Chapter 342 342. The real thing
The staff pushed a cage up, and there were 5 cats in the cage.

Ota Hideto said at this time: "These 5 cats are ordinary cats we bought in the pet store, Misawa-kun, you need to calm them down, and then follow your command actions"

"This is too difficult!" Mizuki Kazuka said in surprise, "These are all strange cats, how could they listen to Sanze-kun?"

"This is Sanze-kun's housekeeping skills, Sanze-kun, is there any problem?"

"No problem, leave it to me!" Yusuke replied confidently.

The cameraman can now take a close-up of Yusuke.

Yusuke stepped forward and squatted in front of the cage. Everyone at the scene, including the host, was very curious about Yusuke's next move.

Yusuke took a look at the cats in the cage. These cats were a little nervous. The lights, crowds, and music at the scene all gave them great stimulation. intimidating the enemy.

"Meow meow (don't come here, I'm not afraid of you, if you come here again I'll bite you)"

The two cats in front barked and screamed, while the other three kittens hid behind and huddled together, looking a little timid.

"You can't bite me," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"Meow meow (who said that, I'll bite you if you come over)"

The two kittens try to scare Yusuke away with a show of force.

After a while, the two cats stopped moving and looked at Yusuke with doubts on their faces.

"Meow meow (were you talking to us just now?)"

"Of course I'm talking to you"

"Meow Meow (you can understand our language!)"

The two kittens were shocked, how could such a thing happen!
And the three kittens behind stuck out their heads at this time, also very curious.

"Meow meow (can this human understand us?)"

"Meow meow (it's fake, how can humans understand our words?)"

"You three, don't stand so far away, come to the front and talk, I won't eat you again"

Yusuke smiled, releasing his kindness.

The five kittens believed now that this human could really understand their language, and they let go of their timidity at this moment, and they all gathered around and stood in front of the cage.

The photographer pulls the camera straight ahead.

The audience couldn't hear the conversation between Yusuke and the kittens, but saw Yusuke talking to himself in front of the cage, and then the kittens gathered around.

After a while, the cage was opened, and 5 cats came out.

I saw only 5 kittens standing side by side in front of Yusuke, like soldiers, and everyone present exclaimed, it was incredible!
The two hosts were dumbfounded, even though they were well-informed, this was the first time they had seen such a scene.

Yusuke gave the order.

"Arrange, then walk around the stage"

The 5 kittens moved, from left to right, one after another, lined up in a vertical line, circled around the two hosts on the stage, and then stood in front of Jie again.

"shaking head"

The kittens all shook their heads.

"hands up"

Five kittens raised their left forelimbs at the same time.

"Wave to everyone"

The five kittens waved their hands at the same time, which opened the eyes of everyone present!

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" Da Tian Yingmen exclaimed, his expression was not at all artificial, he was really surprised.

"Is this magic?" Mizuki Yihua also had a shocked expression on his face.

"It's not magic." Yusuke walked over with a smile, and five kittens followed behind him, like his little brothers.

"It's really amazing. As expected of the animal expert Sanze-kun, we enjoyed a wonderful performance. I'm very curious about how you did it. I believe the audience in front of the TV is also very curious. Sanze-kun Can you tell me something?"

"It's my talent, everyone has their talent and mine is this, I just use it"

"So that's how it is!" Ota Hidemen suddenly realized.

The photographer also adjusted the lens at this time.

"Okay, I've enjoyed Misawa-kun's performance, what's next, and now I invite the second video blogger"

At this time, Jie can rest next to it, and it will be fine as a background board.

At this time, I saw Yui and Rie in the auditorium, they exchanged glances, Yusuke smiled and waved, and Yui and Rie also smiled and waved back.

The three of them didn't notice that this scene was also recorded by the photographer next to them.

Yusuke's wonderful performance whetted everyone's appetite, and they were all very much looking forward to the next video blogger.

Yuichi Nakamoto is also very capable, and the video bloggers he recruited all have real materials.

The second guest is Heishuiquan, she is a martial arts expert, and the videos she shoots are all her usual martial arts videos.Her videos are very popular on the Internet, because she shoots some unimaginable actions, such as spinning and kicking the lid of the can, while the can is still, a whip smashes an apple three meters away, and the underside of the apple The terrarium was unharmed.

When Heishuiquan exerted his martial arts with all his strength, Yusuke could feel a faint sense of threat.

This guy looks cheerful on the outside, but once he gets serious, he is like a cheetah, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time.

This guy is really skilled in martial arts!

The third guest is the ordinary middle-aged man Tian Ye Akiyama. Although he looks ordinary, he has a pair of very skillful hands. He can fold all kinds of things with origami, and these things are three-dimensional folded Yes, a simple piece of paper can play a variety of different tricks, which is an eye-opener for everyone.

The last guest is Ichiro Tozaki, he is a chef.

Everyone present was curious about what kind of performance he would bring.

"Could it be that you want to cook two dishes for us on the spot?" Mizuki Yihua said with a smile.

"You guessed it right." Ota Hideto replied with a smile, "But I guess you won't be able to eat this dish."

This immediately whetted everyone's appetite.

In online videos, food videos are also a popular category, but there are very few bloggers with millions of fans, because it is too easy to get started in this category, and Tozaki Ichiro is one of the few super bloggers. one.

Soon, everyone knew how he had millions of fans, because he was a dark cook, and the ingredients used for cooking were bugs.

This guy's craftsmanship is very strong, all kinds of grotesque, disgusting bugs can be turned into plates of delicacies in his hands, and they are full of color and fragrance, and the original shape is completely invisible from the outside.

Ichiro Tozaki invited the audience to taste it. No one dared to do it, including the two hosts. It was really challenging.

If you don't know the situation, you can still eat it, but after seeing the prototype of the disgusting bug, it is estimated that no one dares to say anything, and in the end Tozaki Ichiro solved it by himself.

Yusuke also knew why he was successful, novelty hunting and delicious food.

(End of this chapter)

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