Chapter 343 343. I want to stand out
The rehearsal was a success, the show ended perfectly, and everyone was very satisfied.

After the filming ended, all the guests went up to thank the staff, and Yusuke also communicated with the two hosts.

But Yusuke found that the hostess touched the palm of his hand when shaking hands, and then there was something extra in his palm.

It was a little note.

This method is so sophisticated!
The hostess was still greeting the others, as if nothing had happened.

Yusuke shook his head secretly, this circle is really messy enough, fortunately he didn't step into this circle.

Yui and Rie also came over at this time, and Yusuke calmly put the note in his pocket with a nonchalant expression on his face.

The three chatted together for a while, and Yusuke took the two of them to meet other video bloggers. Everyone is in this industry, and it would be good to know one more friend.

Yuichi Nakamura took a moment to come over.

"Sansawa-kun, the filming was a success, I look forward to our next collaboration"

"Good talk good talk"

The two sides shook hands, and the friendship was established.

"It will be broadcast next Friday night, remember to watch it," Yuichi Nakamoto reminded when he left, and Yusuke and the others nodded.

After removing make-up, changing back into their own clothes, thanking all the staff, after a lot of work, the three of them finally came out from the TV station.

"Let's go get something to eat"

Yusuke said, and both of them nodded, they were both a little hungry at this moment.After finding a restaurant, the three enjoyed a perfect meal and could finally relax.

"Yusuke" Yui said at this time: "I have something to do tomorrow, friends from junior high school are gathering, I won't go to the studio tomorrow"

Yusuke nodded, "Alright, you've been busy for so long, it's time to take a break, where is Rie?"

"I happen to have something to do too," Rie replied with a smile.

"A few friends asked me to go out together. I haven't contacted them for a long time. I want to go shopping."

"Okay, then you two will rest tomorrow, and leave the studio to me."

"Can you do it alone?"

"Do not worry!"

The three of them made up their minds, and after resting for a while, they went home separately.

As soon as Yongsuke came home, his younger sister Aiyi immediately ran over and asked excitedly, "Brother, how are you doing today?"

Yusuke and the others are all minors, and they need their parents' authorization to participate in this kind of program, so the family members also know about it.

Yui and Rie are partners in the studio, so the two of them will be given places in the friends and relatives group, and the family members will not go.

The parents feel that it doesn't matter, Yusuke can already be alone, only Aiyi has some regrets.

The TV station is also very mysterious to her, and she also wants to follow, but it's a pity that she doesn't have her share this time.

"It's been filmed, and it will be broadcast next Friday night," Yusuke replied with a smile.

Aiyi nodded excitedly, "Then I want to tell my friend, we will cheer for brother Yusuke together!"

"Then it's time to ask Aiyi!"

Yongsuke played with Aiyi for a while, said hello to his parents, then went back to the room, threw the small note in his pocket into the trash can, and lay down on the bed to rest.

Traveling to the present for half a year, looking back at Zong Zong, he has finally gained a foothold in this world, and Yusuke rarely relaxes.

Although the physical fitness is amazing, there is also a sense of inner fatigue.

It was rare that Yusuke felt very peaceful at this time, and fell asleep on the bed unconsciously.

Yusuke was woken up by the phone ringing.

After looking at the calling number, it was an unknown number, and Yusuke picked up the phone.

"Sanze" is a girl with a strange accent.

"You are……"

Yusuke was a little puzzled, and felt that the voice was somewhat familiar.

"I'm Terina, I asked Jessica to know your mobile number"

"So it's Terina." Yusuke said with a smile, "What's the matter?"

"I told you about horse racing last time, are you interested?"


Yusuke regained his spirits in an instant.

Horse racing, just like racing is the dream of every man, every boy dreams of galloping horses.

This attraction is very big!

"Do you have time next Wednesday? Let's go over there and have a look."

Yusuke thought about the next arrangement, and after confirming that it was correct, he replied: "I have no problem."

"Then it's settled, I'll pick you up then."

"it is good"

Yusuke regained his energy, just take a nap, and now he has to move on!
On the second day, Yusuke came to the studio, usually three people are together, but today there is only one person, the feeling of emptiness is not used to.

However, Yusuke didn't struggle too much, and quickly devoted himself to today's work.

Washing, feeding, and cleaning the animals, and then the logistics work, video editing, fans' comments, the work is very busy, and it has been busy until noon before you know it. Yusuke fed the animals, and then Finding that I hadn't eaten yet, I called directly to order takeaway.

Yusuke continued to be busy with his work, until the doorbell rang, and Yusuke came back to his senses.

"Hello, your takeaway!"

"sorry to bother you!"

Yusuke took the takeaway and prepared to close the door.

"Well, can I ask a question?"

Yusuke stopped closing the door and looked at the delivery man curiously.

This is an ordinary-looking woman, wearing a takeaway suit and a hat, with long black hair hanging behind her head, her skin is a bit dark, but her eyes are very bright.

"What's the problem?" Yusuke asked with a smile, the super high charm value made the girl feel more relaxed.

"Is the boss here?"

"What's the matter?"

"It's like this." The girl straightened her face and said seriously: "I have delivered food here a few times, and I know you are a studio here. It seems to be shooting some online videos. I want to ask you guys Is this place still recruiting? I want to work here"

"How old are you?"

"16 years old"

"Do you want to work part-time?"

"No, I want to work long-term"

"You should be studying at your age"

"I haven't read anymore"


"Because I'm stupid!"

Yusuke was almost amused by this person. If he was looking for a job, such an answer would definitely fail, but looking at the girl's eyes, this guy is serious.

Yusuke thought for a moment and opened the door.

"Come in"

"Okay, thank you, is the boss there?" the girl asked with a smile.

"I'm the boss, tell me"

The girl was a little surprised, but soon showed a look of admiration.

"Boss, you are really amazing!"

"It's useless for you to flatter me"

"I'm not flattering, what I said is true, boss, your age should be about the same as mine, but you have opened a studio now, it's really amazing!"

The girl said expectantly: "I want to be someone like you, Boss!"

"I want to stand out!"

(End of this chapter)

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