Yusuke to appear on a TV show, and it was inevitable that Yusuke would be a little nervous, but after all, he has experienced many things and experienced a lot, and his mentality has long been different, and he quickly adjusted his mentality.

In the auditorium, Yui and Rie were waiting nervously.

"I don't know if there is any problem with Yusuke." Yuyi said to herself: "Yusuke must be under a lot of pressure."

"It's okay, just trust Yusuke," Rie replied seriously.

"When Yusuke was criticized by the Internet before, he didn't take it seriously. Yusuke is amazing!"

"That's right." Yui breathed a sigh of relief, "I was thinking too much, Yusuke is absolutely fine!"

The two whispered to ease their tension.

With the sound of music, the scene quickly fell silent, and Yui and Rie also stopped communicating and looked at the stage nervously.

The show hosts are a man and a woman, the male host Hidemon Ota, and the female host Kazuka Mizuki, both Yui and Rie know each other. They often watch variety shows and are very familiar with each other.

As soon as the two hosts came on stage, they said some jokes, which made the people on the scene laugh, and then quickly entered the theme.

"Yihua, what do you do when you're bored?"

"I like watching online videos"

"Huh? You don't even watch our variety show?"

Ota Hidetoshi had a surprised expression on his face.

"No, I accidentally exposed my secret"

Mizuki Yihua quickly covered her mouth, and the audience laughed loudly.

"Okay, let me reveal a secret. In fact, I also like watching online videos. Some online videos are very funny, and some videos will be eye-opening for you to watch, and these videos are made by video bloggers."

"In a recent 'Most Expected Profession' survey, video bloggers ranked first. It can be said that this industry is very popular and has great potential"

"But what do vloggers do? How do vloggers shoot videos?"

"In this issue, we invited these well-known video bloggers to explain one of them here. Each of them is a big blogger with millions of fans"

"To put it bluntly, Yihua, they have more fans than you!"

"Is it true?" Mizuki Yihua covered her mouth with a look of surprise, "Then I'm going to see it today."

"Audience friends at the scene, as well as friends in front of the TV, keep your eyes open, this will surprise you all!"

"Then let us wait and see!" Mizuki Kazuka clenched her fist and said.

"Alright, let's invite our first guest, animal expert Misawa-kun!"

Yui and Rie were very surprised. Unexpectedly, Yusuke was the first to play, and the two immediately cheered up.

The lights dimmed at this moment, a beam of light hit the exit of the guests, Yusuke walked out from the backstage at this time, and his handsome appearance was directly projected on the big screen.

"So handsome!" Mizuki Yihua exclaimed, but quickly reacted and quickly covered her mouth.

Ota Hidemon next to him said regretfully at this moment: "Yihua, you are too straightforward!"

"I'm sorry." Mizuki Kazuka also came to his senses, tilted his head, made a grimace, and Meng lied to him.

Yuichi Nakamoto nodded in the background. Although the hostess made some mistakes, there was nothing wrong with it. Maybe it was even more interesting.

After all, with Jie's outstanding appearance, the hostess's reaction was more real.

He ranked Yusuke No. 1 with this in mind. In terms of ability, several video bloggers have similar abilities, but Yusuke's appearance is very good.

These days everyone is looking at appearance, a handsome guy must be more eye-catching.

Yusuke was very calm, and greeted the two of them with a smile. His super high charisma value made Mizuki Kazuka a little dizzy. That guy really looks so good when he smiles!
If she didn't know his age, the age gap between the two parties is a bit big, she would have thought to leave him a call after the show, such a clean and handsome boy is really great!

Yui and Riemoto in the auditorium were a little worried, but found that Yusuke performed very well, his aura was very stable, and it was very natural to talk with the two hosts at the scene.

The two hosts were also a little surprised. Is this guy really underage?
This communication ability is really a fortress!

"Misawa-kun, I heard you are still in high school?" Ota Hidemon asked.

"Yes, I am 16 years old and I am a freshman in high school"

Yusuke replied with a smile, that bright smile, even the photographer gave him a few more shots.

The three video bloggers waiting in the background were also very surprised. They didn't expect him to be so young, and he was still a minor. Looking at his way of speaking and doing things, he thought he was a college student, but he didn't expect him to be a high school student!
No wonder he's number one!

Genius, young and promising, good looks, with so many labels on it, it must be very attractive to the audience, it makes no sense not to choose him!
The on-stage interview continues.

"Why did you get into the vlogger business?"

"Actually, it was unintentional. My friend is also a vlogger, and then I got into it"

"How long have you been in this business?"

"It should be more than four months now"

"How many fans do you have now?"

"300 million fans"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, this growth rate is really too fast!

"Awesome! It's really amazing!" Ota Hidemon exclaimed exaggeratedly: "This is really beyond my imagination, Sanze-kun, how did you do it? I want to worship you as my teacher!"

"It's not that exaggerated, I just give full play to my strengths"

Yusuke said with a smile: "I usually like small animals. I can communicate well with animals, so I took some videos and uploaded them to Youtube. I didn't expect everyone's reaction. I was also very surprised."

"That's right, I'm so jealous!"

Ota Hidemon showed a heartbroken expression, and everyone laughed.

"Okay, Sanze-kun said that he can communicate with animals, now let's watch his performance!"

(End of this chapter)

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