Chapter 350 350. Excellent Child

The time finally arrived on Friday, which was also the day when the TV program was broadcast.

Early in the morning, Meihe began to prepare the VCR to record the program.

"Don't be so exaggerated," Yusuke said with a smile.

"That's impossible!" Meihe replied seriously: "This is a rare commemoration, these are precious memories in the future"

Well, as long as mother is happy.

"Brother, I have already told my friends, and they are also looking forward to your performance tonight."

Aiyi who was sitting at the dining table said excitedly: "I will cheer you up."

"Then trouble Aiyi."

After breakfast and tidying up, Yusuke is ready to go to work.

After waiting at the door of Miyajima's house for a while, Yui came out, and her mother, Miyajima Reika, came out with her.

"Aunt Lingxiang, hello," Yusuke greeted with a smile.

"You are so early, Yusuke, are you busy recently?"

"is acceptable"

"You are going to be on a TV show tonight, and I will cheer for you," Lingxiang said with a smile.

"Please take care of me when the time comes"

After exchanging pleasantries with Reika, Yusuke and Yui went to work.

On the way, Yuyi complained: "I feel that my mother's attitude towards you has changed a lot"

"Really?" Yusuke smiled, not caring.

Yusuke is a star figure in the neighborhood these days, and Miwa always casually reveals something about her son when communicating with her neighbors.

Since Yusuke entered high school, he has really changed a lot. In just over half a year, he has completely changed as a person. He started his own business, opened a studio, and now he is on TV. In the eyes of the neighbors, Yusuke is the best kids!
Yusuke has also noticed this change, and more people greet him recently, and the neighbors also greet him with smiles.

However, Yusuke's attitude remained the same as before, and there was no change. When others greeted him with a smile, he also responded with a smile, which made his reputation even better.

Promising young people, neither humble nor overbearing, this is the promising young people in everyone's ideal.

Miyajima Reika's attitude will definitely change. After all, everyone is an ordinary person, and things have always been like this.

The two talked and laughed, and walked towards the studio. When they arrived at the studio, Rie and Xiao Zhizi had already arrived.

Xiaozhizi has already cleaned the studio, washed the cups, wiped the table, and fed the animals. After only a few days together, Xiaozhizi has fully demonstrated his housework skills.

"Little Zhizi, how did you read the book?" Yusuke asked.

Xiao Zhizi nodded seriously: "Boss, I've read all of them."

After studying and reading for the past few days, Xiao Zhizi also has some foundations, and it's time to arrange some business for her.

"Boss" Xiao Zhizi said at this time: "Can I learn from Rie?"

"You want to follow Rie?"

Xiao Zhizi nodded seriously.

This answer is somewhat unexpected to Yusuke, Rie's job is to plan.This aspect requires a strong ability. With Xiao Zhizi's ability, Yusuke was surprised that she would choose this.

Xiaozhizi is also well aware of his own situation, but this is the best choice.

The study of the past few days has made her understand that vloggers are not a simple industry, and it is not possible to become a vlogger just by picking up a mobile phone and taking a video.

Script, planning, shooting, directing, all aspects require professional knowledge.

Xiao Zhizi herself tried to shoot some videos after get off work, but the effect of the videos was horrible. After several attempts, she finally knew the reason.

She has no unique skills of her own.

To become a top video blogger, everyone has their own housekeeping skills. Yusuke can manipulate animals, a martial arts expert can make some unimaginable movements, and a craftsman can transform all kinds of whimsical ideas through his hands. And what about your own abilities?

She is just an ordinary person.

So to become a video blogger like a boss, this road is blocked.

Xiaozhizi had no choice but to find another way. Now there are only two directions left, one is to learn from You Yi to shoot, and finally become a qualified photographer and director. This is also a way.

But after thinking about it for a while, Xiao Zhizi gave up. The reason is very simple, the studio does not need two directors.

And the photographer's apex is too low, she doesn't want it.

So there is only one left, and that is to learn from Rie. Rie is responsible for planning and logistics, and planning requires all kinds of ideas.

After researching, Xiao Zhizi found that this position was the most suitable for her.

All kinds of strange brain holes are not a problem for her, but it is more handy. She likes to fantasize about all kinds of messy things since she was a child, and now she just converts them into scripts.

Xiaozhizi is very confident in his own brain hole.

And the logistical aspect requires a lot of manpower, so it would be no problem to have one more her.

Xiaozhizi wants to be an important part of the studio, not a dispensable substitute.

Yusuke thought for a while and said, "There is nothing wrong with me, what about you, Rie?"

Rie nodded and said, "It would be best for Xiao Zhizi to come and help me."

"Then it's decided, Xiao Zhizi, you can follow Rie from now on."

"Thank you boss, I will work hard!" Xiao Zhizi said with full motivation.

After arranging Xiao Zhizi's duties, everyone started working.

At noon, everyone eats takeaway together.

Rie said at this time: "Yusuke, I have released the news before, and many fans have left messages. I am looking forward to tonight's show."

Yusuke nodded, and said: "In the past two days, we should pay attention to the comments of fans. We can choose to answer some questions and pay attention to keeping the popularity. There should be a wave of fans in the future. Everyone should be prepared first."

Both Yui and Rie nodded. The hot search on Twitter last time brought them a lot of traffic. They were so busy that time, but this time they have experience.

The little intellectual next to him was confused.

"Rie, what program are you talking about?"

Rie told about their previous participation in the TV show, and Xiao Zhizi was surprised.

The boss is so powerful!It's time to be on TV!

Immediately, the image of Yusuke in her heart became taller and more mysterious. To Xiao Zhizi, being able to appear on TV shows is a very powerful person.

"Then boss, do you get paid for appearing on TV shows?"

This is the most intuitive impression of most people.

Yusuke shook his head, and then told her some information about the TV station, Xiao Zhizi was amazed after hearing it.

It took a long time for Xiao Zhizi to realize that she really hugged her thigh this time!
It was evening, and it was rare for the whole family to gather in front of the TV. Meihe also set up the video recorder, and everyone was watching the time, waiting for the broadcast of the program.

"I'm so nervous!" Meihe said.

"Why are you nervous?" He also said with a smile: "The show has already been recorded, take it easy."

Having said that, Kazuya is also looking forward to tonight's show.

Yusuke smiled, not tearing up the parents' lies.

The time finally came and the TV show started.

(End of this chapter)

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