Chapter 361 361.8 month is over
At this time, everyone also saw the mask in Yusuke's hand, and immediately laughed.

"Rie is right, it is too accurate" Yui said with a smile, looking at Yusuke meaningfully.

"Yusuke is a wolf"

I feel like you are pointing fingers at Sang and scolding Huai!

Everyone put on their masks and continued to visit the festival.

"What's next?" the little nephew asked.

"Why don't we go fishing for goldfish?" Rie thought for a while and replied.

Fishing for goldfish is a must for summer festivals.

After giving the money, everyone got three paper nets and a small bowl, and they were about to start fishing for goldfish.

The paper net is made of ordinary paper. Although it will not rot when exposed to water, it will definitely not be able to bear the weight of the goldfish.

Yui and Rie scrapped several paper nets, and they couldn't find one. Yusuke and Seiko were not much better, but Xiaozhizi was the only one who was so powerful that a paper net could fly. look sideways.

"Little Zhizi, you are so amazing!" Rie said in surprise, "Why are you so familiar?"

"When I was young, I often fished in the river. It was too simple for me," said Xiao Zhizi proudly.

This is another very special skill.

Yusuke and the others got nothing, and in the end it was Xiao Zhizi who caught a lot, and each of them shared a small bag.

"What are you going to play next?" Xiao Zhizi asked with a smile.

It has been a long time since she has experienced so many friends playing together. This is the first time she has been so happy since she came to a big city.

"Let's go play that"

Rarely, this time it was the Holy Son who spoke out.

Shengzi refers to an air gun stand, and there are many people queuing up around the stand. This kind of game is very popular here.

Many people shot guns there, but very few people won. After all, this kind of thing is a big part of gambling.

The stall owner was full of smiles and was very enthusiastic. One could tell at a glance that he had earned a lot tonight.

After the five people gave the money, they each got an air gun.

"I'll try it first!"

Xiao Zhizi picked up the air gun, aimed at the direction and fired directly. The bullet hit the prize, but the prize did not fall down, so it was not a success.

Xiao Zhizi was not angry.

"come again"

After giving the money, he got a new air gun. Xiao Zhizi shot again, and still hit, but the prize still did not fall.


Xiaozhizi is on the bar!

Fired another shot, still did not fall.

"Boss, are you cheating?"

Xiao Zhizi looked at the owner of the stall with a puzzled face, and he was hit three times in a row without falling down, which was very doubtful.


The stall owner directly picked up the prize and showed it to Xiaozhizi, who was immediately embarrassed.

"Sorry, boss"

"It's okay." The stall owner said with a smile, "Do you want to try again?"

Just now, I suspected that the boss made Xiaozhizi a little embarrassed, so I paid the money and played again, but this time the prize still did not fall, so Xiaozhizi stopped.

"Forget it, I'm not lucky tonight," Xiao Zhizi said helplessly.

Yuyi stood up with a smile: "Let me try it"

Yui raised the air gun and fired. The bullet hit the prize just now. The prize shook for a while, but it still didn't fall down.

"Looks like I'm not lucky"

"Then I'll try"

Rie also played, and unexpectedly she didn't win the prize either.

The three of them were a little surprised, this is too evil!
Then the Son said, "Let me try"

The Holy Son picked up the air gun, aimed at the prize, fired, and hit it. The prize shook a few times, but it still didn't fall down.

Several people were shocked, even the boss was very surprised, this luck is too bad!

Hit every time, didn't fall every time, even the stall owner couldn't explain the situation.

"Let me do it," Yusuke stood up.

"Are you okay?" Yui said: "I remember when I was a child, you were the worst at these shooting sports."

Shengzi was a little surprised when he heard that, she had seen Yusuke's shooting, it was 100% accurate, even she couldn't do it, she was so strong that she was inhuman.

But I didn't expect Yusuke to have such a past.

"People will change," Yusuke replied with a smile, picked up the air gun, and fired directly, and the prize fell down the next moment.

Everyone was a little surprised, and then cheered.

The stall owner smiled and took the prize. The prize was a key ring in the shape of a doll. Yusuke gave the prize to Xiaozhizi, and Xiaozhizi was very happy.

"I had the same key ring before, but it disappeared. I didn't expect to find the same one now, thank you boss"

Yusuke nodded, then asked: "What do you want? I'll get it for you"

The stall owner looked at Yusuke in surprise, his tone was so loud!

At this moment, he glanced at his companion, and then suddenly realized.

Teenagers just love presenting!
"I want the puppet above," said the Son, pointing to the puppet above.

It was a white rabbit doll, wearing a skirt and a bow, small and cute.

The Holy Son has a special fondness for rabbits.

Yusuke nodded, "No problem."

Give the money, shoot, and the puppet falls.

The stall owner was a little surprised that he succeeded in one attempt. The young man's luck is really good.

Shengzi held the newly acquired rabbit doll, with a smile on his face, that smile was so dazzling that even Xiao Zhizi was attracted.

"Thank you, Yusuke"

At this moment, there was a trace of tenderness in Yusuke's eyes.

For a moment, Yui and Rie felt a strong sense of threat.

"Yusuke, I want that" Yui said at this moment, drawing Yusuke's attention back.

Yusuke took a look, it was a kitten doll, nodded, "No problem!"

The stall owner thought it was a little funny, not every luck is so good.

But what happened next made him a little suspicious
The boy shot down the doll with one shot, this luck is too bad!
"Where's Rie?"

"I want a puppy doll"

"no problem"

Still shot down.

The stall owner's expression changed, and the way he looked at Yusuke at this time was like looking at a life and death enemy.

Pointing at that, this guy is definitely a loser!
Yusuke smiled and returned the air gun to him, that's all. After all, it's not easy for people to make money.

The stall owner breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and gave Yusuke a doll as a favor not to kill.

Yusuke smiled and took it, and handed it to Xiao Zhizi. It was useless for him to ask for it, and Xiao Zhizi didn't mind, so he just took it.

A group of people are having fun, and it is almost time to set off fireworks.

"Let's release the little fish first," Yusuke said, and they all nodded.

A group of people came to a nearby river, and everyone poured out the bags in their hands, and the small fish fell into the water and went down the river.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the sky, everyone raised their heads, and the fireworks started.

Blossoming fireworks bloomed in the sky, illuminating everyone's faces. Everyone looked at the sky, blankly, without speaking.

After a long time, Xiao Zhizi said, "I don't know if we will have a chance to watch fireworks together next year?"

"There must be a chance," Yusuke replied with a smile, "Let's come and play together again at that time."

Everyone nodded, yes, we are all good friends!

Summer in August is over.

(End of this chapter)

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