Chapter 362 362. New semester

Looking at the turntable in front of me, another new month has begun.

Yusuke prayed silently in his heart, the monthly lottery is the source of his new abilities, even the useless Suxin First Aid Pill can save his life when necessary, so every month A lottery draw is the event that Yusuke is most looking forward to.

After praying, Yusuke pressed the button, the turntable rotated rapidly, and soon, the pointer stopped.

Congratulations on winning: Chef Little Expert!
Young Master Chef: Proficient in various cooking methods, there is a certain chance to trigger special effects.

Special effect?

What the hell!Can it still shine!

This skill is not easy to comment on. If one day I can’t get along anymore, maybe I can rely on this skill to fight back. But usually this skill can only be used to comfort myself by cooking.

Yusuke didn't bother too much, it's good to get a skill for free, so he sorted it out and went downstairs to have breakfast.

Mom was busy in the kitchen, while Aiyi sat on the table and ate.

Aiyi is wearing a beautiful school uniform today, her long black hair is tied into two tails hanging behind her head, her fat baby face is red, she looks very cute, but at this moment her expression is a bit depressed, seeing Yusuke next, listless Say hello.

"Brother, good morning"

"Aiyi, good morning"

Looking at Aiyi's expression, Yusuke knew the reason.

After playing for a summer vacation, every child is tired of studying. Thinking of going to school, even the food in his mouth is not delicious.

"I'm going to school today, you have to listen to the teacher, mom cooks something delicious tonight"

Meihe tried to tempt Aiyi with delicious food, but it seemed to have no effect.

Yusuke, remembering his skills from the morning, walked into the kitchen.

Miwa was a little curious and asked, "Yusuke, what's wrong?"

"I want to make some cooking for Aiyi to cheer her up," Yusuke said with a smile.

Aiyi raised her head in surprise when she heard the words, her brother would actually want to cook something for her, which made her very novel.As far as she knew, my brother had never been in the kitchen. What could he make?

Even Miwa was very curious, so he asked Yusuke to do it himself.

Yusuke took out two eggs and a sausage from the refrigerator.

"So it's fried eggs and sausages." Meihe said with a smile, so it was.

Aiyi was a little disappointed immediately, his brother had never cooked before, so he must have chosen the simplest fried eggs and sausages.

But it's rare for my brother to cook by himself, and to give him face later, he has to eat it even if it's burnt.

Aiyi cheered secretly in her heart.

Of course, it would be even better if you eat a bad stomach, and you don't have to go to school.

Yusuke wanted to fry a sausage and two eggs, implying 100 points.

Although he has the skills of a young chef, he also needs to have a recipe. If he doesn't even know the steps, it can't be considered cooking.

Yusuke had no choice but to cook the simplest dishes, and Yusuke was also a little curious. He didn't know what effect ordinary home-cooked dishes would have on the blessing of skills.

Heating the pan, adding oil, beating eggs, frying eggs, Yusuke's technique is very skillful, as if he has done it many times.

Meihe was not surprised either, who wouldn't know how to fry an egg!

In a few minutes, the omelette was on the pan.

Yusuke put the two eggs flat on the plate, and started to fry the sausage. The sausage was slightly browned, and immediately took it out of the pan, and placed it next to the poached egg, forming a 100-point shape.

Yusuke put the plate in front of Aiyi's table, and Aiyi looked at the plate, and his eyes lit up.

These two fried eggs are so round!The yolks are perfectly round in the middle of the whites, and those are two perfect fried eggs!

Even Meihe was a little surprised, the two omelettes were so beautifully fried.

"Aiyi, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold"

Yusuke said with a smile, he also had some expectations in his heart. With the blessing of his skills, his cooking method seems to have been honed over time. These two fried eggs are definitely the most perfect fried eggs he made. Maybe there is a chance to inspire special emotions. Effect.

Aiyi nodded, picked up the fork with some anticipation, picked up the fried egg, took a bite, and her eyes lit up immediately.

"It's very yummy!"

Aiyi's eyes widened, as if she had eaten something unbelievable, it seemed that this special effect made her come across it.

"Study hard in the new semester," Yusuke reminded.

"I see!" Aiyi said energetically, completely different from the dejected look just now, the whole person is full of vitality.

Yusuke was a little curious, what effect did this add?

If I knew I should fry one more just now, I would try it myself.

After the family had breakfast, Yusuke packed his schoolbags and set off. After waiting at Miyajima's house for a while, Yui came out.

White shirt and plaid lily skirt, long black hair tied into a ponytail, with a red bow on top, the sun shone on her face, her pink cheeks were very bright, Yuyi is still so beautiful today!

Seeing Yusuke, Yui showed a bright smile.

"Yusuke, I've been waiting, let's go."

The two walked together.

The new semester is still the same as before. I came to the long-lost classroom. The students gathered together in twos and threes, talking about the time of the summer vacation. Some were happy, some were depressed, but everyone’s faces were full of youthfulness. That is the vitality that only exists in the student period.

"Yusuke, I haven't seen you for a summer vacation"

Gao Chengmu greeted him with a smile. During the summer vacation, his skin darkened a lot, and his body looked a lot stronger.

"Mu, where are you going to play this summer? How did you become so strong?" Yusuke asked with a smile.

"This summer vacation, I went hiking and exploring with many netizens. I had a great time. How about you?"

"I'm pretty good"

"By the way, congratulations, you won the championship on the Jade Dragon Banner"

"That's nothing"

"I didn't expect your kendo to be so strong. You should have joined the kendo club."

"It doesn't matter anymore." Yusuke replied with a smile: "You still have to be interested in club activities."

"That's right, by the way, I heard you were on TV?"

"Yeah, I was on a variety show once"

"Why don't you say anything?"

Yusuke replied with a smile: "It's not a big deal."

"Based on what you're saying, it doesn't seem like it's a big deal," Gao Chengmu complained helplessly.

"Okay, then next time I will say it in advance"

"Next time? Can you be on TV again?" Gao Chengmu said in surprise, "I feel like what you said is as simple as going to the street to buy groceries."

"I don't know, it depends on the situation"

The response to the last TV program was good. Many viewers watched Yusuke’s performance as if it were a magic trick. Some people called the TV station to ask if it could be broadcast again. So Nakamoto Yuichi had an idea and wanted to have Yusuke perform the show again. .

At the same time, he also wants to bring Yusuke into the entertainment circle. In Nakamoto Yuichi's view, Yusuke is a diamond with great potential. It has not yet bloomed, but as long as the time is right, it will definitely amaze everyone.

Yusuke thought about it, but he didn't agree. The ability of the last program was almost shown. Although he still has many skills, Yusuke didn't want to expose all his trump cards.

"By the way, what about Zhi?"

Yusuke asked, but he hasn't seen Sakata Ji yet.

(End of this chapter)

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