Chapter 344 344. Watching TV at Work

This guy is really a bit stupid. No one would say that he wants to be famous when he comes to apply for a job.


This guy has a certain quality, her eyes are very clean and pure when she speaks, Yusuke believes that these are her true words.

"You are still working now, so let's make a long story short, what skills do you have?"

This is the first time someone recommends himself, and he wants to give the other party a chance.

"I can farm, drive a tractor, wash vegetables and cook, and clean up is fine."

Yusuke smiled and said, "Are you applying for cleaning?"

"No, I want to be like you!" The girl replied seriously.

"Why didn't you read?"

"Because of being poor!"

"I was born in a remote village, where it is very backward. Everyone has no money. Boys come out to work after graduating from junior high school, and girls get married after graduating from junior high school. But I don't want to marry, I want to be famous!"

The girl said seriously, her eyes full of hope.

"I want to be rich!"

"So I went to the big cities to look for opportunities, but"

The girl had a sad face at this moment.

"It's all deceptive on TV. How can there be so many opportunities in big cities? It's hard to find a job, and the consumption in big cities is so high. I have to work several jobs to survive."

"Then haven't you ever thought about going back to your hometown?" Yusuke said, "You're tired of fighting outside as a girl!"

"No, I swore a poisonous oath!"

The girl said seriously: "If I can't become a rich man, I swear I won't go home!"

"Can I work here with my conditions?" The girl looked at Yusuke expectantly.

Yusuke pondered for a while, to be honest, her ability is really bad, she is completely a farmer, and she doesn't have a high degree of education, and she doesn't look too smart. It is difficult to find a good job in society under such conditions. Those who can do are labor-type occupations, such as retail workers, delivery workers, factory assembly line workers, etc.

Logically speaking, Yusuke's job here is not suitable for her.

But now Yusuke is thinking whether to give her a chance.

The girl is very courageous, and she ran to the big city alone to seek development, which is much better than many people!

No matter what the achievements are, at least she is very hardworking, but the reality is very miserable.

Sometimes, one decision of some people can determine the life of another person.

Finally, Yusuke nodded and said, "I can let you come to work, but you have to pass the assessment, and I will sign a contract with you after passing the exam."

The girl smiled and nodded excitedly.

"Thank you so much, I will definitely work hard!"


"Call me boss, by the way, where's your name?"

After chatting for a long time, I still don't know her name.

"My name is Sugihara Kotomoko, I will go back and quit my job now, and come to work right away"

"Don't be so anxious." Before Yusuke finished speaking, the girl had already run out.

Forget it, let's try it first, the studio really needs manpower, if the girl's character is trustworthy, Yusuke doesn't mind teaching her something.

Yusuke just finished eating when the girl appeared again.

This time she didn't wear the delivery clothes, but she was wearing her own clothes, a black T-shirt and black pants.

"Boss, I've dealt with the matter, and I can work now," Xiao Zhizi said excitedly.

"Okay, come sit down and I'll tell you something"

Yusuke straightened his face, and Xiao Zhizi also sat in front of Yusuke in a well-behaved manner.

"First of all, work here, you can't leak things about me, you can't take pictures, you can't tell your friends about things here"

Xiao Zhizi nodded, "Don't worry, I don't have a single friend here, and I will definitely not reveal it."

What I said was inexplicably bleak!

"Are you afraid of small animals?"

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Zhizi said seriously, "I was catching mice in the field."

"That's fine. There are some animals here in the studio. You can't hurt them. Of course, I will say hello to them, and they won't hurt you, understand?"

Xiao Zhizi nodded, "Understood!"

"There are three people in the studio, and the other two are my partners. They also have a share in the studio. They are not here today, and I will introduce you when they come back tomorrow. That's all for now, is there any problem?"

"no problem"

"Did you bring your personal information?"

"Yes, I was ready just now"

Xiao Zhizi handed over the personal information, Yusuke looked at it, and put it away.

"Then get to work now!"

Xiao Zhizi nodded excitedly.

"Do you understand computers?"

"know something"

Xiao Zhizi looked at the several computers in the studio, a little eager to try.

Yusuke took out a few books, which were the materials that Yui had when he participated in the training.

"Read these books and ask if you don't understand"

"I still need to read the book!" Xiao Zhizi looked surprised, and said awkwardly at this moment: "Well, my brain is relatively stupid, so I can't understand these things."

"It's not an excuse!"

Yusuke shook his head, "If you don't understand, you can learn. I will teach you, but you have to be determined. If you want to become rich, you must be ruthless to yourself. If you don't have such determination, I advise you to give it away. takeaway"

Xiao Zhizi thought for a while and nodded.

"I know, I will work hard!"

"I'm going to do things first, you are here to read a book"

"Thank you boss." Xiao Zhizi bowed seriously, "You are the best person I have ever met. The previous bosses would never tell me this kind of truth."

Yusuke waved his hand, "The most important thing is yourself, if you don't have the determination, no matter how much I say it will be useless"

Xiao Zhizi was thoughtful, but Yusuke ignored him, and sat down in front of the computer to start working.

Yusuke quickly threw himself into work.

"boss, please drink tea"

A cup of tea appeared in front of Yusuke's computer, Yusuke looked at it, and Xiao Zhizi was standing beside him with a flattering expression.

"Thank you." Yusuke took a sip of tea and asked, "Have you finished reading the book?"

"No, I saw my head was a little swollen, so I got up and walked around."

"Okay, take care of yourself"

"Well, boss, I have a question"

"Say it"

"What is our main business?"

"Internet video, Youtube know"

"do not know"

Yusuke looked at Xiaozhizi in surprise, and wondered for a moment whether she was a modern person.

"Haven't you watched the online video?"

"I haven't watched it. I'm very busy at work, so I don't have time to watch it. I just go to sleep when I get home from get off work. When I was in my hometown, our place was very remote and the signal was not good, so I usually watch TV shows."

Well, this place is really remote enough, no wonder you ran out.

Yusuke felt that he was going in the wrong direction, so he couldn't let her read the book.

"The plan has changed, you don't read the book now, sit down and watch the video"

Yusuke turned on another computer, logged into Youtube, and found some videos.

"Today's task, first watch these videos"

Xiao Zhizi looked puzzled, watching TV at work?

(End of this chapter)

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