Chapter 349
Terina called the support staff and pried the boards open.

Sure enough, these boards were all eaten away by termites, leaving only a thin layer. When the wind blew, the hollow boards made strange noises, which was the cause of everything.

It can only be said that the luck of the black whirlwind is really bad, and it happened in the first game.

Terina is convinced of Yusuke, this ability is really too strong!
The broken boards were handed over to the logistics staff, and the black whirlwind was also released from the stable. Seeing the sunlight outside, the black whirlwind finally recovered.

"The matter is settled, Yusuke, do you want to try riding a horse?" Terina said with a smile: "How about the black whirlwind?"

"Can you?" Yusuke suddenly cheered up.

"No problem, the black whirlwind will have to train for a while before returning to the arena, you can ride it first"

Yusuke was a great help, and Terina didn't mind using some of her power to let them play around.

"Yusuke, let's go horseback riding together." Jessica next to him said excitedly at this moment, and Yusuke also nodded expectantly.

After the two put on their horse riding clothes, Terina gave some guidance, and Yusuke quickly learned how to ride a horse.

As long as it is related to sports, Yusuke's body instinct can quickly remember it.

"Take a few steps slowly first, not too fast"

At this time, Yusuke was sitting on the black whirlwind, and Terina was guiding beside him.

Yusuke nodded, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and pulled the rein with his hand. The black whirlwind underneath immediately understood the meaning, and stepped forward.

The scenery sitting on the saddle is really different!
High above, it feels like seeing all the mountains and small mountains, it feels really good!
That is an experience that racing cars do not have. What racing cars feel is extreme speed, but horse racing is different, it is a kind of power of movement.

On the other side, Jessica is already galloping on a horse. Her riding skills are very good. She is lying on the horseback, jumping and moving, which is very beautiful.

Jessica ran around the field when she came back to Yusuke.

"It's really exciting, Yusuke, you should try it too!"

Yusuke nodded, that's the end of the warm-up, and then it's time for speeding.

Riding skills, activate!

For a moment, Yusuke seemed to be connected with the black whirlwind below him, and his vision became different, as if the black whirlwind under him had become a part of his body.

The black whirlwind also became hot-blooded. It could feel a powerful force suddenly descending on itself. This force was so strong that its blood boiled, and it couldn't help but want to run happily. .

It does this too.

The black whirlwind has been galloping at an extremely fast speed. Yusuke is pulling the reins, and the whole person is lying on the horseback. The rapid hurricane flies past the ear, the vision in front keeps expanding, and the scenes on both sides keep flowing backwards. The sense of power stepping on the dirt is an unprecedented experience!
One person and one horse galloped across the racecourse.

"Wait a minute, Sanze, you're running too fast!" Jie Linna shouted nervously from behind.

Yusuke's sudden outburst startled her, the acceleration was too fast!

But what was unexpected was that Yusuke's riding skills were very good, as if he had merged with the horse, and his vigorous running was full of power, which made her stunned.

"Yusuke is amazing! I can't let him look down on me, I'm going to fuck!"

Jessica tightened her grip on the horse's belly, pulled the rein in her hand, and the horse under her started to gallop.

But no matter how much Jessica pursues, she can only watch Yusuke's figure riding like a thousand.

The soil under his feet jumped, and the black figure ran on the ground. Under the sun, Yusuke was like a black knight.

The black broken hair, the bright eyes, especially the handsome face, are extremely clear at this moment.

At this moment, Jessica's heart beat so fast.

The horse below ran, the speed slowed down, and finally stopped, Jessica looked at Yusuke's figure, her eyes were very blurred.

After a violent gallop, the black whirlwind slowly stopped.

One person and one horse are very dripping and happy. At this moment, the state of the black whirlwind is unprecedented.

"Hiss (let's run again!)"

The black whirlwind under him shouted, this feeling is really cool, and there is a feeling of kingship in an instant.

"No, take a break"

Yusuke released his riding skills. In an instant, Black Whirlwind felt that the power of blessing on him disappeared. The powerful feeling just now was gone, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Hiss (why do I feel so weird)"

"That's because you exercised too much, take a break and you'll be fine"

"Hiss (oh)"

Yusuke returned to the original place riding a black whirlwind, and Terina looked at Yusuke with an unbelievable expression.

"I didn't expect you to be so skilled"

Yusuke smiled and said, "Actually, it's not that difficult. You can ride it two or three times."

"What you said made me jealous. You have to know that I want to run like you, but I have learned it for a long time."

Terina looked at Yusuke with a lot of approval, this guy is a genius!
Jessica also came over at this time, and said adoringly: "Yusuke, you are amazing!"

For a moment, Yusuke felt that Jessica was a little different from before, and always felt that there was something more.

But he didn't think too much about it, and replied, "Jessica, you're not bad either."

"I've practiced since I was a child, but you are different, Yusuke. You just got started, and you learned it all at once. You really are a genius!"

Both Yusuke and Terina looked at Jessica curiously.

Jessica was a little puzzled, "Why are you looking at me?"

Because it's not like you would say something so normal.

But Yusuke and Terina were very relieved, which showed that her secondary illness had improved.

Yusuke stayed here today and visited many places.

After knowing that Yusuke can communicate with horses, Terina gave full play to Yusuke's advantages. Some horses that had to rest due to strange reasons were handed over to Yusuke. Under the guidance of Yusuke, the reason was also found. This surprised the staff here.

They were very puzzled, but neither Terina nor Yusuke explained too much. This explanation is very complicated, so forget it.

However, they regarded Yusuke as an expert in this field, and they all exchanged some information with Yusuke, and Yusuke also learned a lot of strange knowledge from it, and today's harvest is still good.

In the evening, the research office also got off work.

"Yusuke, do me a big favor, I'll treat you to dinner tonight" Terina said with a smile.

"Not so polite"

"Go, Jie." Jessica said beside him, "You changed the fate of a horse today, and it's worth celebrating."

Yusuke and Terina looked at each other, and it seemed that Jessica was really getting better.

This is a good thing.

Yusuke smiled and nodded, "Then respect is worse than obedience!"

(End of this chapter)

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